God gives us all choices and we as human beings must make the right choices because everyone doesnot get a second chance at life. Listen, you cant soley blame depleting morals based on the removal of God from schools. 8 Theft or larceny is taking things worth over $10 without personal confrontation. 1. The school board doesnt meet for a month. Violent crime has increased from 16.1 to 75.8 incidents per 10,000 population. If we have done our jobs as parents than we know what their decision would be. You are either a Christian, because you have believed on Him and trusted Him as your savior (a Christian; follower of Christ) or you havent (the lost; not a Christian.) hi.i am a 35year old lady who would love to see prayer back in the schools. The following morning I was waiting for the principal in the school parking lot. Your website has provided me with that information. We started as a Christian Country. I cant help myself, but I need to correct some errors that I read from an earlier post, post #7, the 7th down (Patricks). For two years my daughter has come home crying and hating school because of it. Quit being stupid/foolish. Prayer in School: The Case That 'Kicked God Out of the Schools' However, if a school teacher decides to hold a public prayer calling on Jesus, he could and would lose his job. The United States is almost always the most dysfunctional of the developed democracies, sometimes spectacularly so. Indeed, the U.S. scores the highest in religiosity and the highest (by far) in homicides, STDs, abortions, and teen pregnancies. People shouldnt be forced to pray. I celebrate LIFE, SCIENCE and DIVERSITY because we each have the power to make positive change and create happiness by helping a neighbor or a friend. My friends and I dont runaround like heathens and we arent in need of saving. But they do not have that right. In this Fast Fact, the term at school is comparable in meaning to the term school-associated. Thanks again for your prayer and God Bless you! Thank you so much. All one man has to do is get people to follow him and how does he do that. That should be the case in this country. Sin very definitely has an was written in a letter Christians blaming moral decline on prayer being taken out of school. Real different from the way you pray., She said,Hail Mary mother of God, pray for us sinners. I found this article while doing some research for an English paper. 12 In 2019, state-level data on students marijuana use were available for 44 states and the District of Columbia. Yes, those negative outcomes have evidenced themselves in government schools, no doubt about it. Ninety-two people have been murdered, a 19.5% jump, according to the most recent NYPD data. 9 in Hyde Park, New York had violated the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution by directing the districts' principals to cause the following prayer to be said aloud by each class in the presence of a teacher at the beginning of each school day: "Almighty God, we . I dont care. The reaction to the cases was immediate and intense, sensationalized by the media as kicking God out of the public school. You people are running on a one track mind if you believe so. there are so many religions you are segregating people because of this. Meanwhile, mentally insane people can go to church their entire life and still commit murder. I agree. As hard as the government tries, they will never full banish religious practices in schools. Rev. Time is winding down and He is soon to come. We must put it into high gear to stop all the corruption around us and to reinstall God into our public school systems. It has been 50 years since the Supreme Court banned school-sponsored prayer. Do you like living in fear? There is plenty of time before school, in between classes, and during lunch to pray, the school shouldnt designate a period of prayer. Theyre my friends and I dont care if theyre black white Asian or freakin Mexican. And when I was in school no one stopped me from praying when I wanted to pray. It will be our Countries ruin, if this was not to happen. The shooting took place almost exactly eight years after the Columbine shooting, when a 23-year-old student opened fire at two locations on campus - first in a dorm room and then in an academic building across campus. I believe that prayer being banned from the public school systems was by far the most uneducated and most of all immoral thing that could have been done. Yes, it is the parents responsibility to teach the children about the Lord at home, however all kids are not as blessed or fortunate to be reared by God-fearing parents and guardians. And in spite of what you believe the word Love came from the Bible. What's New? He even prayed to the father in public when he was about to raise lazarus from the dead. First Amendment would Try reading the BIBLE and see what it says. Ready? We do have thankfully a veriaty of people and if they do not want or there parents do not want them to pray in school then dont. Look around the world today, its truly falling apart. We are a great country because of Jesus he helped us fight in world war II, and now the fighting is here on our front door step. It didnt have its own religion. now the gangs R looked up to as a replacement. Its a shame that more people do not exercise the choice to pray. Box 138030, Im by no means a fanatic but, prayer & reciting the pledge gave kids that quiet moment, thankful/grateful and a higher power regardless of whom its calledHOPE. The idea was set forth by Thomas Jefferson in a letter he wrote to the Christians in Danbury, Connecticut concerning the building of the national cathedral in Washington, D.C. You are perfectly right. I think our country started to go down hill, if you are convinced it is, when under God was added to the Pledge of Allegiance or when In God We Trust was added to money, you know, in the late 50s. Prayer was never forced when I went to school, it was a freedom of choice for a child. I wrote an article entitled Put Prayer Back. You cannot be so ignorant to say that your religion no matter what it is, is the correct religion there is no proof that it is the correct one. I want to see my grandchilden honoring God in school as well. The fervency with which school prayer is opposed is not because the ACLU (an anti-Christian legal group) is trying to protect atheist from being indoctrinated by religion. In the first three weeks of this year, crime rates have skyrocketed by 61% compared to last year, according to police. Wake up. Hi, the figures are missing from the article What Happened When the Praying Stopped . We made that unconstitutional a long time ago. We are adults who can make our own decisions on religion and prayer, and do not have to agree on these issues! Juvenile violent crime arrest rates have increased from 13.7 to 40 per 10,000 population. And if they put all the Christians in prison for praying then who will pay the taxes to support the prisons? Even Jesus was against school prayer. School prayer has no gain from anyone. What that law did was say that the government was not allowed to make students pray, or tell them what they should pray for. In 2019, about 5 percent of students ages 1218 reported that they had been afraid of attack or harm at school10 during the school year, which is higher than the percentage of students (3 percent) who reported that they had been afraid of attack or harm away from school during the school year. Engle v. Vitale simply protected kids from compulsory prayer, conducted under state auspices. 2. Henry Massingale As you know, Weve been working real hard in our town to get prayer back in our schools. Maybe just a bad choice or two has led them down a path that they did not intend to be on. From 2009 to 2020, the total victimization rate decreased for students ages 1218, both at school and away from school.3 The total victimization rate at school decreased from 51 victimizations per 1,000 students in 2009 to 30 victimizations per 1,000 students in 2019. Learn more at www.free2pray.info, how can people with different religons practice there belifes but we cant pray in school. I really do believe in reinstating prayer in public schools. This does not completely solve the problem, but certainly Gods Shield of Protection over our children would not only benefit each of us but our nation as a whole. Hey my name is Brittny. Luke 18:1, declares that men aught to always pray, and not faint. It did not rule impartially, but rather it ruled against God. Clermont, Correlation without evidence of causation is not a logical argument. Now, if you want the State to raise your kids, just take a look at the magnificent job theyre doing with juvenile delinquents who are wards of the court? We need prayer back in school. And one of the reasons for the state this nation is in is because of sin. Since the beginning of Christianity the church and Christs followers have faced two major problems: being the victims of persecution and being the persecutor. But, I also agree that the freedom to prey in school should never be decided by the Government. We need GOD back in our Schools and kick Satan right out of out lives. Did you know that when the first Laws against Prayer in Schools came about, it was all most unchallenged in Court? America had a very negative beginning as she started off under the paradigm of slavery and exercised strict religious rules and exactions. Then you father tho sees what is done in secret, will reward you. He did not mean that He did not like prayer in school but He meant that you should pray from your heart being true and not pray just so people can see you being a false witness. Open private schools that are free to teach religion, have prayer Bible reading, and let each parent decide where they want to send their child. I want justice in this country to , im sick and tired of these non belivers taking my rights like they dont mean a thing, just because they are mad at GOD ,,,, we alloew them to take him away from our children , this is not right , i would say its discrimation against MY GOD, and i want something done about this.. WHO will stand up for OUR GOD , look at what he has done for us. I believe that morals is a family constructed issue. So, if your kid wants to pray at school, so bet it. Cant stop anyone from doing that. in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. Based on this principle, when the United States formed the founding fathers explicitly set forth the separation of church and state within the constitution. If one truely believed in God or wanted to, theres always Church to go to. I am a CHRISTian. The hostility against religion in general, but Christianity in particular, can . I remember when they took God out of the pledge in school and I havent been out of school long but i know better that God works. A value free atmosphere will lead to chaos. crime rate since prayer was taken out of schoolsspecialized structures of banana. Responses were provided by the principal or the person most knowledgeable about crime and safety issues at the school. Correct me if Im wrong, but doesnt taking prayer out of school allow more time for teachers to be doing their job: /teaching/ students? our Founding Fathers mean to After more than 25 years of severe moral decline is it not time to repent, reverence the name of the Lord, reinstitute and keep the third commandment? While overall city crime rates remain far below records set during the notorious gang wars of the 1990s, violent crime has jumped sharply in L.A., as it has in other cities. How/why is there a separation. The school Chaos is only the beginning of whats to come if God continues to be put second, third or fourth and not first. WAKE UP AMERICA.THE TIME IS NOW.. The biggest problems in public schools stem from problems in the home. Because the same Bible says in 1 John 4:21,And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also. This love does not mean tolerance for what is wrong but doing what is righteous before God: including guiding each other in things which please God with a heart of love. As you might have already noticed on Mr. Bartons graph, Americas moral decline rapidly accelerated following one event the U.S. Supreme Courts removal of prayer from our nations schools. For detailed state-level data on the percentage of students in grades 912 who reported using marijuana at least 1 time during the previous 30 days, see the table on current marijuana use for all locations in the YRBSS Youth Online Data Analysis Tool. Remember, be careful of confirmation bias. View Site Leaders We spend too much time worrying about atheists and agnostics. 1 David Barton, America: To Pray or Not to Pray, (Aledo, TX: Speciality Research Associates). (Incidentally, your article was tl;dr). crime rate since prayer was taken out of schools. Our God is an amazing God and it is clear that you are doing everything in your power to spread the Gospel to so many that are need of salvation through faith. Prayer was taken out of the schools in two landmark decisions, 1. And in my opinion, that too is also unconstitutional. If morality is declining its because of religion not getting taught in the home well. Lord, in our shock and confusion, we come before you. I think its ridiculous to correlate removing prayer from public schools and the demise of America. I agree with the writer that said it is not the schools responsibility to teach prayer, it is the parents. He never has. . Percentage of students ages 12-18 who reported being afraid of attack or harm, by location and selected student and school characteristics: Selected years, 1995 through 2019, 2021, Digest of Education Statistics 2020, Table 232.70. Students and staff members could choose to pray, to think positive thoughts about the day, to focus their minds for learning, or to not think about any one specific thing. As well as marriage and many other words. Crime at school gets worse every year. Americas schools have been on the decline ever-since School Prayer was removed in 1962. I expect we are not far from that day. All discussions in this indicator, except those at the state level, were based on data from the national survey. Do you enjoy living with no righteousness in this world? We discussed both evolution and creation in my biology class and nothing terrible happened. Why are there so many religions in the world. Comparing our country to any other countrys statistic on mass shootings, or even our own statistics on school shootings from the 1700s to present day, Id have to say the main denominator, would be gun access, and the ability to kill rapidly and efficiently. I am indeed a Christian, and I do believe that the removal of prayer in public schools has effected our society today. (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[1]='NAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[3]='MMERGE3';ftypes[3]='text';fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[2]='ZIP';ftypes[2]='zip';fnames[4]='SIGNUP';ftypes[4]='text';fnames[5]='FNAME';ftypes[5]='text';fnames[6]='LNAME';ftypes[6]='text';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); Eric Hovind grew up immersed in the world of apologetics and following college graduation in 1999, he began full-time ministry. He instills fear into people. I am going to use this article to do a paper for my World Religion class: Is America a CHRISTian nation? Id love to hear how the church is involved in speaking up for justice,acting with mercy, feeding the homeless, caring for the fatherless, working on sheltering the mentally ill, stopping human trafficking etc. Mrs. Evans has an AB and an MA in elementary education, which means that the education establishment will have survived . The reason that society is bad today is not because of the lack of Fear for God. Church and state are seperate. We all fall short of the Glory of God. All knees shall bow down to Him someday, then you will believe He is the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings. Oh and as a side note, have you ever taken a look at the crime rate of our Christian nation? And the separation of church and state in the constitution, was so that a goverment couldnt tell a person how to worship, not the other way around. What can we, as Christians do about it. You are still allowed to pray in school as long as it doesnt affect the education that the school system is trying to give our children. T. Robert Ingram records columnist Felix Morleys shrewd observations on this 1961 ruling in his study, The World Under Gods Law. While I dont agree with making kids pray, I do think that some sort of education should be offered to religious children. If you want prayer in schools, then you have to be willing to allow even the most radically different of prayers that means also allowing the children to worship the Big Pink Elephant in the Sky, if that is their religion. Not all religious folks are good people. Its just a prayer walk which only takes a few minutes, but is so awesome, God Moves I promise! Prayer to Stop School Violence,and the Boycott Posters would read, God loves everyone equally. they have received their reward in full. the government and them, so In total, he killed 32 victims and injured 23 others before turning the gun on himself. To bring Life to hope where there is none in our schools through a Boycott and words of truth.To give a child room for thought, a new directive for in site were sound would they Readers should use caution when interpreting 201920 estimates and when making comparisons to those from earlier years. Americas morals and values have been rapidly declining since the 1962 & 1963 banning of God, the Bible, and prayer went into effect. We had reached the car. the Constitution . Who Our Fore Fathers fought for us to get it right she of all people the Devil took it out. But why must we have a mass function to pray? If you choose not to believe in God almighty, then that is your choice. The fact of the matter is that America was not formed to conform to how you see things, it was formed as a way to let everyone see things the way they want. . Additionally, divorce law was more restrictive than it was then as compared to now (child custody, spousal support, ability to get divorced, etc). I could hardly wait to hear about Mrs. Smiths prayer. After prayer was taken out of schools pregnancies increased 187% in the last 15 years. Its amazing all the people who This report includes sections on school prayer, the pledge of allegiance, religion in school curricula, and the religious liberty rights of students and teachers. Ignorance is truly bliss. Prayer is what gives us strength to communicate with God and shame on anyone who thinks their help comes from anything else besides Him. Wonderful. Who do you think that you talking to a non-religious person is going to get them to change or believe what you believe. Figure 1 shows how drastically the actual knowledge of high school students began to drop at an accelerating rate after 1962. In the North American continent, people were allowed to worship as they thought fit for Christ, not as the state forced them to. Allowing prayer in schools will improve, not detract from a students understanding of the universe. Christian Schools and home school kids rate in the top 98% in college entrance exams. I see the benefits in my childrens lives. So as Christians, let us be in the world but not of it, let us hold ourselves to our own moral standards rather than the state holding all to these standards. However, I also recognize that this was part of the moral decline. Our high school seniors are, on the average, on par with other developed nations 8th graders. The effect of all this is to kick God out of the public schools. We have rights to pray in school, I do it all the time, its just that the faculty and staff cannot enforce it, being government institutions, in order to respect people of all beliefs. There have been studies on the differences between religious and secular societies. A student should be dressed appropriate and groomed to do their best in school. Figure 5: Stability in the family has also been affected since the 1962 decision. The end times will bring great termoil on the face of the earth.read the Bible and see for yourself. Prayer should be back in school to give these kids that are going up a sense of belief, trust and fear of God, because kids these days think they could do anything they want to and get away with it. I am willing, if shown the way. Percentage of students in grades 9-12 who reported that illegal drugs were made available to them on school property during the previous 12 months, by selected student characteristics: Selected years, 1993 through 2019, 2022, Crime, Violence, Discipline, and Safety in U.S. Public Schools in 201920: Findings From the School Survey on Crime and Safety. The government bears no responsibility to make me pray in school or to have anything to do with it. You take Him in entirety. Children need the guidance of God in their hearts and in the beginning of each day so they can learn the way early on even if they stray later. Come on Brothers and Sisters in Christ! Then Muslim students would be free to introduce Christian students to their salahs, imagine pagan druid circles taking place in gymnasiums every daywouldnt it be great? NEVER believed of supported this. well if taking prayer out of school isnt helping then maybe some parents need to get off the pot and take control of their kids. 1 A school-associated violent death is defined as "a homicide, suicide, or legal intervention death (involving a law enforcement officer), in which the fatal injury occurred on the campus of a functioning elementary or secondary school in the United States." It is the fault of parents primarily that schools have become what they are. All were suspended for 3 days and my nieces mother was told to keep her daughter home until she understood that she was NOT ALLOWED to pray at school. If you choose not to participate in prayer in schools, then dont. Need For Speed and Grand Turoism or whatever you call it are racing simulations which are anything BUT violent despite some aspects of Grand Theft Auto in them. The rate of violent crime, as shown above, has risen over 330 percent. from a spiritual viewpoint too .