They were going along OK, until they reached the threshing floor of Nachon. Outline David returns ark to Jerusalem 2 Sam. wealth (chayil) The Hebrew word, chayil is translated many times in the Bible for wealth. So not only will you and your children have moral strength, but you will also have wealth! Once a year the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies and sprinkled blood on the Mercy Seat, depicting Jesus blood Sacrifice to save all of us. You are king-priests! It contained three items inside: #1) The tablets of stone on which were engraved the Ten Commandment. 2 Sam.6:9 And David was afraid of the LORD that day, and said, How shall the ark of the LORD come to me? Wow, got to say this one is really deep. Amen. As we consider the passage before us, it is important to remember that the ark of God represented His power and presence to the nation of Israel. 1 Cr. However, this passage reveals unchanging truth regarding our attitude before the Lord, the means by which we enter His presence, and the blessings associated with the presence of our Lord. Your email address will not be published. Let the presence of God manifest. Obed Edom & The Ark : Rev Emmanuel Angelo 73 views Premiered Nov 7, 2020 From the epic story of Obed Edom and the Ark, we learn a valuable lesson about surrendering all that you have to. went to bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of the house of Obed-edom with joy." 1 Chron. Taking 3,000 of Israel's best man, he had the ark set on a new cart and brought down from Abinadad's house where it had been for twenty years. 2 Sam. Incredibly, though the Ark was only in his home for 3 months, the Bible records thatThe Lord blessed Obed Edom and all his household.. Find the secret of receiving God's abundant blessings in your family as you learn about the life of this lesser-known Bible character! However, the men of Beth Shemesh also did not follow the ordinances surrounding the ark, and they opened the ark and looked in at the law and the other symbols of mans rebellion. Your email address will not be published. In my past two posts, I have demonstrated how we can do word studies in the New Testament. As the story continues, David was in great fear and would not dare at this time take the Ark of the Covenant to the City of David, but orders it instead to the House of Obed-Edom, a Levite living in Gath, which is why he was called a Gittite. David also wore a linen ephod. But the moment they came under the law, they broke the first commandment by making a golden calf to worship. The Shofar is the horn made from a male sheep. As a servant of the blood, Obed-Edom likely offered the blood of the sacrifice, and thats why he stood in the place of a righteous man. He is filled with mercy, kindness, patience, compassion and forgivenesspossessing total and complete power. David as a young boy, probably about 17 years old, had heardthat the Ark of the Lord was in Kirjath Jearim at the house of Abinadab. . So they sent word to the men of Kirjath Jearim, begging them to takethe Arkoff their hands. And so it was, when God helped the Levites who bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord, thatthey offered seven bulls and seven rams. . He was so afraid he decided he wasn't going to go any further. This is a picture of how when we follow the ways of the world and trust in our own strength, the result is death. Required fields are marked *. Our means of approach is by and through the Son, Jesus Christ our Savior. I have been reading on the story of Ruth and what a beautiful story of our Lord Jesus. 17:11), but he likely only realized what was missing after learning from Obed-Edom. Obed-Edom appears for the first time in 2 Samuel 6:10, when David sought to bring the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem. When the ark was in Obed-Edoms house, the Lord blessed all that Obed-Edom had (1 Chron. He (David) prepared a place for the ark of God, and pitched a tent for it. But he had no problem bringing the ark to his house right after Uzzah was stuck dead for touching it! Why did He permit this action? This whole sad tale is a picture of Righteousness by works. The Holy Spirit is trying to show us it is DEADLYliterally! What difference are you making this year? We're not sure who Obed-edom was. So David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obed-edom to the city of David with rejoicing; and when those who bore the ark of the Lord had gone six paces, he sacrificed an ox and a fatling., For now we see through a glass darkly, but soon face to face.. This man had God in his house and the blessings became the talk of the town. the oxen stumbled The reason the oxen stumbled was that David had copied the ways of the world. There is great benefit in following the Lord, and as we do, we have the potential to make an impact on the lives of others. It is the story about the woman of suffering for twelve long years. I have written many posts on Mark 5:25-34 . David Leaves the Ark of the Covenant With. They also sounded the Shofar every step along the way. Without God helping to ease the burden of thisVERY HEAVYpiece of furniture, of course the oxen stumbled. This coming week, may the blessings of God begin to manifest in an accelerated way, in the name of Jesus. Rate the pronunciation difficulty of Obed-Edom. Otherwise, battered and bruised though He was, His physical body would not have been able to die. Some of the answers to the questions above, and maybe even some you didnt think to ask, are found by understanding the typologies in this story. Jesus, His glory, His beauty and His FINISHED WORKMUST BECENTRAL. I can obey your law on my own. That is essence of self-righteousness. But there is no warmth, no closeness, no sense of family. The first two lessons are normally read by laypeople, the Gospel by a Minister of the Word or a layperson. Check it out and see what you think. The Philistines are a picture of the world; they did not know Gods ways. God bless you.. Appreciate your comment! We hope these sermon notes will be an encouragement to you! Check out the piece called, Theres room at the cross for you, and the article on the Gospel of Matthew in my Gospel series. This was the first time anything like that had happened to me. It is similar to the feeling a child has toward his loving parents. All those things were placed inside so that they would be UNDER THE BLOOD But they were probably curious and wanted to get a glimpse of the tablets of stone, which were made of sapphire. Here we discover the attitude of fear that gripped David as they moved the ark to Jerusalem. This is a simple testimony of rest and acceleration! When it comes to putting Jesus at the center of our parenting, we do this by putting our faith in the Lord instead of trying to change our children with the law. 6 And when they came to Nachons threshing floor,Uzzahput outhis handto the ark of God and took hold of it, for the oxen stumbled. . This is what David did after he took the ark from Obed-Edoms house: And so it was, when those bearing the ark of the LORD had gone six paces, that he sacrificed oxen and fatted sheep. 2 Samuel 6:13 NKJV. I am amazed and humbled! He had to stand there and wait there for a few minutes until they were able to get back on their feet and compose themselves, probably because Jesus did not allow them to get up. He's that guy who lived along the route that David traveled when he was bringing the Ark back to Jerusalem from the house of a priest named, Abinadab. Is He the center of attraction in your home, school, business, career? Obed-Edom named each of his sons in honor of God's blessing on his household. endobj Ibeg to differ. There, it says in verse 8, Then David and all Israelplayed musicbeforeGodwith all their might, with singing, on harps, on stringed instruments, on tambourines, on cymbals, and with trumpets.. The fear of the Lord prolongs our days (Prov. The Church of Christ,15 Grey Street, Warri, Delta State, Nigeria. "A Lesson of Obededom" By Brother Parrish Lee September 4th, 2016 Click here to download printable sermon notes in pdf format. So we can read Obed-Edoms name to mean servant of the blood., Bad news from the doctor regarding your stomach (intestine area), Pain in the right shoulder/upper arm area, Nerve in the right eye that is moving involuntarily, Restoration of a large sum of money that youve been cheated out of, Child being diagnosed with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). He evidently lived in a different Gath along the road to Jerusalem. . There is no sense of closeness to God. Obed-Edom was a Gittite, a Philistine (Josh. And this is what I aim to do for this post to do a post on the name Obed Edom in the Old Testament. They also played with lots of excitement and energy, but the Holy Spirit has specifically mentioned that they played with All their might. VERY significant. B.C. Oh yeah. % 7 The sons of Shemaiah: Othni, Rephael, Obed and Elzabad; his relatives Elihu and Semakiah were also able men. THEY HAD A GREATER APPRECIAION OF THE BLOOD OF JESUS. Our story really begins several years earlier when Hophni and Phinehas, the wicked sons of Eli, believed that taking the Ark of the Covenant with them into battle would protect them from the Philistines as told to us in I Samuel 4. As usual The Holy Spirit, our Master Storyteller, is at it again, painting pictures of Jesus for us and explaining spiritual truths. And the LORD blessed Obed-Edom and all his household" (6:11). There are actually four different men named Obed Edom in scripture. Obed-edom = "servant of Edom" 1) a Levite and a Gittite who kept the ark after Uzzah was slain by God for touching the ark while it was being taken to Jerusalem 2) a Merarite Levite and a singer and gatekeeper 2a) the family descended from him 5654 `Obed 'Edowm o-bade' ed-ome' In other words, he and . He put forth his hand to steady the ark, and God smote Uzzah, and he died. A burnt offering EVERY SIX PACES! In Roman Catholic, Anglican . There is great benefit in following the Lord, and as we do, we have the potential to make an impact on the lives of others. Obed's mother, Ruth, was a Moabitess who immigrated to Bethlehem with her mother-in-law, Naomi. Try, Slow Down, Big Fellawhat A Motorcyclist Taught Me About Preaching, Spit-Shine Tomorrow's Sermon Before You Go To Bed Tonight. What a difference now that David understood why God had blessed Obed Edom. We are not like slaves who dont want to displease their master in fear of being punished. . Thats a whole lot of sacrifices and shedding of blood! All the people were with him, and there was lots of praise and worship. . How can I connect with you and learn more about Grace ? The whole time David was afraid of God, Obed-Edom was being greatly blessed. Before God gave Israel the Ten Commandments, the Israelites confidently said they would fulfill all the commandments the Lord would give them (Exod. THATS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE ARK IS BROUGHT BACK TO JERUSALEM! This year, God wants to repair the first breach, which is in the area of family blessings. He should have known better but, for some reason, he didnt. . If He hadnt, they would not have been able to carry it anywhere. This is the man whose life, as well as the lives of his family, was changed in ninety days when the Ark of the Covenant of God was placed in his house. I. And so, the Philistines captured the Ark of the Covenant and placed it in the house of Dagon, their wicked deity. They set it before him and celebrated their victory. They are mutually exclusive. 11:2526), He was showing us the importance of valuing His blood. Obed-Edom was a man lifted by affliction. God is not the God of the future or past, but He is our very present help in time of need (Ps. No, Noah was responsible to BUILD the ark. Amen. It caused them nothing but grief! He is not to be sought in a casual manner or without sincerity. That brings it to a whole new level! The impetus for this word study comes from a sermon I heard some years back. . On Davidsfirst attempt,he put the Ark on a new oxcart. He was probably a Levite who lived nearby. Al parecer, Obed-Edom, luego de ver las bendiciones que reciben quienes sirven a Dios de corazn, hizo suyas las palabras del salmista que dice: "Escogera antes estar a la puerta de la casa de. God's Timing is Not Our Timing Jesus was on his way to heal Jairus' daughter, but he takes time to talk to the woman who touches his robe. Yes, he was willing to be a simple doorkeeper and attendant in the service of the Lord. He put it on his own new ox cart, and started off with his impressive entourage. II Samuel 6:9-119 David was afraid of the Lord that day; and he said, How can the ark of the Lord come to me? 10 So David would not move the ark of the Lord with him into the City of David; but David took it aside into the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite.11 The ark of the Lord remained in the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite three months. The Ark was in Abinadabs house for 20 years and Obed Edom before that for 3 Months. His fear had come because of the great tragedy experienced while moving the ark. LESSONS FROM OBED-EDOM - YouTube Obed Edom.David was both angry at God and terrified at the the same time. The Honor of the Ark of God. And the Bible said God blessed Obed-Edom. If you desire to maintain the presence of God in your home, a certain attitude must be a part of maintaining it. Are you a family man? Y estuvo el arca de Jehov en casa de Obed . We should learn to be accountable for whatever assignment God gives us. Listen, Church:JESUS DID A FINISHED WORK. One of the meanings of the name Obed-Edom is worshipper. . The lower part was made of incorruptible Shittim wood, overlaid inside and out with the purest gold. To all the people you can, But there was praise and worship before Uzzah died, and Uzzah still died. God cursed the Philistines and they were struck with disease and ultimately, before they got the Ark back into the hands of Israel, 50,070 men died as recorded in I Samuel 6:19. I believe you will know the right time to study and the right time to play games.. You see, all names in the Bible have a meaning, and ourGod LOVES to hide wisdom and truths in names, places, even numbers, for those who are hungry enough to search them out. , 8 And David became angry because of theLords outbreak against Uzzah; and he called the name of the place Perez Uzzahto this day.. Abinabab is a picture of those who dont have a great appreciation of the blood of Jesus. 16:4-6, 37-38). With all that in mind, lets continue with our story. Obed-edom, el hijo de Cor, tuvo sesenta y dos hijos y nietos. 6:1112). David had a desire to bring the ark from a place where it was neglected and dishonored to the centrality of the heart of IsraelMount Zion, the place of grace. On the third morning, what did they find? Again, there is a typology here. They are representative of God Looking down on the Mercy Seat. Obed-Edom is a picture of believers who are conscious of Jesus finished work and shed blood. 4:10). Whatever sin he had, he knew that the blood would take care of it, and thats how the blessings of God came upon him and his family. The narrative was repeated in 1 Chronicles 13:13-14. 1043. As we live out every moment of this year, lets be reminded that Jesus is always with us in the present and ready to help. The account in 1 Chronicles is much more detailed. His HEAD: intelligence, and HANDS: power, were cut off. . It could be that Obed-Edom moved his family to Jerusalem where the ark was because he noticed the difference that the presence of God made. BRING THE ARK BACK TO THE CENTER OF WORSHIP! Appointed to Sound With Harps. Obed-Edom being a Gittite (Gentile, non-Jew) fulfills Amos prophecy, where the rebuilding of the Tabernacle of David will cause the Gentiles to come in (Amos 9:12). 16:38). From here we can see that the first area of restoration that happened after the first breach (the death of Uzzah) is in the area of family life. Experience they say is the best teacher, it is only a fool that keep failing on the same spot. The Bible tells us that sin shall not have dominion over us because we are not under the law but under grace (Rom. Davids desire to bring the ark to Mount Zion is a message to the church today: bring Jesus back to the center of our lives (e.g. Obed-Edom was a Gittite (1 Chron. We too, can be blessed like Obed-Edom. Wednessday(men class): 5PM - 6PMFriday(Singing class): 5PM - 6PMSaturday(Evangelism): 10AM - 1PM, Do all the good you can, He is contrasting mixture: The mixing of law and grace, and the true Gospel of Grace. , 12b So David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obed-Edom to the City of David with gladness.13 And so it was, when those bearing the ark of the Lord had gone six paces, that he sacrificed oxen and fatted sheep.14 Then David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was wearing a linen ephod.15 So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the Lord with shouting and with the sound of the trumpet.. xiii. Hes a GENTILE. Very difficult. Who is Obed-Edom and why was he blessed by God? . When they found Jesus, He, of course, KNEW EVERYTHING. Its because of His blood that we are brought near to God (Heb. Following the death of Uzzah, David became angry with God and afraid to proceed with the ark. There was praise, worship, and music played skillfully on many instruments along with him. You did things His way..or else. 15 Outstanding Quotes To Recharge Your Preaching. Its the exact reason I started writing because I wanted to bless the Church with the real Jesus and seeing Him through all the scriptures concerning Himself. Not at all. I Chronicles 15:2626 And so it was, whenGOD HELPED THE LEVITESwho bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord , that they offered seven bulls and seven rams.. Thank you. Instead of seeking the Lord about what caused Uzzahs death, David became fearful and temporarily put the ark in Obed-Edoms house, which was likely nearby. Heres the problem with hat statement: Beth Shemesh was a very small town. Obed-Edom / o b d i d m / is a biblical name which in Hebrew means "servant of Edom," and which appears in the books of 2 Samuel and 1 and 2 Chronicles.The relationship between these passages has been the subject of scholarly discussions which express uncertainty and disagreements about the relationships between various passages that use the name. So blessed to read it. He knew what was about to happen, yet He did not shrink from it but stepped forward with kingly grace. Very graphic picture of Davids new-found appreciation. He acted maturely and was accountable for the safe-keeping of the ark. . His family was as involved in the work of the Ark as he was. <> (Joshua 21:25) (B.C. True fear of the Lord is having a desire to please someone whom we know loves us. 1. As He is, so are we in this world (1 John 4:17). The ark represented the presence of God. He acknowledged God's presence and he was blessed. He must have felt too personal or too common about it, that he forgot Gods commandments concerning it. 9 And these are the generations of Esau the father of the Edomites in mount Seir: 10 These are the names of Esau's sons; Eliphaz the son of Adah the wife of Esau, Reuel the son of Bashemath the wife of Esau. The Five Offerings Of Leviticus Part 5 of 10: BullockOffering, Who Needs The Law? He said to them, You are the heads of the fathers houses of the Levites;sanctify yourselves, you and your brethren, that you may bring up the ark of the Lord God of Israel to the place I have prepared for it. If the Ark is a picture of Jesus, then where was He? 78:68). 8 All . endobj While Obed-Edom was probably not aware of Gods laws, he valued the ark and knew the importance of the shed blood, which was passed down from generation to generation from the time of the garden of Eden (it was God Himself who first shed the blood of an innocent animal to cover the sins of Adam and Eve). Many years earlier the ark had been . Thank you for a grace filled message of love and forgiveness and surely I repentant without the word repentance being mentioned! ; "the servant of *Adam [the deity? 132:6), while King Saul who was in authority at that time had no interest in the ark at all. Know how far it is from the house of Obed Edom to Jerusalem? David learned from his mistake! Reblogged this on emmausroadministries and commented: Why did God bless this Gentile man who had the Ark of the Covenant in his house for the space of only 3 months? Its our Uzzahour self-effortthat stops us from receiving all that God has for us, not our sins. May your family life be such a testimony that leads others back to the Lord and His grace. What a great teaching. Once we check with the original Hebrew, we will understand that this is a translator issue and why. 5 Ammiel the sixth,Issachar the seventh and Peullethai the eighth. Butwhy in the world did he follow their example? The nuggets in that story are endless. God has ordained Jesus to be the center of everything. Thank You, Father God, that You raised Jesus from the dead. For all the promises of God you read in the Old or New Testament, you claim them by faith by saying, Amen!, In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches (perez) thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old. Amos 9:11 KJV, breaches (perez) The word perez in Hebrew means breach.. . Now, lets look at the typologies in this story. Obed-Edom wasnt just any man; he was the man who made the difference. The last time this name appears is in 2 Chronicles 25:24 but by then, this was several generations after him. What a worship! So how do these two observations answer our question in the beginning of this section? When Uzza (mans strength) stretched his hand out to steady the ark, he died. I write because I also was blessed and hoped others would be too. A preacher in a conference I attended talked about Obed Edom being everywhere in the records of 1 Chronicles. If you honor God, He will bless you! <>>> Your salvation is nothing. Scriptures: God, as you know,loves to hide truths in the meanings of the names of people, places, even things in the Hebrew language and letters throughout the Bible. Grace is grace or it isnt. In all the ways you can, Taught by Stephen Armstrong We're in the middle of studying several chapters in 2 Samuel that summarize the success David had in ruling Israel during the early years of his reign God was working to bless David personally and He was at work blessing the nation through David both militarily and religiously The other two include a gatekeeper (1 Chronicles 26:8), and a guardian of the sacred vessels (2 Chronicles 25:24).