Are tv ads only meant to target black purchasers? In fact, you hardly see boys at all in commercials now. But this study will likely embolden even greater efforts to infuse more diversity in future commercial productions, I bet. If enough people are dissatisfied with the ads they should quit purchasing that companys products and thus let them know how they feel. I do NOT watch any commercials anymore. Ive wanted to ask a black person if they dont just feel really insulted by all this. I am a gay man and i am SICK AND TIRED OF ALL THE LGBTQ BULLCRAP BEING SHOVED DOWN OUR THROATS!!! The dollar is becoming essentially worthless and history clearly shows the connection between the corruption of currency and the decline of civilization in terms of morality, prosperity and material wealth. And getting worse by the day. In England now this also the norm, where the percentage of black people is less than America. Personally I dont know of any white people that held a gun to any of their heads and kept them from going to school or getting a job. You should have a problem. Hell, I have a hard enough time dealing with all my own female hormones and emotions I dont need another girl in the house to contend with (I have two little girls who will soon enough be teens with hormones Ill have to handle as well!) EVERY commercial is mostly blacks. The remote works for us all no matter what race creed or color we are. Good on you for telling advertisers what you think, Greg. I know you are being sarcastic, but anyone who WOULD believe this is simply not living in reality. unless he is placed beside a Nubian Goddess as his love interest or something. Some incorrectly say the need to raise funds and the desire to support real diversity puts universities in a bind. Opinion: Survey Says: Americans Are Dumber Than a Bag of Rocks, he founded Jeremys Razors as an alternative to Harrys,, a brand like Chewy that works so hard to deliver positive experiences. I was astounded at what had happened to tv since my last road trip. Most if not all of the developments in dramatic theater and film tech came from Europe and European artists are discouraged from representation now. In 2021, we will see marketing and advertising campaigns reflect a range of consumer diversity especially among apparel and consumer packaged goods. Have you noticed, even the cartoon commercials contain black, interracial and gay people in them. Black people are seeing themselves everywhere which may strike a few of them as odd, as if white corporate America is shamelessly pandering to them but any warm fuzzies this may bring are likely negated by the fact that blacks in commercials behave just like white people. By comparison there are aprox 4 featuring white male black female. Dan, I think I botched my original reply to you, but all I really wanted to say was thanks. But alot of us are tuning out from media like this. I am glad I am not the only one who has noticed this trend lately. It's never a mixture of an Asian, Indian, Hispanic, Middle eastern men or women in any of these interracial relationships. Listen I know she is one of the best players ever, and I know this might be her last professional appearance. And come to think of it, Hillary Clinton at times sounds blacker than most blacks in commercials. There was a poll released recently that found that nearly a third of the American population felt that they would have to take up arms against the government (ironically, I post this on July 4th). Unfortunately, it will probably take a violent upheaval to reverse everything. I remember the globalist-bent ads for Benneton and when Levis and Coca-Cola began pandering directly to blacks. Wokeness is not fixing our world or ridding it of inequality; its lighting the fuse on a whole set of new problems, some of which look uncomfortably like our old ones. One pet gripe that I have is seeing non-whites portray white people (for reasons of inclusion) in plays and films. As you can see from your anecdote, portrayals in commercials, let alone fictional comedy, are damaging as they affect and reinforce peoples formulation of stereotypes. Some people actually realize advertising is, and always has been, bullshit anyway. And if the definition of racist necessarily requires holding a position of power, then tell me who has power over the hearts and minds of our kids en masse through public institutions and entertainment propaganda: A. rappers, celebrities, certain unnamed conglomerates who happen to operate a HUGE segment of childrens programming, et all? Blm and its little followers are trying to take over the world and that will NEVER HAPPEN!! It has actually made me racist somewhat. I have no reason to protest but seeing it recognized and discussed just made my day! Sadly, I think you are largely correct. Liberal white creative types were so wracked with white guilt the only thing they could think to do to assuage it was to erase white people (esp white men) from advertising. but lets remember its not all of they. The roles have changed and girls no longer need to be saved. Planning and strategy of inclusion and diversity needs a holistic approach which involves most, if not every stakeholder. Poll your current customers, find out what they feel shows diversity and use what they say. Im not talking about changing demographics. I just happen to have two 36 axe handles right here by my desk. And its all so laughably obvious and transparent but were all supposed to act like it isnt happening. The comments to the thread are right on the money too. A Diversity Report for the Advertising/Marketing Industry (2020) November 17, 2020. Forced diversity is not working for me. Just sick of all the whining. But if fitness ads over present black people some of them may say that they target them because people think that only black people are fat. Is it any wonder there is less racial harmony now? Below, they share their best tips for doing so. They are a reflection of a small fraction of modern America which is being conspicuously amplified to unrealistic proportions. Sir, step away from the bandwagon, and slowly back away!, said the advertising police to the insincere advertiser. A gutter had become an actual cess-pitand white folks had virtually disappeared from advertising. I have cancelled my AMEx card. And unfortunately, the frequency of the misrepresentation is only one part of the problem. I am a CAT. Multiracial images have long been used by advertisers, but the current version exploded onto billboards and magazine ads in the late 1980s, when United Colors of Bennetton ads . I cant stand it. The Time for Diversity in Advertising Is Now | Entrepreneur Of course posters, marketing, etc would be mostly white if the country was mostly white. Reflect the realness of your customers in every ad and diversity will naturally follow. Everyone and anyone can use a public library free internet, job searches, self-education are all to be had there. Why is every commercial have blacks and gay people and interracial marriages. They are force-feeding something that is unnatural. And can you imagine if there were commercials promoting white only banks?? They refuse to think critically for themselves; they just believe what theyre told. sorry that seeing non-whites on your tv makes you angry, Hitler. News outlets? So insulting. I know that every generation makes the same claim, but it is only in recent times that we have reached the critical 100yr mark of the Federal Reserve Act being passed. You can search our website for events, press releases, blog posts, and more. Healthy minds recognize differences like this and it niggles away at us because it just doesnt track. And I thought I was the only one who noticed the disappearance of white males! You dont have to be a Rhodes scholar to see the intention behind all of this. Actually, If you watch TV ads in the UK these days, you will see tokenism a group of black people with one white friend. . Please explain what you mean by the statement the other problem is that all of these ads showing black people arent really representative of black people at all? You do know that Black people are not a monolithic group. Whats going on with the weird representation in American advertising? If we targeted blacks, wed cast blacks. Amazing. I agree, but like you, I think the motives run deeper than mere profits. I believe it, Janet. Brave white men fight and win wars defending freedoms but the woke in hollywood abuses that freedom and shuts them out and replaces them with blacks and asians. This is an advertising blog, after all. Sadly I work for a large corporation and for self preservation reasons do not feel comfortable divulging my identity, given that todays social justice warriors will label anyone who even remotely disagrees with their world view as an -ist or a -phobe and will make it their lifes ambition to get said person fired. Dont worry about being politically correct. And it goes beyond just media. Subliminally the affect is that white females should be dating black males or are supposed too. Thank you! I used to work in IT and whenever there was a black hiring manager, theyd hire 75-80% black employees. Do you actually expect TV commercials to accurately represent life? Charlton Heston got famous for playing non-Christian Biblical characters. . The greatest losses in life occur because we do not know what we do not know. I dont own slaves and neither did any of my ancestors (poor immigrants). as when car company Acura was forced to apologize in 2012 after putting out a casting call for a Super Bowl ad featuring a Black . Agreed on all points! Advertising clearly misrepresents the US demographic. To get more information about these cookies and the processing of your personal data, check our Privacy and Cookie Policy. My question is how do so many different advertisers all develop the exact same racist propaganda? This trend is NOT about money. Dont make assumptions about your audience. theres no such thing as reverse discrimination. Great post, Anonymous. In addition, they are the highest paid athletes in the world (basketball and football) and take home 75% of the coveted music awards each year. Im guessing you just watched Karate Kid? I too am a die hard liberal when it comes to social issues but bristle at the not so subtle attempts to disenfranchise the white race and even the male gender. They are also becoming the professionals on sitcoms, fire chief, head surgeon, police chief etc with whites reporting to them. I agree. If you took commercials seriously, you would think the most pressing problem in the lives of young American women is avoiding split ends and shaving their crotches, that normal people do cartwheels after getting a $5 refund on their taxes, or that married couples often give each other new cars for Christmas. The Davos crowd is trying to destroy America because our Christianity and freedom-loving traditions stand in their way. There are upper middle class black people who do and buy things that other upper middle class people do. They did this by acting white, wearing white clothing styles, talking with a white dialect, and going to piano recitals. I am truly sorry for what people of color had to endure throughout early American history but white people today had nothing to do with what happened 100, 200 years ago. 5% are other religions. And I 100% agree with what you said about the relationship between art, truth, and propaganda. And no wonder. It would definitely save money in making the stupid ads, unless there is some stupid union actors contract to deal with. Im tired of woke, condescending BS. Im still postulating. And therefore will feel comfortable buying products from companies that support diversity. Actually, it was breakfast cereal companies who, 100 years ago, propagandized breakfast as the most important meal of the day. Ethnic Diversity In Advertising Is At All-Time High - HuffPost UK And yet we cant say Merry Christmas. I wouldnt buy the product for a penny let alone what they are selling it for. No worries, SL. By the way, everyone has chromosomes. The contrast between todays media and the real world is truly striking. As a 73 year old white male. Yeah, Im not seeing how follow the money works here. Yours is a perfect example of how the current push for forced diversity is having real, negative consequences on people, on industries, and on the culture. As someone who, like you, has been down his share of rabbit holes, I agree. If more ad people want to be activists, this idiocy of Progression will ALWAYS INCREASE because the ACTIVISTS need JOBS! Isnt it just a little bit racist of advertisers to tell us that blacks and other people of color must walk, talk, dress and behave like white people, and partake in activities favored by whites, in order to be successful? I never watch commercials or ads. Whatever the reason for it, white males are the bungling idiots of the ad world, just as theyve been for years and will continue to be for as long as the culture deems them toxic. The ANA asks you to accept cookies for performance, social media and advertising purposes. 61% of Americans find diversity in advertising important.