With all of the family love he had seen by the circus folk, and how family is very important to them, he began to miss his own family, and he finally listened to all of the voicemails they had left on his phone. Mature. Lincoln thinks she's like any other girl, since she's just like her new sisters. Please put me down please I just ate?. -So did you like the show? asked Lincoln. All right ladies and gentlemen, now we come to what you've probably all been waiting for. How dumb are you to literally do all of these dumb things over and over again?! -If only you guys knew what it's like back home with ten sisters. Lincoln: I have to catch that rat before Lori or Leni see it! (to Lincoln) You've really done it this time, twerp! When circumstances allow for some of the family to visit Loch Loud once more, Lincoln reveals some unsettling, previously unmentioned ties to the Loud's ancestral home that could end up changing everything. All of his sisters gasped, and ran up the stairs to see if he had really gone. Did I become a flu zombie or something like that? Reports say 14 year old Lincoln Loud began shooting at around 9:00 this morning. Lori: Oh come on Leni! Lori: Good punch line, but can you tell who killed Lincoln? Lisa: Can you name the animals in this picture? -What do you mean Lincoln? asked Mr. Rolan. Lincoln looked to the audience to deliver his final monologue, I'll never do something like that again, but thanks to this whole experience I feel like I'm closer to my family than ever before. AND YOU BROKE IT! -I love all of you to, said Lincoln, as he and his family all engaged in one last group hug. In one particular room stood the only boy, Lincoln Loud. On a Wednesday Morning. It's been very tough to put up with, Leni. (It then cuts to another flashback, where Lincoln is taking out the garbage), (Suddenly, a broomstick falls into his hands). -Mr Rolan, you got to come see what Lincoln can do, said Bruno. Lincoln: How can anything that smells like grape shoe polish help my body get well. Lori: (calm tone) Don't leave soccer balls outside your room, Lincoln almost tripped on them. -Okay buddy now it's time to show them your trick with Daisy, said Skip, as Lincoln went up to Daisy, so they could start. When his stomach grumbled, he got up on his crutches and tried to go outside. Bongo and Daisy are kinda like my siblings, said Skip, the three of us are always hanging out, and they're my best friends,, -Yes, it's non-traditional, said Mr. Palmer, but living in the circus is a great way of life., -Unlike other kids, I'm surrounded by animals, and eccentric people everyday, and get applauded by cheering crowds, said Skip, it really is the coolest life in the world., -Wow! -But when all is said and done, we're always there for each other, and always remember the most important thing in life, is family, said Ezra. Lisa: Throat is pretty swollen up and mangled. -I've never seen someone so young, become accustomed so fast in all my years as a performer, said Ezra. I would understand if it was someone like Luna or Leni. -Allow me to introduce myself. The Multiverse Saga. -Great to meet you Lincoln, said Bruno as he lifted up Lincoln, and put him back down. * Lincoln: *is reading a comic book on his bed* Rated: Fiction M- English - Chapters: 578 - Words: 366,525 - Reviews: 6,978- Favs: 352 - Follows: 369 - Updated: 11/26/2020- Published: 9/17/2016- id: 12153129 + - Full3/41/2 ExpandTighten -Nice to meet you to sir, said Lincoln, somewhat weirded out. qu pasar con las dems cuando la polica arresta a sus padres por negligencia?, sera un camino largo y dificil para que todos encuentren el bienestar perdido y el amor. Bruno lifted the bench with ease, and the crowd applauded. What if he doesn't come to my wedding? Why can't my family be more like yours? said Lincoln. But now I realize, that NOTHING, can ever beat how much I cared for you Lincoln, and I'm sorry! Now, since it's so boring in here, I've asked everyone in the house if they wanted to do something, but they're all too busy at the moment. -All right mates, get back in there, said Tobias, as he led his big cats back into their separate cages, as his act came to an end. and thanks to Lisa, two familiar faces will be joining him. Just then the phone rang, and Lynn Sr. went to pick it up. When a space rock crash lands in the loud family's backyard, Lisa loud began to run some tests on it. One of the issues I always had with The Loud House was that I always found Lori to be a very bossy and disrespectful character most of the time, hence why she's easily my least favorite sister. Lynn Jr: Rawr Rawr. En esta historia estar subiendo lemons de cualquier serie o creepypasta que pidan, habr lemons normales, hasta los mas raros, lo mismo va para los ships, desde los ships mas conocidos hasta los ships mas raros, espero y los disfruten. Mr. Rolan took the flier, and looked at it. Once it is there. But Lori? -We're really glad to have you on board Lincoln, said Mr. Palmer, and we couldn't have added someone more spirited than you., -Thanks everybody, this is really flattering, said Lincoln, and it's so great to have someone appreciate me., -Not to worry Lincoln, as long as you're a part of this show, you're a part of the greatest family show in the world, said Mr. Rolan, Now come on everyone, lets go celebrate with a great meal.. -Besides Lincoln, you have to learn to get along. I can't let the same thing happen between me and Lincoln. Pfft, I can do that, said Lynn, as her sisters rolled there eyes. (slams the door in front of Lori), (Lori gave out another sigh, as she headed outside to find Lana in the mud). WARNING: This story has a VERY dark tone behind it, and contains scenes with blood. of Lincoln trying to keep his ten adult sisters happy. Lori: And here's one more for good measure! leniloud theloudhouse lisaloud +14 more # 2 Lincoln: Loud Ace Of Crime by Alex Debi 28.6K 358 53 I ended up choosing a circus as the people Lincoln meets up with, because I thought it served as a metaphor for Lincoln's whole setup. (Lori picked Lincoln up and threw him towards his room. Suddenly, blood began to come out from underneath Lincoln), (Lori looks down to her younger sisters, who were cowering in fear), (Lily started to cry by the sight of Lori. Before he could hit the ground, Lori quickly ran in and caught him). There's been so many times that Lori has done these very anger-enducing things. Good evening boys and girls. All of his sisters sans Leni, Luna, and Lily laughed. You and your jokes are getting pretty wild at this moment. Los senderos de la vida pueden ser enigmticos e inesperados, algo que Lincoln conoce en primera persona, en slo 5 aos, su vida haba experimentado grandes cambios. Lisa: Mom. -It's been so great being with you guys, and I've learned so much about how family is important. I'm the oldest sibling, and I'm still the one running things in this room! Lincoln: L-Lori! My name is Lincoln, Lincoln Loud. -Would you look at that, said Mrs. Palmer. Rule number two, and I'll repeat this again! It doesn't just happen automatically, said Mr. Rolan. Luan: Going to school when you have a fever is snot the best idea. Lincoln: Oh gosh, Lori's probably gonna kick me off any minute now. -Wouldn't trade it for the world, who am I kidding, I'd trade this away in a heartbeat. (Lynn and Lucy followed their parents home. Lincoln took the slide down, and as he walked off, he took one last look at the house, and seemed to really be thinking about what he's doing, but he finally turned around, and walked off. -Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Palmer this is very kind of you, said Lincoln. Sure, she's sometimes really horrible towards me, but at least I know that she still deeply cares about me and learns from her past experiences. Work Search: I don't think I've ever seen monkeys this well trained before, said Lana. -No, I'm an orphan, and I don't have a home. They're actually funny, said Lola. Lynn Sr: Be careful when doing that LJ. Suddenly, Lori closed the door in front of her and let out a groan). -He's still in one piece Leni, said Lucy. I didn't mean to treat you so horribly in those past few years. The following morning the circus was all set, and Lincoln was in the big top having his final moments with Bongo and Daisy. Im looking for someone who would like to take on an online script role play for fun based off the 2021 Netflix movie, The Loud House movie. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use. It's kind of a shame too, because it's always a lot of fun spending time with my sisters. It all starts out in the Loud House. Lori: Lynn, can you lift that mess over Lana, (Lynn tries to lift up the fallen floor but more of it falls on Lisa and her, killing them both(, Lori: Okay, now that's out of the way, let's get back to the point, (Lucy appers poking at Lincoln's dead body), (Luna and Leni gets crushed to death by a fall piece of the floor), Luan: Yes (She grabs the gun) I did it like this. -Whoa! You're very strong, said Lincoln. They're having a lot of fun) Luan: I didn't that was a joke too, you might say this mystery kinda Kills (Laughs) Get It? -Now what am I gonna do?, he asked to himself as he hit the far corner of his room, and the slide Lisa had installed as a secret escape was still there. F-Frank got out of-! I have to get you back before Lori finds me in here! Lincoln: (rises from his bed) I don't feel so good. Your family is even bigger than mine, and you all get along great. Lori: Oh Lincoln! -This is all your fault! shouted Lola towards Lori. Lincoln: Dad will you tell Lynn to leave me alone?. The female clown came out, and slipped while bringing out a cake, and the cake hit one of the clowns in the face, and the crowd laughed. Uhh. Toffee Cocoa Cuddles Murders Harold McBride. It has been a few weeks since the "No Such Luck" incident. what exactly did I find?. -Yeah! -I'm not an orphan. Well, I decided to take that negative feedback into mind and design a story where Lori's behavior ends . Several other students were wounded. In Chapter 10, the Loud sisters have been shunned by all their friends and classmates with Lynn Jr. being kicked out of all sports teams. Maybe I'll go see what everyone's doing. -Yeah! First time posting here. Not a country. -An eccentric bunch, but very kind nonetheless, said Lisa, with the rest of the sisters all agreeing with her. (Lori forcefully throws Lincoln out of her room, as the flashback ends and goes back to Lincoln's room). Rita: I will call your teacher and tell her that you aren't feeling so good. Lincoln continued to search, and all the other motels he came across had no vacancy. You always have to be honest with family, and I'm sorry to say I haven't been very honest with you.. The rest of that week was an amazing time for Lincoln with the Rolan Circus, having one well received show after another, and the circus loving their new family member. Lincoln looked towards the audience, Well here's the start of my new life. Language: English Words: 8,536 Chapters: 10 /? -Thank you! said Leni. -Gotcha! said the barker, as he approached Lincoln. Your son is a very special boy, but before he goes home I have one thing to ask of you.. This is Episode Fanfiction Careful or Careless. There was a rat in your room! We should like, do it again sometime! Its an alternative Ending Creepypasta. (The roof starts creaking a drops on Lana killing her, Lisa comes in from the hole from her room), Lisa: Move now siblings, I have a potion to revive our male sibling, (Lisa uses the syrum on Lincoln but it does'nt work), Lisa: I've jumped to the conclusion that our male sibling is dead. You're probably wondering why I'm upset. You'll have the best seats in the house.. Hope you like it! -Well I believe that's everybody, said Mr. Rolan, Now Lincoln if you would kindly follow the Palmers they'll lead you to where you'll be staying tonight.. Lincoln was in his room and he sighs. What seems to be the problem elder brother? -Lincoln's gone! screamed Lynn Sr., as he held up the piece of paper that read Goodbye and Good Riddance!. -Awful lot of bags there kid, said the ticket guy. Lisa: Let me listen to your heart Lincoln. Bobby's about to show me our anniversary gift since we first met! He looked through some of his belongings, and while searching through his backpack he noticed something was in there, he hadn't before. Lincoln began to cry, as he hugged the picture. -Thank you so much for your help, said Rita to the two police officers, as they left to continue the search. Predator on the move. My first Loud House fanfic featuring an original character, Logan Loud, younger brother of Lincoln Loud. Lincoln continued to hang with the Palmers and their primates, and even started to partake in their practice. -We'll miss you to Lincoln, said Mr. Rolan, but you belong here in Royal Woods, and don't worry you will always be an honorary part of this circus family.. But this- this was something else. :What can I do for you?. Inside the basket were a banner with The Rolan Circus logo on it, a plush gorilla, a few balloon animals, cotton candy, and a few other little souvenirs from the circus folk. Elastic Ezra was next, with his full contortionist act that impressed the audience, but also weirded out a few of Lincoln's sisters. Let me get Mr. Rolan, said Bruno, as he walked out of the big top to inform Mr. Rolan. Even if they end up pregnant. The grand finale was a stunt man getting fired out of a cannon. Albert asks Lincoln if can he really hate his own family forever. What am I doing? But it is darker than any other of his plans. (Leni hands Lincoln her phone, and he looks at the game), (Lincoln inputs the answer, getting it correct). Lincoln was right! Lisa: I will be right back. One day, his parents find a girl living on the streets- and adopt her as a surprise for the Loud kids. Sebastian the Stunning came out next with his magic act. Still no luck.. Lori, Leni y Lincoln fueron echados de la casa Loud, qu pasar con ellos? -We'll also keep in touch, and call you from time to time, said Tobias. -Or maybe your ear shattering noise is what left him on a sour note, but Luan didn't laugh at her own joke, as she and Luna also began to argue. Lincoln: That's why my family needs a doctor in the house. No wonder Lincoln ran away, said Leni. Just a few more things to have from your time in the circus.. You're right! -No need to be so modest Lincoln, said Tobias. Mr. Palmer brought out the big hoop, and Daisy lifted up Lincoln, as she prepared to aim him at the hoop. The rest of the circus applauded at receiving a new member to their circus family. Lori: Well guess what? Lori: Yeah, but I've got some important business to do. (Lincoln turns around to see Lori standing in front of him, looking angry). as they got up to go have their dinner. (Lincoln rushed into Lori and Leni's room, and saw the rat head underneath the desk. The waitress came to give him a refill on his soda, and noticed all of the bags he had with him. -This house felt empty without you Lincoln, said Leni, as the whole family got close to Lincoln. Lori: (turns towards Leni) That's no excuse Leni! Because of this, Lincoln ricochet off the door and fell down the stairs. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! There weren't too many people who shared Lynn's vast enthusiasm for sports, except for, maybe, her father, Lynn Loud Sr. Then, the others came back home). Join Rudy Loud the Bastard Son of Lincoln as he and his Siblings (Loan, Leina, Lyra, Liby, Lyle, Lacy, Lupa, Lizy, Leia and Lulu) take you all across their Crazy Lives along with their parents. Lori: Lincoln, I was being stupid. The finale with the entire cast of the circus came to a musical end, and the big top exploded with thunderous cheers and applause from the entire crowd. I was trying to catch it! -Leni we have to get home, there's nothing more we can do at this time, said Lori sadly. -Well guys, said Lincoln, as he spoke to his family, we have ten hours till the show tonight, during that time I can introduce you guys to all my new friends. Lori puts Lincoln down and Lincoln introduces his family to the Rolan Circus, and they were more than happy to meet each other. This is another NSL fanfic that shows a different take from the first NSL fanfic that I've made which is still ongoing. Meanwhile the police showed up at the Loud residence, and Lynn Sr. went to speak with them. -We know! said the circus folk in unison. Here it is, enjoy. Ouch! she said, as she got back up. Lincoln: Dang it! -Very well Lincoln, we have an extra bed right here you can sleep in, said Mrs. Palmer. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Lori: (in her head) Wait, Lori! (Leni headed downstairs, while Lori looked really upset. Lincoln is sick so I am a doctor. Lincoln rolled down the window, and waved to his circus friends with all of them waving back, as Vanzilla drove off. Lincoln: I do not feel well. Later that night, Lori headed into her room to get ready for bed, when she noticed that Leni was taking her pillows and blanket off her bed). Lynn: Always have to tattle to mommy and daddy huh Linc, , as Lola and Lana laughed at him. -Goodnight! said the manager, as Lincoln walked out of the motel. Lincoln got tossed, and he went through the hoop successfully, and the crowd was amazed and applauded. He wondered how long he would stay here, and where exactly he would find his new life. The girls all rush to the window, and see Lynn Sr. and Rita wheeling Lincoln outside the van), (All the sisters run outside, with Lori being the last one to walk out. -This is Ezra, said Skip, as he introduced Lincoln to the contortionist. Lincoln was age 6 when they last went. Well come on everybody, we're on next, and the the Palmers, along with Lincoln and the primates all walked out to be introduced. Mr. Rolan was sitting in his office when Bruno came in. Lincoln: Y'know, all that fun made me think there's something I forgot to do. Lucy: He even referred to you as a "monster". I will never forget you guys. Lincoln felt his phone vibrate, but when he saw it was Lori calling him he ignored it, and didn't respond. I'm sorry! Afterwards Mr. Rolan came out to introduce the next act, which was of course the Palmers and Lincoln. Bongo then began his solo act with Skip and Lincoln, as he went onto the beach ball and began to balance on it, while Skip and Lincoln tossed him the spheres to juggle. The clowns, horse ladies, trapeze artists and acrobats waved at him, and one of clowns made a honking noise with a horn. Not really an Lori and Lincoln romantic ship unless you want it to be. Lisa comes into Lincoln's room with the flaslight. Friend #1: How could you hurt me like that?! As he walked up to the line he waited until he reached the ticket booth. Afterwards, I probably would've gone back to doing what I love doing most! (voice breaks) And all the things I accidentally did to your things?! And don't forget to shake well before using. The story takes place after the Loud family kick Lincoln out of the house after believing he is bad luck; The Louds in the first two chapters. Lincoln Loud, two weeks after being diagnosed with Autism, protecting his sister and mom from their drunk, combative father, The Loud siblings and a single mom, Rita, must now adapt to life without a father. However it was far too late, as Lincoln was already on a Gray Hound bus leaving Royal Woods. And let me tell you, I love Lori, I love all of my sisters, but if I had to say which sister makes me annoyed all the time, it would be Lori. I originally didn't have much interest in writing fan fiction, and this was originally going to be my last. Lori picked him up, and hugged him very tightly, I've really missed you Linc, said Lori as she teared up. -WHERE IS HE? said all of the sisters, as they all came up to the door. (Lori hugged her brother again, but much gentler than before). -Cool! Ranges from mostly Fluff to hardcore Smut. Lincoln Loud, A boy who is mistreated by his family and friends because his 'BAD LUCK' thanks to his sister Lynn jr who blamed him for loosing a baseball game (stupid ri What if Lincoln can feel the force? . Lincoln Loud was labeled as bad luck by his sisters and was locked out of his house. -We have good news, said the first cop, your son has been found.. Pero cuando alista todo para su partida, se topa con nio de cabello blanco que le resulta extraamente familiar. They're heading into town tonight.. 56 parts. -I can't just go back home, not knowing where my poor little brother is, said Leni, as she started to cry. -Not to worry Lincoln, you'll be back in Royal Woods tomorrow night, said Mr. Rolan, as everybody left the dining tent to go to bed. Wow! -Lincoln ran away he isn't at your place is he?, -Lincoln ran away, what did you do to him?. As the show approached, a number of people showed up to attend the circus, especially once word got out Lincoln was in the show. The Loud parents and Sisters gain powers from one of Lisa's experiments blowing up, Lincoln was away on a trip with Clyde, so while his family became heroes like many ot. -Well I suppose I could just set up my tent, and sleep in my sleeping bag under a tree in the park, said Lincoln, as he spoke to the audience. Loud to Mr. Rolan, -It was our pleasure Mr. and Mrs. Loud., said Mr. Rolan. After the show had concluded the Loud family were standing outside the big top waiting for Lincoln to come out. You're the best surrogate family a boy could ask for., -Here you are Lincoln, said Mr. Palmer, as he handed Lincoln a gift basket. -Well then, we've got to prepare you for your first show with us Lincoln, said Mr. Rolan. Because if you taught me anything, is that those things are easy to replace, but not the trust you had for me. Again with this? (Lori, once again, threw Lincoln out of her room forcefully. I found this in one of my bags, its a picture of me with my parents and sisters, said Lincoln, as he showed them his family picture. She began to think all the stuff she did was pointless, and that Lincoln really did seem like an annoyance to her all this time). The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. My forty-second fanfiction, and sequel to the infamous Season 2 episode, "Brawl in the Family". I guess it was because as I got older, the family got so loud and crowded that I had to become the boss of everyone. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! -Presto! as Sebastian produced some cotton candy, and handed it over to Lincoln. And we're here to apologize. Lincoln: B-But, what about your phone?! -Those monkeys are very impressive, said Lisa. Now kid you want to tell us why you're snooping around here?. Later that night the circus folk were all very impressed with Lincoln, as his first show with them was a complete success. Rita: (crying) Oh, I hope Lincoln will be okay! However, he accidentally bumps his head on the desk, which causes Lori's phone to fly off and onto the floor, breaking it). In the next scene, paramedics are carrying Lincoln on a stretcher with a blanket over him. (Lincoln gets shot) ??? Sometimes life can be hectic like a circus, but they're still family. The Loud House Fanfic #19-Lincoln's Game Add to Favourites By jgodzilla1212 Published: Dec 17, 2020 24 Favourites 9 Comments 11K Views (It starts with Lincoln in The Loud House as he is getting ready for school as if he isn't ready to go to school while he puts on his clothes) Lincoln: Undies? -I miss him so much, said Lola, as she began to cry. Lincoln: It's okay, it not your fault. -This is all our fault, said Lori, about to break into tears. Lisa: Luna, Carribean is a set of islands. Lincoln looks to the audience, just once can't we have a normal evening, he said as Lynn threw a tennis ball at him. Well, here's my 7th fanfic. Lisa: Throat is pretty swollen up and mangled. -Don't you have a home and a family? asked the man from the primate act. Lori: (appears next to Lincoln) Why would I do that? -Glad to see you so enthusiastic there Lincoln, said Mr. Palmer. ! cried out the entire Loud Family. -Let me handle this girls, said Lynn Sr., What this needs is a little father-son time.. Lincoln was behind the curtain, as he and the Palmers were about to go on to do their primate act. It's my room too, you know! Married to a Malfoy. Well guys this is going to be our last day together, said Lincoln, as Bongo and Daisy looked on feeling sad. As Daisy was about ready to toss Lincoln through the hoop, his family and friends were all worried how the trick would turn out. -Maybe your stupid pranks are what drove him away, said Luna to Luan. Lori: How many times do I have to tell you?! Uggh. He slowly opens his eyes to see Lynn and Lucy standing next to him). We may be a family, but at the same time we are also a business., -Yes Lincoln, it's not always smiles for us, said Mr. Palmer. -Yes, yes, yes, answered Lincoln. There's no one else Skip's age here in the circus, so staying with the Palmers would be a great idea. Lincoln ran to the woods after being blamed for something, where he found a man on the verge of death, let's just say Lincoln saw things differently after his encounter En la regin de johto, Lincoln Loud por culpa del orgullo de su hermana Lynn, fue rechazado por los Loud. -Goodnight everybody, it was great to meet all of you, said Lincoln, as he walked out of the dining tent. Once he reached the bottom, he became unconscious), (The other sisters heard the sound of Lincoln falling down the stairs, which alerted them to come out of their rooms to see what happened), (Luna runs off-screen to get the phone, while the rest of his sisters try to aid him. what happened to archie in monarch of the glen; funeral poem our father kept a garden. Lincoln: (takes his medicine) Hey. -And you Lynn, said Lana, always hitting him, here see how you like it, and she shoved Lynn. Well anyway, I've had a long day, and would like to hit the sack.. -They're on their way to Royal Woods now, and they wont be here until late tonight. -Guys this isn't helping, said Leni.GUYS!. Lori walks past and hears the song), (Luna then suddenly puts her guitar away and reads a music book, facing away from Lori. Lori: (comes in) LINCOLN?! I saw your show tonight and it was SUPER AMAZING. Lincoln gets into bed, and looks at the audience, Man, this is such a great life. and thanks to Lisa, two familiar faces will be joining him. -This is Sebastian, said Skip, as he introduced him to the magician. I see. Give it up for our fabulous trained monkeys.. -We gotta find Lincoln, and make things right, said Lori, as the other sisters all nodded in agreement. Lincoln is the only white boy in an Interracial family of girls as he is the happily adopted son of the Loud Family, and he had no idea what his older sisters and mom want. (Lynn and Lucy walked outside the room, where Lynn Sr. and Rita are standing). Lisa: Doctor Lisa is here. Lincoln began to pack everything he would want to bring with him, and also went into his secret storage spot where he had money hidden away, I always knew this would come in handy, said Lincoln as he grabbed the money, and shoved it into one of his bags. The Louds were watching the festivities of the circus. The sisters all arrived back home with no luck. The family pulled up in front of The Loud House, and Lincoln was happy to see his home again. I'm going to love my new life in the circus, said Lincoln, as he fell asleep. Lincoln: Thanks Lola, but I am already better. Hey, it's says here your from Royal Woods, and that's the next stop on our tour. -I've never seen anyone adapt so well to a circus act in all my life, said Mr. Rolan. I'm in charge while Mom and Dad are out, so I get what I want. -They were amazing people Lincoln, said Leni. Twenty (or so) years ago in Scotland, Lincoln Loud made a terrible mistake with his oldest sister And then for the following twenty years, he continued making similar terrible mistakes with the rest of them. And I promise, that I will never treat you so horribly, ever again. And Lynn Sr goes to work. The crowd were all impressed by Bongo's trick, and they received a big applause. Lincoln was just walking around the circus tents, and wondering what life in the circus would be like.