He knows that if he didn't go now, there was trouble waiting for him so he chose to lay in a bathtub full of money because that's the way he wanted to go. Metacritic Reviews. And this explanation is the biggest part in the movie. "We're kind of like a bathtub that's filling up with water and the drain is blocked," the hospital's chief medical officer, Dr . Gmal is a slum who entered to that show to be seen by Latika and to try to win this game. From a bathtub filled with money, Salim makes his last stand, killing Javed before being shot repeatedly by Javed's many henchmen. The government and a lot of people give these people financial support, but this is useless as they will use it until it runs out and they will never progress. Another thing was that they did not have roads made of concrete, just dirt. In the final scene, we see Salim and the choice he makes filling the bathtub with money, etc. Edit, The domestic trailer features three songs: "Latika's Theme," from A.R. This is because the government doesnt know how to manage the money and lots of politicians steal it as the corruption increases in the country. Slumdog Millionaire: Salim (Madhur Mittal (younger Salim - Shmoop Even though this program is not commonly transmitted in all countries in the world is a great effort to show that if you have knowledge of something it worth a prize. How does the title and the contrasts within it provide symbolic summary of the film? Well in short term I think that we have to do as we are doing now giving them food clothes for example there are a lot of charities now on this days that help poor people in their own way some of them are schools others are for example houses were people can stay etc. Theres this famous saying that the truth shall set you free. This kind of conflicts are the cause of other like working children, malnutrition, crimes, illiterate people, unemployment, and some others. How this problem began, is simple when the people doesnt treat the other with dignity and respect, insult or thinking that they doesnt have nothing at all, start when the people just want to see his own perspective of the live instead of turn around and see that maybe the world its not so great it have a great problem and that exclusion which no one should suffer. Shantaram physically and sexually abuses his daughter until Ram pushes him off the balcony to his death, he thinks.Ram then flees back to Delhi, leaving Salim behind, and finds employment as a houseboy for an Australian diplomat and later as a tour guide at the Taj Mahal in Agra, where he falls in love with a prostitute named Nita who is battered by a customer who leaves cigarette burns on her breasts, similar to Neelima's injuries. After watching the film I was shocked by the similarities of the slums in Mumbai and the ones that we have here in Peru. Edit, The film was made under the condition that it was to be in English. Because he sacrificed himself to Jamal and Talika, live happy and together forever. Get a summary of everything Salim (Madhur Mittal (younger Salim played by Ashutosh Lobo Gajiwala and Azharuddin Mohammed Ismail)) does throughout Slumdog Millionaire. The film also won the Oscar for best film, direction, adapted screenplay, cinematography, editing and sound mixing for Resul Pookutty. What streaming service has Slumdog Millionaire? This decissions are alson taken by people in Lima, for example poor people have to take a decission between robbing or work really hardly for their money, people who are honorable choose to make their money by their own effort, like Salim who decided at the end of the movie to be honorable and fair to Jamal. Meanwhile Salim wanders through the streets of the city, eventually finding a group of gangsters and asking after Javed Khan, their leader. Salim put twenty million rupees worth of bills into the bathtub where he died. bathroom - Do I really need to fill the tub with water to properly Salim chose the way he wanted to die. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. Thick suds and bubbles on the surface of the bathwater prevent the diffusion of heat into the air. Everything must be aimed at improving the quality of life, to try to reduce malnutrition in children, to seek incentives to improve their income. He makes that choice because he finally realizes and regrets what hed done. Meanwhile Salim, back in the safe house, sacrifices himself in order to stop Javed from coming after Latika and Jamal. Poor people live in slums, and slums are no place to live, so to solve this problem, we need to end poverty, not only in Lima or Mumbai, in the world. Salim in the movie ultimately plays a sinister and tragic role; Salim in the book leads a charmed life and becomes a movie star.In the movie and in the book, both boys are taken to a residential music school near Mumbai, where all the children seem to be crippled. He also takes that decision for do something good in his life for redeem his self and help his brother because he knows that his brother never give up. Well, first of all, the causes of slums in many principal cities of the world is that people come to the cities for more chances of getting a better live, but when they come, many of the places for living they cant afford them . In the movie, Jamal change in the good way, doing hard work. One of the most rich persons in lima, is the king of potatoes, and he comes from there. Eventually, Jamal's quest to find Latika and tie up the loose ends of his dramatic past become the narrative center of the film, and the game show is more of a device that helps to weave together his story than a narrative in and of itself. Why does he make this choice? He knows that if he didn't go now, there was trouble waiting for him so he chose to lay in a bathtub full of money because that's the way he wanted to go. The movie is trying to say that we make our own future, nothing is written in our minds, we can change our future. Many of them are very poor and only a little of them want change their lifestyle and effort to do that. Salim and Jamal shared lots of adventures but he betrayed his own brother in order to earn money. They recognized each other, Maman gave chase, and Salim escaped again, onto a bus which was later stopped by a Hindu mob intent on killing all the Muslims on the bus. When Beaufoy was commissioned to write the film by Film4, the script was sent out to investors including Celador Productions, which had the intellectual rights to the TV show. Proceed by removing the plastic caps from the center of the faucet. We can see that Salim (the brother of Jamal) became a gangster. Secondly, the life in the slums of Lima is very hard too, but it isnt with a lot of garbage or some dead animals, but they have a lot of difficulties too, like the economy problems or health problems, etc. Who did the music for Slumdog Millionaire? - wren-clothing.com Probably as a show-off when he gets killed. The way Salim decides to go with Javed after escaping from Maman. Apart it is a form of entertainment. The city Mumbai is one of the largest cities in India. How far is Las Vegas from the California coast? Salim finds the life of crime agreeable, but Jamal scrapes by with small jobs until landing a spot on the game show. He decided to do something for his brother becouse around the entire movie he didnt do anything for his brother. Why did Salim put money in the bath? The only way that, this can change is giving them education and a place to live in peace and not being exposed to violence. Because when this happen a lot of people star losing their jobs so they have to live on this really poor places thats why I think the industrial revolution start and know you need to have a good education and this people cant get this so thats why most of them stay poor until they died. The host, Prem Kumar, has no history with Jamal or his women. The title is Slumdog Millionaire, in this title there are two opposite terms, and they describe to really different lifestyles. Latika is shown living in Javed's apartment when Jamal comes there and sees her. Salim then goes to work for Latika's pimp and helps to hold her captive until he has a change of heart and lets her escape with his car and cell phone. (LogOut/ why is this a relevant fact in the movie? It is that the money is blood money, like the money that he earned with working for Javed and because all the murders and robberies. He filled the bathtub with money because it was the best for him. Most of the times we have money and do not know what to do with it, and the best thing to do is use to help others. Immediately after the dance scene, the gang erupts into the empty train station and slaughters Jamal and Latika. Why does he make this choice? Comparing Limas slums with Munbais slums They scavenge on a rubbish dump, where they are lured to a childrens home by an evil Fagin character who later tries to blind one of the boys with acid so he can earn more as a beggar. But the answer is easy, and that person from a lower level have nothing that it is important to me, not the information I want, is not going to be my friend because it is simply a lower level than me, have no education, he doesn`t know important people, he dont have a job, and speak to them, all you get is wasting your time. An older girl, Gudiya, whose face Ram never sees, lives next door in the chawl with her drunken father, Shantaram. How much money did Slumdog Millionaire win? For Jamal, destiny is not simply what happens to you, but a more complicated confluence of events and occurrences with actions one takes. In the movie the slums are very similar to the ones in Lima. What does the title mean? I think we should make political institutions, promote social and economic sustainable development to ensure the basic rights of every Peruvian, we must build a political system that encourages citizen participation, who cares about the vast majority who do not own anything, but are part of this country and deserve better opportunities. A slumdog is a poor man with almost no opportunities to progress, so he/she cant be rich. They are in most of the cases poor so they can just build a little hut. Jamal goes to the Who wants to be millionaire program show, because he wants Latika to see him. Boyle is purposefully showing the shots of Latika running towards the phone and Salim layering money in the bath tub to create suspense for the audience as the figure out what will happen, and how each scene pieces into the end game of the movie. Why did Salim leave Jamal? 1st question. Nice, you actually have something constructive to say about the problem.