(*) NOSTRADAMUS (1503-1566) - Admitted to using pagan style astrology and pagan (demonic!) Anyone needing clarification, especially tCHandle += "_Hover"; Call (225) 687-7590 or what can i bring on a cruise royal caribbean today! pseudo-pen name assumed by an anonymous monk attached to the heretical 'Fraticelli' during the Western Schism of the medieval period. 'OUR LADY OF ANGUERA' BRAZIL (1987 to present day)--no official position from the Church yet, but obvious strange contradictions in the messages, something is 'off'. (*) SR. MARY EPHREM NEUZIL ' OUR LADY OF AMERICA' (1956-1959): (*) WILLIAM KAMM (also WILLIAM COSTELLIA) 'LITTLE PEBBLE'- (1950 to present day): (*) APPARITIONS of GARABANDAL (1961-1965). It follows the highlights of the article Christina Gallagher, July 16, 2021, comprising an urgent, supreme appeal to the salvation of humanity. Obvious forgery, contains encouragement to spread unapproved "new mysteries" of the Rosary based on the Fatima apparitions -- the apparitions are not dogma, are not based on Biblical scriptures, and we are not even required to believe in for salvation. A work of the Devil. recently condemned by the Holy See as 'not supernatural'. Yet even more will do so in a short time. We must love everyone, and even if others cannot recognize Christ in those who are the weakest of His little ones, we must do so. ---no proof she existed, signs of a hoax / forgery. misled? Gallagher, who founded the House of Prayer on Achill Island, Co Mayo, has persuaded her followers to voluntarily hand over millions of euro since opening the doors to her centre in 1993, as she regularly claims to have received messages from the Virgin Mary and Jesus. // End --> There is supposed to be an aura of spirituality there, as told to us by a woman Consider the number of people more professional, educated, and intelligent While this was then attempted by the Archdiocese, I became increasingly perturbed by an apparent absence of enthusiasm on the parts of Mrs Gallagher and her associates. Also, seems to distract from the rosary, the promises say you can ONLY use this specific set of beads to get the promises for the unborn, but what about the traditional ROSARY itself, not to mention indulgened beads that have touched relics, etc? Red flag: St. Pio also 'claimed' to bring about his own death as a 'sacrifice'.