The directorates goal is to increase productivity, employment, technology transfer, and foreign exchange reserves by attracting investors with incentives and favorable land lease terms. In fact, over 50% of the daily caloric intake of an average household is from wheat, sorghum, and corn. With support from the African Development Banks agricultural Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation program. Niger seed is found mostly in the northern and central highlands at elevations between 1,800 and 2,500 meters. Download. The principal grains in Ethiopia are Teff, Wheat, Barley, Corn, Sorghum, and Millet. Almost the entire rural population was involved in some way with animal husbandry, whose role included the provision of draft power, food, cash, transportation, fuel, and, especially in pastoral areas, social prestige. [14], The most important cash crop in Ethiopia was coffee. Under the current administration, the GOE has renewed its emphasis to develop the agriculture sector, ensure food security, and achieve import substition. In the late nineteenth century, about 30% of Ethiopia was covered with forest. Agricultural equipment and systems, such as tractors, irrigation equipment, and grain handling Infrastructure like, silos, cold storage facilities, etc. Because of low rainfall, these soils have limited agricultural potential, except in some areas where rainfall is sufficient for the growth of natural forage at certain times of the year. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. [24] As Ethiopia increasingly experiences the effects of climate change, drought, and desertification, experts predict that "Ethiopia will have to open its markets to grain imports in order to keep up with the growing demand for meat, milk, and eggs.". Although the AMC had agents in all regions, it was particularly active in the major cereal producing regions, namely, Gojjam, Shewa, Arsi, and Gondar. Ethiopia's development plan has laid out enhancing agricultural production and productivity as one of the . This can be attributed to two factors. Top 3 Trade Partners (2021): China, India, and United States. [7] According to the Central Statistical Agency (CSA), in 2008 the average Ethiopian farmer holds 1.2 hectares of land, with 55.13% of them holding less than 1.0 hectare. [7], Before the Ethiopian Revolution, pulses and oilseeds played an important role, second only to coffee, in the country's exports. landholdings are tiny, fragmented and unsuitable for modern methods of agriculture. The Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia (CSA) is responsible for the statistical data generation related to the socio-economic condition of the country. The problem became so serious that Mengistu lashed out against the peasantry on the occasion of the fourth anniversary of military rule in September 1978. Available data on crop production show that land reform and the various government rural programs had a minimal impact on increasing the food supply, as production levels displayed considerable fluctuations and low growth rates at best. [11], Another major component of the Derg's agricultural policy was the development of large-scale state farms. The country, therefore, is expected to import wheat and soybeans in the coming years. y's natural potential, the agricultural performance remains weak; high dependency on rain-fed Much of the food deficit was covered through food aid. Farm Management Practices (Private Peasant Holdings, Meher Season) 2020/21 (2013 E.C.) [12], In addition to smaller productions of other agricultural products.[13]. The MOA is supporting the development of the countrys livestock sector, which is one of the largest in Africa. Production is overwhelmingly of a subsistence nature, and a large part of commodity exports are provided by the small agricultural cash-crop sector. [7], The consumption of vegetables and fruits is relatively limited, largely because of their high cost. For instance, according to the World Bank between 1980 and 1987 agricultural production dropped at an annual rate of 2.1 percent, while the population grew at an annual rate of 2.4 percent. The northern parts of the highlands are almost devoid of trees. Such wide price variations created food shortages because farmers as well as private merchants withheld crops to sell on the black market at higher prices.[7]. Grain yields are relatively low due to the countrys rugged topography, poor land management, small-scale landholdings, irregular rainfall, limited mechanization, and insufficient supplies of fertilizer and improved seed. In fact, the soybean crushing and soybean oil refining industry is quickly emerging. However, expansion was constrained by inadequate nutrition, disease, a lack of support services such as extension services, insufficient data with which to plan improved services, and inadequate information on how to improve animal breeding, marketing, and processing. Most oilseeds are raised by small-scale farmers, but sesame was also grown by large-scale commercial farms before the era of land reform and the nationalization of agribusiness. Ethiopia has an extremely diverse topography, climate, culture, population distribution and market access. In addition, the GOE is looking to the agro-processing sector (also a best prospect sector detailed below) as one engine to spur future economic growth. Volume II, Report on Livestock and Livestock Characteristics. Research on the constraints, characteristics, and performance of the enterprise sector in low-income countries is often constrained by scarcity . Lake Tana Subbasin's Economy and The Role of Natural Resources -- 22. In 198182, out of the AMC's purchases of 257,000 tons of grain, Gojjam accounted for 32 percent of the purchases, and Arsi, Shewa, and Gonder accounted for 23%, 22%, and 10%, respectively. [7], Soil erosion has been one of the country's major problems. Ethiopia is also Africa's second biggest maize producer. Years of bi-directional causality were found between agriculture and manufacturing and services sectors before 1975. Estimates for 1987 indicated that livestock production contributed one-third of agriculture's share of GDP, or nearly 15 percent of total GDP. Agricultural inputs, seeds, machinery and equipment used in cotton production. While, Gebreyesus and Kirubel (2009) reported that the heavy reliance of some 85 percent of Ethiopia's growing population on an exploitative kind of subsistence agriculture is a major reason behind the current state of land degradation. in addition to these cereals, they produce different types of fruits and coffee which are not seasonal. [7], Ensete, known locally as false banana, is an important food source in Ethiopia's southern and southwestern highlands. This is a best prospect for Ethiopia. Agriculture. Farm Management Practices (Private Peasant Holdings, Meher Season) 2020/21 (2013 E.C.) J. Area, Production and Farm Management Practices (Private Peasant Holdings, Belg Season) 2020/2021 (2013 E.C.) NEED FOR A SPECIFIC TREATMENT OF AGRICULTURE . Skip to Article Content; Skip to Article Information; Search within. Productivity and technology. Ethiopia Socioeconomic Survey Wave1, 2011-2012. Despite the emphasis on state farms, state farm production accounted for only 6% of total agricultural output in 1987 (although meeting 65% of urban needs), leaving peasant farmers responsible for over 90% of production. Some of the land targeted for commercial development is considered marginal, prone to conflict, and/or has limited access to water. It was also estimated that over 60 percent of the cultivated area was cropland. While by 1988 a total of 3600 Service Cooperatives were serving 4.4 million households and almost 4000 Producer cooperatives comprising 302,600 households had been founded, in that year they represented only 5.5% of national cereal production. The importance of smallholder farming is increasingly recognized in rural areas where increased crop productivity and market participation can effectively improve their dietary diversity and nutrition quality. The government mobilized farmers and organized "food for work" projects to build terraces and plant trees. The farmers continued to utilize their ancient system of production despite changing ecological and population pressures. This article examines the characteristics of and choice among two production technologies in Ethiopian agriculture, one with fertilizer and the other without, using 1989-90 farm-level data. An estimated 85 percent of the population are engaged in agricultural production. [10], Until the 1974 revolution, Ethiopia had a complex land tenure system, which some have described as feudal. Agricultural products account for . Some informal trade is most likely occurring in production areas located along borders. Peasant associations used 361 nurseries to plant 11,000 hectares of land in community forest. According to a 1987 estimate, beef accounted for about 51% of all meat consumption, followed by mutton and lamb (19%), poultry (15%), and goat (14%). As many as 4.6 million people need food assistance annually and agriculture in Ethiopia is the foundation of the country's economy, accounting for half of the gross domestic product (GDP). Despite the Derg's efforts to reassure farmers that land reform would not affect them negatively, northerners remained suspicious of the new government's intentions. ", Table D.2. The Ethiopian Fruit and Vegetable Marketing Enterprise, which handled about 75 percent of Ethiopia's exports of fruits and vegetables in 198485, had to receive government subsidies because of losses. Resultantly there has been significant uptake of resistant wheat varieties among Ethiopian farmers since 2014. The second type consists of brownish-to-gray and black soils with a high clay content. However, even with this anticipated increase in chicken meat production, demand is expected to outstrip supply, thereby creating potential opportunities for imports. The process meant not only smaller farms but also the fragmentation of holdings, which were often scattered into small plots to give families land of comparable quality. In addition, some of Ethiopias cash crops show potential for growth and offer possible investment opportunities in areas such as coffee, oilseeds, pulses, fruits and vegetables, honey, cut flowers, tea, and spices. In Ethiopia, agriculture is started during the Neolithic revolution era, ten thousand years ago. Assess the effect of the main factors of Ethiopia crop production (land, labor & capital) in general and cereal production in particular. Ethiopias current level of wheat and soybean production is insufficient to satisfy domestic demand. Overall, the economic reform plan sets out required strategic interventions to increase agricultural productivity and modernization of agriculture in the next 10 years. During the 1970s, coffee exports accounted for 50-60% of the total value of all exports, although coffee's share dropped to 25% as a result of the economic dislocation following the 1974 revolution. fruit crops, stimulant crops and sugar cane are cultivated by farmers and other agricultural sectors in Ethiopia. It purchased grain from peasant associations at fixed prices. Ethiopia Socioeconomic Survey Wave3, 2015-2016. Their resistance to this change increased when Zemecha members campaigned for collectivization of land and oxen. [7], Ethiopia's estimated livestock population is often said to be the largest in Africa. In order to address the ongoing drought, the GOE is renewing its emphasis on developing the countrys irrigation systems and water-harvesting methodologies. To examine the current situation on the use of agricultural technologies by . [7], The effect of the Derg's land reform program on food production and its marketing and distribution policies were among two of the major controversies surrounding the revolution. Ethiopia's crop agriculture is complex, involving substantial variation in crops grown across the country's different regions and ecologies. Please see below for the market overview and trade data. [6] Ethiopia has great agricultural potential because of its vast areas of fertile land, diverse climate, generally adequate rainfall, and large labor pool. Oilseeds of lesser significance include castor beans, rapeseed, peanuts, and safflower and sunflower seeds. This study (1) investigates the extent and spatial distribution of soil acidity . Practically all animals are range-fed. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Put in perspective, Ethiopia's key agricultural sector has grown at an annual . In early 1989, for example, the price of one kilogram/US$0.58; of coffee was by June it had dropped to US$0.32. The third most important oilseed is sesame, which grows at elevations from sea level to about 1,500 meters. Similarly, the area of cultivation increased from 22,600 hectares in 197475 to 33,900 hectares in 198485.[7]. This method was widely used in Ethiopia and southern Ethiopia because it is recommended for soils requiring more than one ton of lime per acre and soils with a pH of less than 5.8 [15]. Section D. The government and the international community are working together to address many of these challenges. During the same period (197387), population increased at an average annual rate of 2.6 percent (2.4 percent for 198087). In addition to its domestic use, sesame is also the principal export oilseed. Meat and poultry processing, and supporting equipment and systems. By 1989, the area covered by the State Farms had grown to a total of 220,000 hectares. "Roles of extension and ethno-religious networks in acceptance of resource-conserving agriculture among Ethiopian farmers." 2. Where the topography permits, they are suitable for farming. The 1977 famine also provided an impetus to promote conservation. Livestock and Livestock Characteristics (Private Peasant Holdings) 2020/2021 (2013 E.C.) Ethiopian farmers plough their land by combining the above tools for such three months to get yearly consumed food. Merkebu Getachew. [23], Ethiopia has great potential for increased livestock production, both for local use and for export. Land tenure rights as well as natural disasters, such as floods, hamper the countrys ability to quickly expand cotton production. Characteristics of agricultural landscape features and local soil fertility management practices in Northwestern Amhara, Ethiopia. Agriculture, which constituted 46 percent of GDP and more than 80 percent of exports, is by far the most important economic activity in the Ethiopian economy. Of an estimated 750,000 hectares of private commercial farms in operation at the time of the 1975 land proclamation, 67,000 hectares were converted into State Farms that, beginning in 1979, were operated by a new Ministry of State Farms. Grain is an essential part of the Ethiopian diet. Milk and dairy processing, and supporting equipment and systems. After 1975 the revolutionary government used peasant associations to accelerate conservation work throughout rural areas. Since then, export earnings from this sector have grown to about US$65 million in 200607 and are projected to double over the next few years. A potential exists for self-sufficiency in grains and for export development in livestock, grains, vegetables, and fruits. Recently, the GOE has permitted imports of basic food commodities using franco-valuta scheme to narrow supply and demand gap and reduce rising inflation in the country. Section D. [21] It is estimated to number over 150 million in 20072008. 133 8.5.2. [7], The plains and low foothills west of the highlands have sandy and gray-to-black clay soils. Furthermore, the GOE vowed to begin exporting wheat to neibhouring countries by 2023 by tapping into the huge production potential due to its various favorable agro-ecologies and through expansion of wheat production area under irrigation to achieve self-sufficiency and reduce wheat imports. Agro-processing, such as beverages, biscuits, bread, milk, meat, chicken, cooking oil, fruit and vegetables, etc. Agro-processed products, such as chicken, cheese, butter, eggs, biscuits, bread, juice, etc. In particular, demand for cooking oil, sugar, meat, eggs, dairy products, wheat-based products, such as pasta and bread, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, are forecast to climb upward. The GOE encourages investments in meat processing, especially those that are focused on exporting value-added products abroad. [7], Ethiopia's coffee is almost exclusively of the arabica type, which grows best at altitudes between 1,000 and 2,000 meters. Pulses, grown widely at all altitudes from sea level to about 3,000 meters, are more prevalent in the northern and central highlands. In addition to red meat, there are emerging opportunities in chicken, egg, and dairy production and processing. A couple of U.S. investors have also entered the market. Prior to the Revolution, urbanization increased the demand for fruit, leading to the establishment of citrus orchards in areas with access to irrigation in Shewa, Arsi, Hararghe, and Eritrea. Flaxseed, also indigenous, is cultivated in the same general area as Niger seed. Some of these products, especially the textiles, apparel, leather goods, and finished meat products are targeted for export markets in order to generate foreign exchange. 3. Ethiopias development plan has laid out enhancing agricultural production and productivity as one of the major strategic pillars. [17], Cotton is grown throughout Ethiopia below elevations of about 1,400 meters. Production Efficiency and Agricultural Technologies in the Ethiopian Agriculture Introduction Inability to produce adequate food is the major problem of most less developed countries (LDCS). The industry began in 2004, when the government made an aggressive push for foreign investments by establishing a presence at major international floricultural events. There are two predominant soil types in the highlands. Although the MPPs improved the agricultural productivity of farmers, particularly in the project areas, there were many problems associated with discrimination against small farmers (because of a restrictive credit system that favored big landowners) and tenant eviction. Agriculture. [23], However, herding cattle is one of the agricultural activities that resorts to indentured labor and particularly child labor according to the U.S. Department of Labor. In addition, the ten-year development plan aims at boosting agricultural export revenues and substituting imports by reducing production costs. areas like Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh, elsewhere it is practiced on traditional lines. In addition, Ethiopia spent 341 million Birr on food purchases during the 1985-87 period. The economic plan prescribes the following comprehensive measures to overcome the challenges facing the agricultural sector: Enhance productivity of small-holder farmers and pastoralists through provision of modern inputs and services; Develop a legal framework that will allow farmers to lease land and to become shareholders in large commercial farms; Modernize livestock production through improving veterinary infrastructure, research and innovation, and establishing linkages with other industries; Establish effective linkages between agriculture producers and commodity markets as well as the commercial value chain; Encourage private sector investment in agricultural R&D and exploring PPPs to expand medium and large-scale irrigation infrastructure; and. 2. Our web pages use cookiesinformation about how you interact with the site. [7], President Mengistu's 1990 decision to allow free movement of goods, to lift price controls, and to provide farmers with security of tenure was designed to reverse the decline in Ethiopia's agricultural sector. Wubne, Mulatu. Consequently, individual holdings were frequently far smaller than the permitted maximum allotment of ten hectares. Source: Source: USDA/Foreign Agriculture Service, Addis Ababa, Total Market Size = (Total Local Production + Total Imports) (Total Exports). Livestock and Livestock Characteristics (Private Peasant Holdings) 2020/2021 (2013 E.C.) Consequently, the country faced a famine that resulted in the death of nearly 1 million people from 1984 to 1986. A lock ( A locked padlock ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Private . By African, standard rural development programme has long history in Ethiopia. [31] ploughing the land to soften the land takes three months and from sowing and seedling to the harvesting of the crops requires three to four months. The first, found in areas with relatively good drainage, consists of red-to-reddish-brown clayey loams that hold moisture and are well endowed with needed minerals, with the exception of phosphorus. Sandy desert soils cover much of the arid lowlands in the northeast and in the Ogaden of southeastern Ethiopia. The pilot areas selected for establishment of the Agro-Industrial Parks are mainly based on the potential of existing agricultural resources and allied sectors, infrastructure, and facilities. A large chunk of this commercially produced red meat, most of which is currently mutton and goat meat is exported to the Middle East in order to generate foreign exchange. Ethiopia's agriculture is plagued by periodic drought, soil degradation[1] caused by overgrazing, deforestation, high levels of taxation and poor infrastructure (making it difficult and expensive to get goods to market). Per capita meat consumption was high by developing countries' standards, an estimated thirteen kilograms annually. The study aimed to characterize the reproductive performances and physical characteristics of Blackhead Somali indigenous sheep breeds. The Government of Ethiopia (GOE) has embarked on a ten-year economic development plan (2021-2030) where agriculture is on the top of priority sectors. The objective of the LSMS-ISA is to collect multi-topic panel household level data with a special focus on improving agriculture statistics and the link between . Ethiopia sources cotton mainly from India and other international suppliers. Regional Agricultural Research Centers (RARCs) under the respective regional bureaus of agriculture. Though the raising of livestock always has been largely a subsistence activity,[22] intensive, factory farm facilities are gaining in popularity and are present in Addis Ababa and Debre Zeit, run by Ethiopian agribusiness ELFORA. The clearing of land for agricultural use and the cutting of trees for fuel gradually changed the scene, and today forest areas have dwindled to less than 4% of Ethiopia's total land. However, production is constrained in part by outdated ginneries and limited availability of quality inputs, including seed, fertilizer, and pest control agents. Challenges of Agricultural Production and Productivity in Ethiopia. Between 1976 and 1985, the government constructed 600,000 kilometers of agricultural embankments on cultivated land and 470,000 kilometers of hillside terraces, and it closed 80,000 hectares of steep slopes for regeneration. As the textile and apparel industry grows, there will likely be more opportunities for U.S. cotton sales. For the later two Regions, estimated numbers vary greatly between conventional and aerial censuses, but total less than 15% of the non-nomadic Regions. UNJP-RWEE was a five-year long initiative with the objective of accelerating the economic empowerment of rural women . Ethiopia aims to reach lower-middle-income status by 2025. Soil acidity is one of the most important environmental threats to the Ethiopian highlands where the livelihood of the majority of people is reliant on agriculture. [16] In 20062007 (the latest year available), exports of oilseeds accounted for 15.78% of export earnings (or million 187.4 Birr) and pulses 5.92% (or 70.3 million Birr). Depending on international market conditions and local demand factors, there may be opportunities in the future for U.S. wheat and soybean sales to Ethiopia. In addition, the GOE continues to invest heavily in the expansion of the sugar industry, which is slated to be privatized in the near future with the aim of become one of the top ten sugar producers in the world over the next decade. Facing a Foreign Trade AD/CVD or Safeguard Investigation? The plough shaft, beam and ploughshare are made of wood and the sickle, pick axe, plow are made of metal.