We should always pray to Allah the Merciful that our lives benefit the Ummah and our hard work is accepted in the hereafter. Abu Hurairah May Allah be pleased with him often had stones tied to his stomach to lessen the hunger. He accepted Islam at the hands of Tufayl ibn Amr, the chief of Daws tribe. Narrated by Ibn Abd al-Barr in al-Jaami, no. A non Hufaz should recite 1 Juz of Quran a day and the Hufaz should recite 3 Juz daily. Create an account, If you do not have an account, you can click the button below to create one, Create new account the time interval a person spent in the presence of Prophet Muhammad . the number of times one met Prophet Muhammad or saw him. The Shia claim that Muhammad announced his successor during his lifetime at Dawat Zul Asheera[20] then many times during his prophethood and finally at the event of Ghadir Khumm. Why do you condemn the Sahaba, when the Qur'an praises them? During the battle of Uhud, he sensed the potential threat to the Prophet's life. Please keep it up. 13 Rights of Animals in Islam, Animal rights according to Quran and Hadith. Talha Ibn Ubaidullah He was known as the living martyr due the number of injuries he sustained at Uhud. They will find no one on earth to be their lord and master. [12], The Shia[13][14] as well as some Sunni scholars like Javed Ahmad Ghamidi and Amin Ahsan Islahi state that not every individual who met or had accidentally seen Muhammad can be considered a companion. Abu Hudhaifah Ibn Utbah He was an early convert to Islam who was martyred at Yamama. The Views Of Ahlus-Sunnah Towards The Sahaba - Islamic Web ISLAMOPHOBIA-Do you Fear Islam or do you fear Allah? They should not be like the followers of previous scriptures whose hearts became hardened with time and, consequently, many of them turned wicked. Some of you were apt to listen to them. [9:74] They swear by GOD that they never said it, although they have uttered the word of disbelief; they have disbelieved after becoming submitters. Sahaba In Islam or Companions of Prophet Muhammad - AskIslamPedia SimplyIslam Academy, a subsidiary of SimplyIslam.sg, is an onlineIslamic education centre, delivering quality Islamic courses via online since early 2021. Find your Role Model in the Sahabah - MuslimMatters.org Their whole lives were spent for the sake of Allaah and what book is big enough to contain the lives of hundreds of the Sahaabah who filled the world with goodness and righteousness? All Rights Reserved. He was named Abdul Rehman by the Prophet Muhammad . Log in, // Not only was Abu Ubaida loyal but he had a strong sense of responsibility towards Prophet Muhammad . GOD promises THOSE AMONG THEM who believe, and lead a righteous life, forgiveness and a great recompense.". Prophet Companions. Usamah Ibn Zaid He was the son of Zaid Ibn Haritha and the Prophet (pbuh) appointed him as a leader when he was still a teenager. He simply answered that he had room to sleep in and that was enough for him. Abu Hurayra is wiping his nose with a cloth from Kattaan whereas there was a time when I seen myself fall down unconscious in front of Prophet Muhammads pulpit and the room of Aa'isha. Some posts may contains affiliate links and ads which help us in running the website.We are not related to 3rd party ads that shows up in our website. God put in their way the truth, even in these books, so they have no excuse on the Last Day. He is a mercy for those among you who believe." From the traditions (hadith) of the life of Muhammad and his companions are drawn the Muslim way of life (sunnah), the code of conduct (sharia) it requires, and the jurisprudence (fiqh) by which Muslim communities should be regulated. [9:58] Some of them criticize your distribution of the charities; if they are given therefrom, they become satisfied, but if they are not given therefrom, they become objectors. The second quality which the Sahaba possessed was the quality of Solah with concentration and devotion. Iman: See 25:30. The people in the house disagreed, and they argued. So acknowledge their virtue and follow in their footsteps, and adhere as much as you can to their morals and religion, for they were following right guidance. Can anyone think that this would be given to one who does not deserve that bounty? But their description in the Injeel (Gospel) is like a (sown) seed which sends forth its shoot, then makes it strong, and becomes thick and it stands straight on its stem, delighting the sowers, that He may enrage the disbelievers with them. Ikrimah Ibn Abi Hakam He was the son of Abu Jahl, and died a martyr at Yarmook. ". She loves reading and writing in her free time. These are no believers, and, consequently, GOD has nullified their works. Say, "Who can protect you from GOD, if He willed any adversity for you, or if He willed any blessing for you?" Is Saudi Arabia considering cancelling Hajj 2020, Meaning and Explanation of 99 Names of Allah -Part 5 (Seeking help with Asma ul Husna ) Series. Rashidun | History, Caliphs, & Facts | Britannica [8:27-28] "O you who believe, do not betray GOD and the messenger, and do not betray those who trust you, now that you know. They have been made Saints by the ignorant and traditional Muslims alike. So whatever theythink is good, is good before Allah, and whatever they think is bad, is bad before Allah. (Abdullah Ibn Masood). But the tale of his bravery doesn't stop here; wherever he was given an obligation he did it with honesty and diligence. Nothing like what you describe happened, no one disobeyed the prophet at all. Ammar Ibn Yasir The son of Yasir Ibn Amir. GOD rewards those who are appreciative.". The stingy are stingy towards their own souls. The 'ulemaa have identified six main qualities, and if we can learn them and bring them into our lives, it will make the practice of the whole of deen much easier. Fathima She is the leader of the women of Paradise. If you turn away, He will substitute other people in your place, and they will not be like you. According to Shi'as, the Sahaba were no different to the rest of the Muslims in this regard, and the veracity or justice of each companions would need to be established separately. And there are other cases in which some of the Sahaabah committed sins, then Allaah, may He be exalted, pardoned them and forgave them, which is indicative of their virtue and honour and that cannot be undermined by any mistake that they made during the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) or after he died. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Sad Ibn Muadh He was the leader of the Aus tribe, and was martyred after the Battle of the Trench. Saeed Ibn Zaid He was one of the blessed ten, husband of Fathima Bint Khattab and the son of the famous Zaid Ibn Amr Ibn Nufail. In trying to deceive GOD and those who believe, they only deceive themselves without perceiving. How will it be when a disaster hits them, as a We should not be reading these accounts of Sahabas as some stories. Their destiny is Hell; what a miserable abode! Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq He was the Prophets (pbuh) chosen companion for the Hijrah. God in the Quran told us about those who believe, then disbelieve then believe again then disbelieve, see 4:137, which reminds us that once you blessed with becoming a believer, there is not a guarantee that you stay a believer. Anyone who turns back on his heels, does not hurt GOD in the least. "* GOD knows that you are His messenger, and GOD bears witness that the hypocrites are liars. Rather they were human beings like any others. While some scholars consider "Sahaby", any one who just witnessed the Prophet, even once, and irrespective of his age others insist that such a person should be of adult age and should have at least two years of companionship of the Prophet. The third generation of Muslims after the Tbi'n, who knew at least one Tbi, are called tbi' al-tbi'n. [21], Shias consider that any hadith where Muhammad is claimed to have absolved all abah from sin is a false report by those who opposed the Ahl al-Bayt.[22]. We will double the retribution for them, then they end up committed to a terrible retribution. Another incident which justifies his excellent memory is once when Marwaan bin al Hakim wanted to test his ability to memorize and invited him over. Paradise). Abdullah Ibn Rawaaha He was the poet who defended Islam with his words. Battle of Burs (636) Battle of Babylon (636) Siege of Ctesiphon (637) Battle of Nahavand (642) Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman ( Arabic: , romanized : udhayfah ibn al-Yamn ), or pronounced Huthaifah or Huzaifah (died in 656), was one of the Sahabah (companion) of the Islamic prophet . They acted as if they were being driven to certain death. Please read the whole seerah and you will understand the no muslim at the time of Prophet, specially the Sahaba would never disobey the Prophet. When they are told, "Come to what GOD has revealed, and to the messenger," you see the hypocrites shunning you completely. He told them something memorable, as they gathered around him "Beware of sedition". Recite Durood, Istighfaar and 3rd Kalimah 100 times each in the morning and evening. Stay updated with our weekly newsletters! 'Abd Rabb al-Ansari al-Khazraji, Al-Mughira b. al-Harith b. They will come to you then and swear by GOD: "Our intentions were good and righteous!" You see them bowing and prostrating, as they seek GOD's blessings and approval. "companions"; sing. The Companions of the Prophet (Arabic: ; a-aba meaning "the companions", from the verb meaning "accompany", "keep company with", "associate with") were the disciples and followers of Muhammad who saw or met him during his lifetime, while being a Muslim and were physically in his presence. The two largest Islamic denominations, the Sunni and Shia, take different approaches to weighing the value of the companions' testimonies, have different hadith collections and, as a result, have different views about the abah.[2]. ", [48:29] "Muhammad - the messenger of GOD - and those with him are harsh and stern against the disbelievers, but kind and compassionate amongst themselves. Others agreed with what Umar said. A Sahabi is one who has met Prophet Muhammad , believed in what he preached and died as a Muslim. Last verses of Surah al Imran-Learning Sabr, Ribat and Taqwa. 1. The Messenger of Allh ( allallhu 'alayhi wa sallam) titled him as "Al- Faruq"the Criterion between good and evil. Amazing Stories of Sahabah (Companions) of Prophet Muhammad This is the best [for you], and best in the end. He was disciplined and spoke with such captivating logic that people around him naturally inclined towards him. is not in their hearts. So, that includes the one who remained with him for a long or a short time, and those who narrated from him and those who did not, and those who saw him but did not sit with him and those who could not see him due to blindness.[4]. Turkey Earthquake Appeal - Emergency Aid for Victims. His manner of speech is described by one of the Sahabi "as if light and pearls were emanating from his mouth rather than speech". Your single share means a lots to us.Republishing the article is permitted on the condition of proper attributes and link. [15] In other words, companion is used to refer to sahaba of the prophet who were in a long-term relationship with him and support him in an essential event up to their death.[14]. This is because they broke their promises to GOD, and because of their lying. GOD is fully aware of their innermost intentions. His most ardent belief was to teach people to learn whatever they like to learn, yet he also emphasized that Allah will not make your learning worthwhile unless you practice what you have learned. They utter with their tongues what Who is a Companion of the Prophet Muhammad ? Just as there are many verses and ahaadeeth which speak of their virtue and high status, so too there are texts which state the reasons why they deserved this high status, such as the verse in which Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah. Zainab She was the Prophets eldest daughter and passed away during his lifetime. Due to her strong memory, she gave unequalled service in the transmission of hadith and Sunnah to later generations. A Sahabi is one who has met Prophet Muhammad , believed in what he preached and died as a Muslim. ", Saeed Ibn Al Musayeb said his father said, the Prophet said, "Some of my companions (Sahaba) will go to a river in Paradise, but they will be taken away, so I will call on God, "My companions (Sahaba)," but I will be told, "You do not know what they did after you. Then He looked into the hearts of His slaves after the heart of Muhammad, and He found that the hearts of his companions were the best of peoples hearts, so He made them the supporters of His Prophet, who fought for His religion. Yasir Ibn Amir Husband of Sumayya, he was the first male martyr to die for Islam. The Messenger of God will complain to God on the Last Day, that the Muslims DESERTED THE QURAN (not the hadith and sunna). Abu Sufyan He fought against Islam most of his life, eventually converted and from his progeny came the first Muslim dynasty. In view of such admonitions, the Shia have different views on each abiyy, depending on what they accomplished. Khabbab ibn al-Aratt. shall ignore them, enlighten them, and give them good advice that may save their souls. The Sahaabah (r.a.a.) Add a comment. [63:1] When the hypocrites come to you they say, "We bear witness that you are the messenger of GOD. He lived a long life and died during the civil war. Mu'aadh ibn jabal is one of the Ansaar Sahabi who accepted Islam and vowed in the second pledge of Al Aqabah. In Islam, companions of Muammad are classified into categories including the Muhajirun who accompanied Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, the Ansar who lived in Medina, and the Badriyyun who fought at the Battle of Badr. [47:29-30] Did those who harbor doubts in their hearts think that GOD will not bring out their evil thoughts? It had been a month of ongoing siege and the Sahabas had reached the highest level of hunger and cold. ", [8:25] "Beware of a retribution that may not be limited to the evildoers among you. the narrator asked. One day he returned to Makkah from one of his trading journeys. Muawiyah Ibn Abi Sufyan He was the first Muslim king and founder of the Umayyad Dynasty. Khadija Bint Khuwailid She was the Prophets first wife and the first believer too. To counteract, many hadiths were invented to raise the status of the "Sahabas" and defend them and make ALL of them good and righteous people. Hudhaifa hurriedly asked the soldier next to him what his name was, thus securing his position without any fight. But Allaah, indeed, has forgiven them. According to Sunni scholars, Muslims of the past should be considered companions if they had any contact with Muhammad, and they were not liars or opposed to him and his teachings. ONLY GOD knew them. Copyright SimplyIslam Academy. Zainab Bint Jahsh She was the Prophets cousin and married to him through Surah Al-Ahzaab. His complete name is Abdul Rehman Bin Sakhar adDoosi. of their Faith) is on their faces (foreheads) from the traces of prostration (during prayers). Sahaba-e-Akraam RadiAllah anhu were accepted because of their Sifat. Forgive us and our brethren who have preceded us in Faith, and put not in our hearts any hatred against those who