Its definitely getting rougher every day, Andrew told the Morning Call. What a lame article. Three days later, Joann had plans to pick up her mother-in-law, Veronica Katrinak, to go Christmas shopping. Theyre just not willing to investigate/research as to the truth. "You knew how the This was a horrible and brutal double murder and whoever did it needs to be locked up forever. I really never thought of it again.. Or the fact the one of those officers heard her make this statement at the time of her arrest and not the other. If documentaries are, as you claim, biased against Rorrer, the obvious question is why. I want to keep the tons of old jewelry but Im perplexed. The women testified last week. On June 14, 1989, Patricia Wright and her 7-year-old son, Alfey, were riding in a car driven by family friend Lawrence Slaughter. And even prosecutor Michael McIntyre, who wrote the book Hair Trigger about the case, acknowledged to Keith Morrison that it was a little odd that the police found blood on the hairs in Joanns car but nowhere else in the vehicle. You, however, consider your ill-informed opinion superior to them not only that, you then go to great lengths to belittle them. Dame Patricia said she was "deeply saddened" to hear of her former co-star's death. If there was more talk about finding this .22 mm gun then that would solve all of this speculation. Does it actually have to be an obligatory duty for anyone to be present at a trial before they are able to have an opinion? Women murder for all kinds of reasons, but the simple facts come down to this.there was physical evidence, the bullet wound matched that of the gun Pat owned, the hairs were Pats and at both scenes, and she had no alibi and she had lied to try and come up with one.and lets not forget the damning words she spoke to her 18 month old daughter that the officer had the common sense to document. Simpson says there is reasonable doubt in Murdaugh murder case, Ex-Beyond Meat COO pleads guilty to felony after taking a bite out of strangers nose in uncontrollable rage following football game, Mullet streaker bellyflops into pond at pro golfs Greatest Show on Grass before hes arrested, 'I'm a father and I couldn't do this': Florida man convicted of murdering almost 3-month-old baby boy, Jan. 6th rioter who stole Officer Michael Fanone's badge following Capitol assault pleads guilty, 'We really thought she was dead': Long-missing Pennsylvania woman discovered alive in Puerto Rico after 30 years, 'Things went horribly wrong': Devastated family sues mortuary over wrongful cremation, 82-year-old woman pronounced dead at nursing home, but funeral home found her breathing: Authorities, California Cops Looking For Man Who Left Human Remains On Police Station Counter, Why Man Who Sued Sheriff For Wheel of Fugitive May Have Claim: Analysis. Stop. The investigation is a bit out of place, but the DNA test can be altered only if its made just from a pen, because otherwise it is not possible, only if they said they did it and didnt actually do it, which would be quite difficult because it would mean complicity between many persons. Im a hunter and in the spring I have found many dead deer that died from starvation or other reasons and the bodies are untouched. Very similar. Missouri's Governor Pardons The St. Louis Lawyers Who Waved Andrew mentioned to police that his former live-in girlfriend Patricia Rorrer once managed a horse stable two miles from the bodies location and would have been familiar with the riding trails close to the murder scene. The state made a case fueled by circumstantial evidence and public outrage over the deaths of a modern-day madonna and child. He jumped at the opportunity with the understanding that the emphasis would be on Lawrence Slaughter and not his sister. She made an effort to look perfectly groomed even when she took out the trash, according to her mother, who appeared on Forensic Files. But hang on You ask that I show care with my wording and show all the tolerance in the world, and by that you presumably mean I should simply ignore those who villify her in the most disgraceful way, probably in the opinion that all readers of their comments will agree, and no one is going to take offence! Unfortunately, most people cant distinguish reality from crackpot nonsense, and theyre only more unlikely to do so, given todays social media. Everyone lies. A correction to the comment above. she didnt need to . Ms. No charmed life. That poor child who grew up with no mom for absolutely no reason. Prosecutors did not seek the death penalty, so Said was automatically sentenced to life in prison with no parole. Her jealousy and rage because Joann told her to not contact her husband set her off. Patricia complied fully with the original investigation of the crime and wasnt a suspect because none of the blood or fingerprints found at the crime scene matched hers. Search is on. Even after 12 years of frustration and dead-ends, the pursuit for their killer never ceased, Spivey said in a statement. At the states request, the instructor wore a wire during a phone conversation with Patricia. All 3 of her alibis were lies, DNA tied her to the murder, there was no sexual assault, she had a violent past, was obsessed with Andy, and was caught lying about owning a gun, which coincidentally jammed after firing once and shell cases were found on her property. Patricias professional life included short-lived gigs as a Century 21 real estate agent and an Oldsmobile salesperson. I have not SEEN this report that says no root found is there a picture of it online somewhere? They allege that the North Carolina resident stealthily drove 500 miles to Pennsylvania and killed out of a sense of deadly indignation. Jenkins at one time had hired Allen Prue to plow her driveway. She will be in jail for the rest of her life and rightly so. I had five children to take care of and it was costing me so much money to travel two hours from Riverside to Los Angeles and sit in court all day, Patricia said. Andrew also stated that when Pat called and Joann answered she had instructed her not to call again because they were married and they were happy. Let her rot like she left Joan and that INNOCENT baby Alex. Yeah, no. I dont see any defining comment or wording that justifies that claim. The author that wrote the book on the Rutier case donates all the funds from that book to freeing Darlie Routier because the jury wasnt shown a lot of evidence of the medical issues Darlie suffered. "I couldn't believe it," Blasczyk said of the crime. The prosecution alleged that Patricia called the Katrinaks house from a pay phone in Pennsylvania. Why would it be an irony for a person to express his opinion? Whether or not one believes said person has a motive, did investigators have an actual factual case or not? A Florida mother, who allegedly lied to police that her son with autism was abducted by two black men, was charged with the child's murder, police said. She likely SUFFOCATED him to get revenge on the babys father who was planning on leaving her. Her mother, Patricia Chambers, provided day care for their baby son, Charles. She killed Joann, had a fair and impartial trial, so its time to get over it. Its barely visible in the picture. Her diary certainly indicates some disturbed thinking. Thank you, this is a very interesting comment. Owens called him "the devil" and said he deserved a punishment much tougher than life in prison. On December 12, 1994, Joann answered a phone call from a woman shed never met, Patricia Rorrer, her husbands onetime girlfriend. For one thing, her mother never asked Sandra Ireland to hide the gun, and she retrieved it on the way home the next day she worked as a bus driver and couldnt take it with her to school. A person tried in a court of law and then found guilty is not the be-all and end-all to the case. CHOOSE1 Three Strikes Reform Act needs 365,880 signatures by June 1: Volunteer today! Unless theres a complicity between him and her, and the reason she didnt divulge it is because she hopes to put all the blame on him, when she was the one to murder and he was a planner. She held up pictures of her dead daughters. Amina Said Mother Patricia Owens Said Charged With Patricia Re Routier, the claim that she inflicted a potentially fatal injury on herself by no means indicates another perp: she could have inflicted it in ignorance, as a suicide attempt, or in a semi-psychotic state. Patricia Prue sentence: Life without parole During the trial, the prosecutor said that the insurance reward would have been $180,000, which was totally exaggerated, said Arletta Wright, Patricias sister, who has been championing Patricias innocence from the beginning of Patricias time in prison. Cops under pressure will lie to close a case. Despite the new evidence and hypotheses, the courts have rejected all of Patricias bids for a new trial. I didnt read anything in this article that convinced me I didnt like that the lab had a bad rep and I do agree the police lie and frame people sometimes so I cant say 100% she did it or not. Patricia and her defense team denied that allegation and said she owned her home, had no financial The number of delusional people in this world both shocks and frightens me. If the answer is no, enough said! [emailprotected]. Strands of the accuseds dyed-blond hair at two crime scenes proved it. DA readily agreed they did not belong to Rorrer, was happy to admit they were never submitted for analysis. How could I explain to my daughter years later that I took a plea for something I didnt do? she said. Exactly The fact that Jerome was gay was left out of the trial altogether. So whats your point (other than many people are stupid and you arent)? Perhaps youre not aware, there was a great deal of evidence of which these documentaries made no mention, as well as misdeeds and incidents of corruption perpetrated by the cops. Some people are just monsters. Do you realize that Patricia was only found and arrested more than six months after the murder? Have you read the book? If you can tear yourself away from your obsessive mentality, you can see what virtually amounts to the tampering to which I referred. Claps! I can only suggest you read through my comments again, only more thoroughly. Advocates for her innocence complain of hype surrounding the case. And your appraisal of McIntyre is 100% spot on. And remnants of what look like a baby rested on the mother. Is Dallas becoming unaffordable due to rising housing costs, inflation and stagnating pay? Not sure why anyone is defending her. Especially mice! This woman was not innocent, but she is very good at manipulating people into feeling sorry for her. Its sad that some people just cant move on and continue to feel that what they want is going to be THEIRS regardless. The trial was taking so much of my time. 3 Chicago officers acquitted of covering up for colleague who shot He tried to claim someone else murdered them and that the night his daughters were killed someone was following them. She didnt need to have owned all the guns she ever used, nor to have owned the gun she in fact used. She is right where she belongs for now until she meets satan in the fury of hell. Through that testing, the elderly patient was confirmed to be the same woman locally known in Pittsburgh as a street preacher called The Sparrow who vanished and left her family flummoxed. Joanns first husband, New Jersey construction worker Michael Jack, who had reportedly abused her during their marriage, also had a solid alibi. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. He says he "feared for his life" and left the girls in the cab alive as he ran away. Theres a similar air of confusion connected to the Scott Peterson debacle. All the sources said the same thing either exposure or suffocation, but no certainty about which one. But thats just some of the ammo on Team Patricias battleship. In April 2019, 69-year-old Patricia was found guilty of second-degree murder and the use of a firearm in the commission of a felony. In recent years, she began to share key details about her past life in Pittsburgh to nursing home staff that led . Its his hair (dirty blond and roughly 8 inches in length) that was found in Joanns hand. And why would the judge not let the information about Jerome being a homosexual be known to the jury.. My husband passed away of a broken heart, Sarah OConnor said on the Montel Williams Show in 2001. On Aug. 31, 2011, at 11 a.m., Wrights family, the Action Committee for Women in Prison, and the FACTS community and supporters gathered in front of Gov. If you so dearly feel the need to occupy the high ground in debate or an argument, have the decency to quote accurately. The fact that there is LITERALLY NO EVIDENCE that Patricia was actually obsessed with Andy; they spoke as friends maybe twice a year. Are you even aware there are judges, eminent writers, lawyers and TV personalities and countless other ordinary people all of whom steadfastly support her as being innocent and wrongly convicted. That is not just a circumstantial case, that is both circumstantial and forensic, and it is pretty air tight. I would have liked better her being put to death! Said Former Most-Wanted Fugitive Accused in 2008 Honor Killings of Before Said was taken away, he heard two victim impact statements. Lawyers pleaded their cases in closing arguments to 12 jurors and three alternates for nearly two hours Tuesday morning. I come home one night, and shes just gone, and nobody knows where shes at, Bob Kopta, husband of Patricia Kopta, said at a press conference reported by Pittsburgh-based NBC affiliate WPXI. Three Strikes holds dying innocent woman behind bars: Justice for Patricia Wright I am outraged at the rush to judgment displayed by the LAPD, wrote Michelle Alexander, civil rights attorney and author of the influential book, The New Jim Crow. I have never seen anything this egregious., Requests for Proposals and Qualifications, Families to Amend California's Three Strikes (FACTS), life without possibility of parole (LWOP), National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), What California should do with people convicted of violent felonies, The Folsom 6 who stood up for Yogi are vindicated. (McIntyre said that Egan ignored Traupman because he was a nut who said that the man he saw arguing with the woman in a car was Hispanic but wearing a fake mustache and a toupee. And I have absolutely no sympathy. One on one? Nailed? Its not logical to say we know the truth unless we seen it for ourselves. In fact it clearly shows how short you are on all the details surrounding this case. Ls HUe7C22R>_%m~e5?h (Ross Township Police Department). After an hour Id call anyone whod listen to me including police! She is the one who tricked them, first by RR, Watch the Forensic Files episode on YouTube. Alfey says that the next thing he knew his mother was being handcuffed and taken to the county jail even though the woman who was showing the model home was given back the stolen property. You started slinging insults, then got insulted when slung back. She is a tough one, Sheriff Gerald Hege would later tell the Morning Call in a June 29, 1997 interview. Prue is currently serving a life sentence with the eventual opportunity for parole. Relatives at the time told cops that Yaser threatened bodily harm against Sarah for going on a date with a non-Muslim. What evidence is there she actually left the state? It fails to mention the car was totally clean of any other forensic residue. In 2016, Oklahoma police arrested the mother, Patricia Spann, now 44, and her 26-year-old daughter, Misty Velvet Dawn Spann, charging both of them with incest. But I agree with a recent comment.. Why not do a paternity case so just that is done and out of the way. I think we need to realize that each dollar we spend or don't spend could have a serious impact on our society and our safety.". In one entry, she writes that she has plans for people who have messed with her, and that "people will be surprised of what she is capable of," Caledonia County State's Attorney Lisa Warren said. Dont even think about arguing with me until they DNA test that hair and the broken fingernail found on her body; Ill just laugh at you. Feb 7, 2017 Patricia A. Giddings, seated beside Keeseville-based attorney Jacob Painter in Clinton County Court on Tuesday, spoke only to affirm she understood the proceedings. Or to keep it anonymous, click here. And shes were so happy. Her brother Larrys false confession was all the LAPD needed to put Patricia behind bars. And the obvious answer is not as you claim. Pat will spend the rest of her natural life in prison where people like her belong. I expect she will admit it one day. Fact is she wasnt and all of her alibis were proven to be lies. Patricia Wrights brother, Larry Wright, 47, and her neighbor, Janet Marcelin, 55, both testified that Patricia Wright and Lawrence Slaughter committed the murder but recanted their testimony after Patricia was sentenced to life without possibility of parole. 2}Wo).hf}~g={g::y]peb78R,;>59_'cuB F4QyU&9G=#0 Police couldnt determine whether the baby died of exposure or suffocation. which makes a complete nonsense of their gun theory. Police were led to the Prues by a business card found in Jenkins' home for Allen Prue's snow-plow business and a report that the Prues had called Jenkins about trouble with their vehicle.