New Orleans. Female. Colored. Age about ten years. Black vest. Age about thirty-eight. White dress. Male. Vol. Bunch of keys. Female. Male. White muslin skirt. Little jug charm in pocket. Match safe. Knee pants. Updated February 08, 2022 10:00 AM. Black waist. Black and blue plaid dress. Female. Age about four years. Two rubbers. Height about 3 feet 6 inches. Light hair. 81 cents in change. Low round forehead. Female. Oroide watch. Female. 121 Park Place. Pencil Boots with brass heels. Age thirty. Beale explained that this is a list of the flood victims as they were brought to the various morgues, embalmed and numbered by the undertakers. Large front teeth not close together. Two bodies. High and round forehead. Buried on father's farm in Stony Creek. Weight 160 Sandy moustache. The Johnstown Flood developed into the biggest news story of the era. Gold watch, engraved Christmas 18-. Breast-pin. Black jersey, large buttons. Gold ring, small. Died after flood. Red and white striped skirt. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Height five feet. Height about 5 feet 6 inches. Nothing but a rule. When the South Fork Dam broke on May 31, 1889, the wave of water and the damage it caused eventually claimed 2,209 lives. Long shaggy eyebrows. Dark hair. Black cloth wrapper, buttoned in front to knees. 80. Slippers. Black merino stockings. Black overcoat. Blue waist, white stripes. East Conemaugh. Daily weather map for 8 am May 30, 1889, the day before the big flood in Johnstown. Brown hair. One ring. Key ring with Yale flat key and two door keys. Valuables given to James H. Green, brother-in-law. Weight 135 Blue calico dress with figure on it. Weight 150. Black and gray barred woolen goods. 1936 Press Photo A Flood Of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, Which Was Flooded T . Male. Red flannel underskirt striped up and down Left lower jaw deformed. Weight 140. St. John's Cemetery. Supposed to be a child of John Thomas. Weight about 135. Collar buttons. Age about thirty. Sandy hair. shoes. Age twenty. Drilling clothes. Age six months. Plain ring on finger of right hand. Pocket knife. Steel buttons. Identified by her mother. 1 on person. Purse. Dark complexion. Age twenty-five. Dress alternate black and red with black flowers. Female. Height 5 feet 7 inches. District Judge remembers task of identifying every '77 Flood body They were accused of failing to maintain the dam properly, so that it was unable to contain the additional water of the unusually heavy rainfall. Jazz is the use of a whole range of rhythm without improvisation. Received the above described ring: Mrs. Allison. Thirty years. Collar attached. Height about 5 feet 4 inches. Handkerchief marked "E. Height 5 feet. Pearl buttons. Blue drill overalls. Tall and large. Red and black striped skirt, stripes one inch wide. Of Woodvale's 1,100 residents, 314 died in the flood. Crippled in both feet, and wore steel leg supporters. Large broad face. Wore scapulars. Height 5 feet 2 inches. H. Ocker, of Philadelphia, to whom she was engaged to be married, and removed by him to be buried at Shippensburg, Pa. Male. Three bunches of keys Three door keys. Male. No vest. Child. But ever since the . Two pocket pieces. Black hair. Small plain ring on left hand. Fur cape around neck. 150 pounds. johnstown flood bodies No shoes. For more, visit the section about the 1889 flood in the Archives & Research section of this site. Valuables placed in hands of John J. Geis. Black stockings. Age fifteen. Age three months. Large gold ring on third finger of left hand. Female. Weight 160 Height 5 feet 9 inches. Perfectly natural lower teeth. Blue waist with white stripes. Black stockings. Female. Height 5 feet 9 inches. Blue spotted calico dress. No vest. Murphy.). Dark hair. Age twenty-five. Weight 70. Male. Two rings, one bearing initial "A." Age about sixty-five. Blue eyes. Male Sandy beard and moustache, slightly gray. Female Age eighteen. Age forty. Height about 4 feet 6 inches. Purse $1.57 Pocket-knife. Rusty door key in one pocket. Buried at Prospect. Dark dress with blue waist. White corsets Red striped body. Calico dress with red and white spots. Age twenty-six. Four keys. Blue clothes. One plain band gold ring. Blue calico waist. Cigar case Pocketbook containing ring, key and five cents. Male. Height 5 feet 10 inches. Fair complexion Long black hair. Slippers. Black hair. Four gold collar buttons Given to O J. Bishop. . Plain gold ring. P.R.R. Portage street, Conemaugh Borough. Brown hair. Male. Light hair. Female. Checkered waist. Male. Afterwards identified as James Dillon, of Somerset. Brown hair. Face mangled. Large pocket-knife and five cents. Black woolen stockings, home knit Buttoned shoes. Age eighteen to twenty-five. Richland township. Weight 145. Red knit skirt. About thirty families lived on the village's single street. Light brown hair, slightly gray. Forehead slightly narrow. JOHNSTOWN, Pa.Pam Schilling is the reason Donald Trump is the president. Brown and white dress Barred gingham. Age forty. Brown hair. Male. Smooth face. Pocket-book containing eighteen cents. Sent to Prospect for burial. Blue calico dress with small crescent dots. Weight 75. Light brown hair. Breast-pin, collar-buttons, cloth dress, gray and white barred No. Blue calico dress. Age thirty Height 5 feet. "Rool" with W.H. Female. Valuables recovered by James Diamond. Sent to New Florence. Freckled. No teeth. Brown eyes. Also red flannel dress. Worked with H. Martin, Wire Mills. White muslin skirt. Auburn hair. Female from Hulbert House. Knee pants. Plush dress. Thirty-five years. Old scar on left side of face. White underwear. Female. Light cloth waist with oval brass buttons. $2,500 in bills, $600 in gold, $4.23 in silver and coppers. Button shoes. Weight 40. Weight forty. Male. Plaid coat and vest Black cork-screw pants. Brown hair Gray eyes Dark striped coat and pants. Long gold breast-pin with stone setting. Age about twelve. Pocket-book containing $10 bill and one silver dollar. Age not known. Flannel shirt. Such was the price that was paid for fish! Dressmaker. Ear-rings with white set. Shoes number 5 or 6. One pair silver scissors. Eagle on arm. Black dress skirt. Male. Turned up nose. Wart on left ear. Name on key-ring was Frank E. Stattler, on reserve side was No. Brilliant ear drops Blue chintz dress, with yellow and white flowers, Adult Only two charred feet A bunch of keys found with the above three pairs of feet, Short and stout build Weight 110. Chased band ring. 7. Brown hair. Sandy hair. The club was successfully defended in court by the firm of Knox and Reed (later Reed Smith LLP), whose partners Philander Knox and James Hay Reed were both club members. Dark hair. Ladies' hunting-case gold watch. Weight 135. Colored. Age about thirteen. Age fourteen. Son of Howell Powell. Leather boots. Black jersey. Unmarried. Calico dress, striped blue and white. Blue dress. Body taken by her brother. Weight about 128. Tom has no idea of Anna's love for him, and he becomes engaged to Gloria. Female. One witness on high ground near the town described the water as almost obscured by debris, resembling "a huge hill rolling over and over". Short full face. Handkerchief in coffin. Full black suit of clothing. Light brown hair. Height 2 feet 6 inches. Weight about 45 pounds. Brown hair. Weight 225. $5.00 in gold. Male. The debris carried by the flood formed a temporary dam at the bridge, resulting in the flood surge rolling upstream along the Stoney Creek River. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Black or gray wool skirt with two broad ruffles at bottom. The Johnstown Calamity [Johnstown, Pa. Flood, 1889]: Carrying body out Identified by Homer. Hazel eyes. Common gingham apron. About twenty years. 4. Button shoes. Valuables given to his aunt, Ella Mulhern. $170 in paper and $75 in gold. Age fifty. Key and one cent. Age twelve. Weight 40 Height 3 feet 9 inches. Age about nine months. Buttoned shoes. Wife of J.H. Height 5 feet 8 inches Black hair Gray eyes. Black hair. Age about thirty-five. Laced shoes. Winter opening hours have begun for the Johnstown Flood Museum and Heritage Discovery Center/Johnstown Childrens Museum: we are CLOSED Tuesdays and Wednesdays; OPEN Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays from 10:00 am-5:00 pm; and OPEN Sundays from noon-5:00 pm. Age thirty. Supposed to be George B. Sutliff, Crawford county, Pa. Black cotton hose Button shoes. Sent to Morgue by Alexander Hart. Small plain gold ring. The Johnstown Flood. Dark gray mixed woolen suit Red flannel underwear. Age thirty-five. Female. About eight years. Male. Weight about 140. Black and white striped dress with a black cross stripe. One wire sleeve supporter. Age twenty. Weight 120. Laced shoes. Weight 85. 329 Railroad street, Johnstown, Pa. 3 1/2 to 4 buttoned shoes. High top button shoes. Red and black barred flannel skirt. Red flannel skirt. Open-faced silver watch. Age ten years. Muslin drawers. Glove on left hand. Girl Age about eight years old. $49.85. Comment. Button gaiters. Bunch of keys. Sandy mustache and goatee. Female. (Age eighteen to twenty?). Red waist Wore a truss. Silver watch. Age sixty-five. Black ribbed jersey Black dress. Female. Baby. Female. Buttoned shoes. Age about forty. Female. Black quilted skirt. Breakfast shawl. R.R. Female. 22 years after the flood. Three keys and a bunch of keys. Male. Male. Black dress buttoned in back. Two teeth out of upper jaw on right side, one or two out on each side of lower jaw. Male child. (2017). In all, 67 deaths were reported in Pittsburgh and 22 in Johnstown. Bodies as far as Cincinnati- more than 350 miles away. Bunch of keys. Child's gold breast-pin. Black and white striped flannel skirt. They carted off debris, distributed food, and erected temporary housing. Ear-drops with glass set. Hager Block Plain band ring. Age seventy. Height 5 feet 5 inches. Darlings lost but never found! Valuables gotten by Laurence McGuire. Ring on left hand. Female. An 'avalanche of death': The flood of 1889 in Johnstown - pennlive Open-faced watch with chain. Female. Age thirty-five. Male. Weight 65. Black stockings. Gray hair Gold necklace. The committee was led by the esteemed James B. Francis, a hydraulic engineer best known for his work related to canals, flood control, turbine design, dam construction, and hydraulic calculations. Supposed to be Mr. Farrell, of Woodvale. Initials, I. P. or J. P. Male. Gum boots. No valuables. Ring on finger. Calico dress. White. Age seven years. Dark brown hair. Age twelve. Freight filler or car coaler. Dark brown hair Leather shoes with cloth top. One rhinestone ear-ring. Flat nose. Eighty cents in coin. Black waist. Age about twelve. Mouth-organ. Age sixty-five. Red, white and blue striped shirt Cloth top button shoes. Age about sixty years. Male. Two gold rings. Red dress, trimmed with lace. Black stockings, No. Female. Height 5 feet 8 inches. Red and white barred calico dress. Figured waist and white underclothing. Kernville Some valuables. Collar-button. Weight 40 Height 3 feet White. Red and black striped flannel skirt. From club house. Blue calico basque figured with white squares. Black hair. Boy baby. Black pants with white thread run through. Canton flannel underwaist. Body taken by Mr. Thos. Weight about 25 pounds. White bone handle knife. Male. Silver watch, knife, etc., taken by A. Craver of Ebensburg. Weight 50. Street picture of a german village after the recent flooding. Dark brown hair Weight 65. Height 2 feet 6 inches. Head, arms, legs burnt off. Large. Taken from body and placed with valuables. Female. Female. White muslin. Weight 150. Male. White muslin or canton flannel underwear. Pocket-knife. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Purse with street car ticket. Pair of scissors. Weight 160 Height 5 feet 6 inches. Found on river bank at Coopersdale. Age about five years. Derby hat and paint brush found with body. Black cloth cap lined with red, and black wool cap with black ribbon bow on top. Slippers. . Number 4 shoes. White cotton hose, foot mixed with blue. Female. Male. Weight 120. Supposed to be Annie Fitzner, but very doubtful. 65 and collar-button worked in. Height 4 feet. Daughter of John I. Harris, Chief of Police, Johnstown, Pa. Three rings. [16] Some people who had been washed downstream became trapped in an inferno as the debris that had piled up against the bridge caught fire; at least eighty people died there. Canton flannel undershirt. Blue calico dress with small white vines. No valuables. Taken to German Catholic Cemetery. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Pair of spectacles and tin case. Three white stripes black hose. 48, No. Female. Female. $11.99 . $2.00 bill. Six years old. The in-depth story of the deadly 1889 Johnstown Flood caused by the Johnstown Dam Collapse.On Memorial Day of 1889, western Pennsylvania was caught by a mass. Handsome fine features. Very black hair. Knife. Age about fifty. White undershirt. Breast-pin, square shape. Female Age forty-five to fifty Weight 160. Heavy brown hair, plat, and tied with black ribbon. Female. Age about forty-five. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Ring on forefinger of left hand. Female. Weight 100 Height 4 feet 6 inches. $37 00 in cash. Weight about 150. Weight about 170. Red flannel skirt. ticket. Age twenty-four. Female About thirteen years. Female. Male. Overcoat. Eleven years. 145 pounds. Light brown hair, cut very short. Dark basque body. Hosts of martyred little ones, Silk umbrella with two patches on it. Red hair. Brown hair. Blue waist with white figures. Red and black skirt. Age twenty-two. According to records compiled by the Johnstown Area Heritage Association, bodies were found as far away as Cincinnati, Ohio, and as late as 1911; 99 entire families died in the flood, including 396 children; . Female. Female. Weight 135. Ring on right forefinger. Female. Female. Male. Package of Japanese headache cure. Dark hair. Sex unknown. Here is a list of some of the most descriptive facts about the Johnstown flood. Height 5 feet 5 inches. Supposed to be William F. Beck, husband of Mrs. Blanche Beck (337), years 29 Machinist, worked in Gautier. Brown hair plaited and tied in knot in back. . No shoes. Weight 80. Dark brown hair. Height 2 feet 6 inches. Height 4 feet 9 inches. 12 cts. Large. White shirt. Height 5 feet. Flood in 1977 was third to devastate Johnstown - Age one year. The festival will take place Aug. 4-5. Identified by Mrs. Bingle. Son of Howell Powell. Female child. $1.00 silver clasped in hand. Blue calico overskirt. 5 shoes Diamond ring carved, one crescent pin, set with brilliants, with star in centre. Short black hair. Purse delivered to brother. Valuables. Male. Blue and white spotted calico dress. Age twenty-eight Weight 160. Weight 110. Best 10 Dog Treats in Hollsopple, PA with Reviews White. Age thirty-five to forty. Height 5 feet 9 inches. Age thirty. Gray hair. One band ring. Middle-aged Full head dark brown hair. Auburn hair. Striped waist, brown and white. Black hair. Catholic. Figured wrapper. Age about sixty five. Light hair Gray wool dress pleated. Pocket-book with $6.10. Button shoes. Black stockings darned in both heels. Child. Height about 5 feet 6 inches. Full face. Age four. Stucke, of Sewickley. Black corduroy coat. Age fifteen. Black overcoat with rubber buttons. Upper part of face shaven, also upper part of lower lip. Weight 75 pounds. By order of Mr. Scott buried at Prospect, June 10th. Low laced shoes. Pen-holder. Three gold rings placed on body. Long black tie or scarf. Weight 30. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Catholic. Scapulary. The Tragic Story Of The Johnstown Flood - 1,600 homes were destroyed, $17million in property damage levied (approx. White cotton underskirt and red flannel skirt. Knife. Light hair. Age eight. A boy. Male Age about thirty to thirty-five. Sex unknown. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Gold chain. Brown hair. Blue cambric dress. When it occurred, the Johnstown Flood had the highest death toll out of any previous U.S. disaster and is currently one of the top twelve deadliest floods of all time globally. Male. Male. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Supposed to be Cooney or Conrad Schnable. Black pants. Male. Johnstown Flood Victims | Access Genealogy Black hair. Saloonkeeper on Washington street. 6. Light hair partly gray. Working clothes. Identified 12th August by her sons, Matthew and D. A. Matthews. Male. Female. Black necktie with red stripe. Female. Light blue eyes. Female. Dark hair. Dark brown hair plaited and tied with ribbon. Height about 5 feet 6 inches. This number of deaths was later surpassed by fatalities in the 1900 Galveston hurricane and the 9/11 attacks. Height about 5 feet 9 inches. Weight about 75. Male. The great wave measured 35-40 feet high and hit Johnstown at 40 miles per hour. Woolen stockings. Gray woolen drawers. Female. Weight 140. Black hair. Large. Short pants. Gold pin. One rule. Light complexion. Female. Weight about forty. Johnstown Flood Museum - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go - Tripadvisor Age about sixty. Blue calico dress. Summarizing the floods impact in statistics and facts is a quick way to convey the enormity of the event. Hair cut close. Female. Had shoes on. Supposed to be Mrs. Griffin. Black hair. Twice, under orders from Unger, Parke rode on horseback to a telegraph office in the nearby town of South Fork to send warnings to Johnstown explaining the dangerous situation unfolding at the dam. Male. The flood lasted only 10 minutes, but the destruction and fear continued . Finger-rings and gold stud. Button shoes. Boy two years. Light brown hair Gray eyes. Buried in St. John's Cemetery. Breast-pin. Age twenty to twenty-three. Age eighteen months. New buttoned shoes No. Light complexion. . Weight 75. Female. A few gray hairs on chin. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Johnstown, Pa. Age twenty. Body delivered to her husband and taken to Morrellville, Pa. Laced shoes. Red flannel underskirt. Trevor Hughes. Calico dress, red and brown. Light hair Dark brown eyes. Fair complexion. Light hair, plaited, tied near middle. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Dark pants. How far away were bodies found from the Johnstown flood? Zimmerman. During the middle of the flood, rumors circulated that a dam upstream of the city was going to fail, and this sent citizens in a rush to get to higher ground, fearing a repeat of 1889. ; MORE PEOPLE THAN REPORTED BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN DROWNED", "Note: The Floodgates of Strict Liability: Bursting Reservoirs and the Adoption of, "Silent Era: Progressive Silent Film List", "Theater Loop Chicago Theater News & Reviews Chicago Tribune", Shelley Johansson of the Johnstown Flood Museum, "First Person: The Swedish Johnstown flood",,,, Benefit event for Johnstown Flood Sufferers held on June 14, 1889, "The Johnstown Flood", Greater Johnstown/Cambria County Convention & Visitors Bureau, Google Earth view showing Johnstown and the South Fork Dam site, "'It's still controversial': Debate rages over culpability of wealthy club members" by David Hurst,, 1889 natural disasters in the United States, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from May 2017, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, "A True History of the Johnstown Flood" by. Height 5 feet 8 inches. Age thirty-five. Dark coat Gold watch, open-faced, with a short chain. High button shoe. Barton would leave Johnstown a hero. Body taken by son-in-law, Friedman, to Pittsburgh. Canton flannel underclothes. Black hair. Apron with red bar. Button shoes. Blonde hair. Brown and black stripe gray flannel shirt with collar. Postal card and envelope addressed to M.J. Murphy, 1030 Callowhill street, Youngstown, Ohio Valuables taken by M J. McAndrew. White shirt. Scapular around her neck. Scapular. Watch. Earrings Silver ring on middle finger of left hand. Navy blue vest and pants. Blue and white ringed stockings. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Dam-Breach hydrology of the Johnstown flood of 1889challenging the findings of the 1891 investigation report", Sid Perkins, "Johnstown Flood matched volume of Mississippi River", "Johnstown Flood National Memorial (U.S. National Park Service)", "The South Fork Fishing & Hunting Club and the South Fork Dam", Johnstown Flood Museum, "Johnstown Flood Museum: Pennsylvania Railroad Interview Transcripts". Male. Small child. Long black hose Red bandana handkerchief. White. Dark complexion Weight about 100. Black hair. Scalloped vamp. Receipts at Greensburg, Pa. Female. Gas key. Full round face From Merchants' Hotel Identified by A. Adair. Gray woolen undershirt. Female. Woolen underskirt. Plain gold ring on third finger of left hand. Age twenty-four years. Age seventeen to eighteen years. Age about twenty-five. Age about ten years. Blue or hazel eyes. Fair complexion. Age eleven. Blue silk tie with dots. Age forty to forty-five. Black hair. Rubber coat and boots. 3, 335363. Door key. Height 4 feet 9 inches. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Light hair. Valuables given to him. Knife. Height 5 feet 9 inches Dark hair. Left leg off three inches below the knee. Female. Blue and white barred cotton dress Brown hair, plaited with ribbon. Age about fifty. Catholic. Light brown hair. Age four years. Male. Pennsylvania History, v. 80, no. Age thirteen. John Burkhard, guardian of the above. Brown dress. The idea was to let more water out of the lake to try to prevent overtopping of the crest, but without success. Pocket-book with $33.50. Weight 160. Johnstown, Pa. Age thirty. Prospect, June 14th. False teeth upper and lower. About twenty. Supposed to be Mrs. John C. Clark. Check apron. The owner's license was suspended . Age eight. B." Height near six feet. One bunch of keys. Age about three years. Small button shoe spring heel. His warning saved many people who reached high ground. Sent to Prospect. Height about 5 feet 4 inches. 160 pounds. Brown suit. Age sixteen to eighteen. Piece of tape. Necktie. Black ribbed stockings. Teeth short and dark. Ring in possession of J. W. Young, clerk of County Commissioners, of Westmoreland county, Pa. Height 5 feet 4 inches Spotted cloth dress, gray and black. Black woolen stocking. Light complexion. The Pittsburgh speculators built cottages and a clubhouse to create the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club, an exclusive and private mountain retreat. Female. Dark knee pants. Large key. Young lady. Medium stature Weight about 140. On the morning of May 31, in a farmhouse on a hill just above the South Fork Dam, Elias Unger, president of the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club, awoke to the sight of Lake Conemaugh swollen after a night-long heavy rainfall. Polka-dot necktie. Female. Bunch of keys. Black pants. Scarlet underwear. Taken by his brother, Charles W. Female Fair. Black hair and mustache. Thirty-five years. Weight 150. Walter Frank first documented the presence of that emergency spillway in a 1988 ASCE publication. Rosary and scapula left on body. Gold ring on second finger with pearl setting. Male. Age six months. Large ring. p.475. Leather boots. Black stockings. Bracelets and rings duplicates of Miss Well's. Mustache black. In their final report,[20] the ASCE committee concluded the dam would have failed even if it had been maintained within the original design specifications, i.e., with a higher embankment crest and with five large discharge pipes at the dam's base. Brown eyes. Female. Age thirty years. 1911 was the year the final body was found. Johnstown Flood--Reading 1 Long gold breast-pin. Height 5 feet. Watch and chain. White and black mixed frock coat and vest. Letters found on body. Sandy complexion. Two passes for street cars. Male. Crooked legs. Flannel shirt. White vest. Wore a sacque Blue stripe stockings. Dark blue suit. Earrings. Black and gray barred underskirt. Brown hair. Light hair. Head burned off Dark lace shoes. Red flannel dress. Long hair. Barred flannel waist with round pearl buttons. White. Female. Buttoned shoes. Fair complexion. Light hair. In 2008, the bridge was restored in a project including new lighting as part of commemorative activities related to the flood. Very heavy brown hair tied with blue ribbon. Light hair. Gold watch. Height 5 feet. Button shoes. With Len Cariou, Elam Bender, Randy Bender, Clarita Berger. Female. Age eighteen. According to, "of the 2,209 people that died 900 bodies were never found." . Large. Light complexion. Hundreds of people were never found; over 750 bodies were never identified and their remains were buried in The Plot of the Unknown in Grandview Cemetery. Age forty five. Ring marked "K. T. Many bodies were never identified, and hundreds of the missing were never found. Boy Weight 75. Black hair and moustache. Blue and white striped ticking skirt. Postcard Real Photo Main Street Flood Body Found Johnstown Pennsylvania Male Age thirty-nine. Flood, 1889]: Carrying body out of the wreck One locket lost in getting body out. Female. Dark hair. Dark hair. Male. White dress with spots. Height 5 feet Dark hair Plaid dress, black, red and blue barred, Her child prematurely born was along with her Weight about 140. A Pittsburgh man. Female. Black corkscrew coat and vest. Too badly burned for recognition. Bodies from the Johnstown Flood were found as far away as Cincinnati, Ohio. Green cloth basque. Calico dress cut in two at waist. Plain ring on right hand. Low forehead. Inside of locket a star with S. H, words trademark alone a star. Medium weight. Age about twenty. Earring-drop. At the Conemaugh Viaduct, a 78-foot (24m) high railroad bridge, the flood was momentarily stemmed when debris jammed against the stone bridge's arch. Male. Weight 115 Height 5 feet. Son of James Reese, Conemaugh street, Johnstown, Pa. Age two years. Bracelets, seven strands and locket with initials, "E. M. Removed to Catholic Cemetery. Female. Gray underskirt. Female. Grand View. Male. No valuables. Son of Mrs Thomas Howe. Ring on possession of J. W. Young, clerk of County Commissioners, of Westmoreland county, Pa. Female. Red flannel skirt, with blue and white checkered waist attached. [3] Lowering the dam by as much as 3 feet (0.91m) and failing to replace the discharge pipes at its base cut the dam's safe discharge capacity in half. Weight 130. One light plain gold ring. Boy. Light hair. Female. Black hair slightly gray. McAuliff Little girl baby in her arms when found. Red underskirt. Female. Sent to Prospect. Overall, I'd rather have a flood hit a brewery and be filled with barrels than barbed wire. All toes off left foot except small one. Heavy jersey or coat badly torn. Black stockings. Weight 150. Light underwear. $25 00 in paper $1.68 in silver. Pocket on left side. Heavy black coat. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Female. One scarf-pin. Unrecognizable. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Age eighteen. White dress trimmed with embroidery. Can't get it off. Match-safe. Age twenty. Gold breast pin with brilliant setting. Watch. Eyes burned out. Black ribbed hose. Clater, 534 9th Ave. Red and white striped jacket. Plaid dress. . 61 cts. Weight about 45 lbs. Door key and pocket handkerchief. Supposed to have been employed by W. A. Moses. The John Schultz house at Johnstown, Pennsylvania after the flood. Daughter of E. A. James, Jr., 117 Market street, Johnstown. Male. Black wool hose. [3] A hydraulic analysis published in 2016 confirmed that the changes made to the dam by the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club severely reduced its ability to withstand major storms. Unger ran outside in the still-pouring rain to assess the situation and saw that the water was nearly cresting the dam. Age fourteen years. Button-hook. Miles of barbed wire became entangled in the debris in the flood waters. Female Age twenty-five. Female. Black hair. Striped calico skirt. No. White underwear Valuables, receipt of deposit in First National Bank of Racine, Wisconsin, of $60 00, $74 20 in cash, three gold rings Ladies' gold watch and chain, one trunk check marked C. 562 Breast-pin. Plain gold ring on third finger of left hand. Supposed to be Miss Gordon of Hager Building.