And what would Mercury square Neptune signify to you? Chiron is at 1312 cancer. They can only speculatenot historicize. Just being a bit bratty I guess but I do not need tittles nor miss them but I feel a certain way and others get that vibe of me also..Anyone else? [1], George W. Bush 026, Frida Kahlo 034 (and Neptune), Leona Helmsley 053 (and Venus), Sylvester Stallone 055, James VI and I 115, Moon conjunct Sirius: Success in business, influential friends of opposite sex, favorable for the father, good health, beneficial changes in home or business. Sirius tempts its people by offering a liberal wound culture that 1) locates social identity only within the wound and 2) sees the individuals story as representative of the whole. The disintegration of that social body, through diaspora, is an anachronism. I mean what would Sirius conjunct North Node mean? Hi Rose. So maybe there is a burning issue that lies at the root of a family problem or has been inherited. Drop out of school a few times, but w persistence and help from family, get graduate degree.) This aspect is often seen between two people who become obsessed with one another. I also have Mercury (12th house) conjunct AC very widely 10 orbs, but I can still feel it, maybe because my chart ruler, Venus (1st house) is in Gemini and is mutual reception to Mercury. Ascendant degree changes to next degree every four minutes therefore time of birth requires complete reliability This is an indicator of an intense attraction. Ive noticed that with planets close to the ascendant, there is an instinctive understanding and clarity of the planets energy (the tighter the orb, more the clarity). I dont have a question about it, Im just still trying to figure it all out. . Especially when Sirius hard aspects the Moon, it creates a sense of cultural alienation. Thank you. That looks a bit like a loose conjunction to Sheat. In Egypt it was Sothis, and is depicted with Jupiter in the Dendera Zodiac, as Jupiter was conjunct Sirius during the solar eclipse of 51 BC, the day that Cleopatras father died. Ps, Keep up the good work on the site . Ok! I know that all celestial objects all in actual living entities which are developing themselves cycle after cycle. [7], Cat Stevens 031, Boris Johnson 042, Tony Abbott 134, Descendant conjunct Sirius: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities; bountiful resources; well known or feared in cities and regions. Having read Cleopatra-A Life by Stacy Schiff, I know that when he died, Cleopatra immediately became queen-ata a very young age. For the Nodes with the fixed stars, you can combine the interpretation for Sun and Moon. I dont take orders or a sense of limitation well. Josh, when you have Pluto on your ascendant you carry that intensity(which is not a bad thing) but some people may get threatened by it. [1] The manufacture of weapons for hunting and the raising of hunting dogs. The Descendant in Astrology is located in the cusp of the 7th house in our natal chart and is the opposite point of the Ascendant. For the Nodes with fixed stars I always combine the interpretation for the Sun and Moon. I have this placement and personal freedom is of utmost importance to me. The USA is built on anachronistic histories and fabricated memories. Thanks for that Jo. I find as I advance through life my initial upheavals were very much external in youth constant moves, unstable/fractured family life, rebellion, running away to internal upheavals later on. Intensity? Ascendant shows the lens in front of us. Jupiter in the 4th house is a great placement as the person generally has a positive outlook. Thanks. Menu grigor dimitrov coach; welly motorcycle models; sneed buddy battlegrounds And my Neptune is in Capricorn, so rather more practically inclined from the start. We dont like it when our parents fought, always pick up the emotions surrounding us and will get very upset if we caught negative emotions in the air. They oppose Chiron in Pisces at the MC in the 9th, Saturn about 8 degrees away in the 9th and the astroid Ceres in PIsces a couple of degrees from the MC in the 10th. Marginalization is experienced as a direct result of losing the homeland. 2. Neptune is harder to see in my life, even for myself Im generally very rational and practical, though I have an interest in neptunian things. Sirius shows up in the charts of my clients way more than any other fixed star. He's caught up in this, obviously. [1]. Interestingly when Pluto opposed my MC I had to deal with a former mentor attacking me at work because she felt like I rose too far too fast and resented me for it. Hello, Sierra. Sirius is not an utopian starits not a future oriented star. For example Neptune will tends to diminish the egoistic tendencies of the Sun (when Neptune aspects the sun) and so suns energy may be expressed through the filter of selflessness and passiveness. Im close to my sister and father, sometimes my broder, but thats it, I feel Ive made other people my family.Saturn conjuncts my IC too. It exhausts me everytime people would expect alot from me, even my family, resulting me to withdraw myself and live in solitary. In almost every story that I could find regarding Sirius, its a dog. Mercury is the ability to extract labor and Jupiter is the concealment of labor through technology. i have a post about moon conjunct mars. 1. The only astrologer using this method is Bernadette Brady and I believe she sold her idea to them. I also have Jupiter at 16 of Capricorn in my 10th house, conjunct to my MC within 2 orbs. Thanks! [5]. Shocking companions. I have Moon conjunct M.C in Virgo [1 degree orb] I do not feel close family ties. Im generally sober with melancholic temperament, very serious outlook, practical, prudent, resourceful, determined but at the same time I lack confidence. Rising mean on Ascendant, culminating means on Midheaven. Saturn-Sirius people often inherit the Sirius-related issues of their ancestors. skechers go walk joy - simple voyage; does pallas have a moon. Since I heard the word sirius for the first time I felt I need to know more about this. Could it be that my venus is in virgo, trine Lilith and Chiron in 7th in Taurus, but my DC is in Aries (have both signs intercepted in 7th). All of the clients who have hard personal aspects with Sirius have some kind of relationship with some kind of lone wolf complex, which its something that they see shape their own lives or whether its shaped the personality of someone close to them. People with the Moon in hard aspect to Sirius often experience double foreignness. Individuals whose planets closely hit that vertex axis can have a profound effect on the relationship. I dont know why but its something that happens more than its supposed to, statistically speaking. The USA, for example, sees itself as a positive integrating force in the world because it thinks that it has the ability to pull together a band of misfits. Once I even saw my whole view in blue during the day, which now makes sense. They dont sit around waiting for things to happen, but they tend to take charge of their goals. to be honest , square for action so it does make rational sense. Hello Mala: Thanks for your amazing feedback and sharing details that help us in our learning process. Thank you for answering!!! It refers to our partners and relationships since it represents that part of our identity we don't fully recognize but project on others. (Its a glass half empty, or half full? type of chart, and Im trying to figure out how to make positive use of it. My moon/pluto conjunction trines it. When I mentioned about Neptune creating a selfless energy in the article, it was in relation to the Sun. When is the heliacal rising of Sirius? There is the power to manifest with planets in angular houses. Uranus clearly influences my chart. And the hottest part of the year we still call the dog days, though, through the variation as observed in different latitudes, and the precession of the equinoxes, its rising has long ceased to have any relation to those days. So Sun in the Nadir is expressed in a very different way than Sun conjunct MC. I have always felt that I would die in motion as in an accident or a fall I have been told to stay away from deep water voyages, and I have two beautiful very large dogs. It sees itself as a shelter for those who have been estranged from the rest of the world. Hi, I have Sirius conjunction MC by less than one degree. Funny. Its the story that the kid everyone bullied will one day overcome through struggles through fame. Also mars in capricorn exactly on nadir. In your case, leaving out the Saturn parallel Sun make leave out a big chunk of relevant information about your personality. Mars Uranus combo is the dare devil fiery brand aspect, and the people who have this are, This is a modified version of the article published in NCGR (National Center for Geocosmic Research) Newsletter, Moon Pluto Aspects in Astrology is called the most difficult aspect due to the intensity and potential. With Mars conjunct MC is an indication of physical component in ones career. Venus is the disciplinary power of norm setting and Mars is the perceived threat of the cultural outsider. Uranus conjunct Sirius: Gain and prominence in Uranian matters, help from influential friends, gain through harmonious marriage, especially if male, sudden death. [3] Hi, I have Neptune 5 degrees from my ascendant in Scorpio (in the 12th house), Uranus 8 degrees from my MC and Pluto 8 degrees and 19 minutes, (does that count?) [7], Ascendant conjunct Mars conjunct Sirius: On the Ascendant and with Mars combined, Sirius can be quite dangerous, pushing ahead with too much ambition is then seen, resulting in dangers by injuries or attempts on the natives life. Which house is Saturn located and what house does it rule- where you experience restriction may depend on this. If you want a reading on career path, chart compatibity, prediction, etc., click here for more details. Hi, interesting stuff Have Jupiter (1st) sun, mercury + uranus (exact conj to each other) in close conjuction to asc on what I hear is the more powerful side of a con this case the 12th house), with pluto conj mercury and uranus, but not asc. Yes, the calling for people with Neptune in MC is to find something that is authentic (right for their soul), even if the path maybe hard, uncertain, challenging to make a living off it. Nadja, with Neptune aspecting your MC, the challenge is find something that is right for you irrespective of practical consideration, and I understand it is easier said than done. Although I am not sure I quite grasped how the energy of the planets conjunct IC is like, when you mean they are more internalised? I have just read your article on Sirius Star-Sparkling, and it is fascinating. With Neptune, itd make you a wanderer, a lost child within a vast world, and I have this strong urge to give all of my earnings to unlucky people. Fixed stars and eclipses might be relevant to the Republican nomination. I am new into Astrology. Sirius people are people who often fit in neither with their biological family nor their chosen family. I have read from various sources that fixed stars only work in conjunction. you need a job that is right from your heart but also which is flexible and has independence. Moon conjunct the MC (yes, a full moon baby on top of it all) and had a parent who died young and many difficulties finding career stability as everything I love to do is the creative realm and not financially viable so have always had jobs while trying to carve out time to do what I really am drawn to. Sirius is one of the 15 Behenian Fixed Stars. Cancer, conjunct my 3rd house, with asteroids Logic and Industria within 1. very much so. messengers of the Gods. The rest of my chart are 1st house Sun, 5th house Mars, 7th house Pluto, 10th house Jupiter, 12th house Saturn. Nor, do I have a lot of financial success ( No planets in the 10th except for Juno).. With Jupiter in the 4th, I have worked for a real estate agent, have had Spiritual gatherings in my home, Done home health care and cleaned houses, (self employed). Person will have a sense of destiny or purpose that is counter to the times one lives in. It also describes ones dominant parent and in general the kind of relationship one has with people in authority, like parents, employers, boss, etc. Each of these planets connects our consciousness to the higher dimensions in their own unique way. Im starting to wonder if its the trine to the DC thats responsible for the highly unconventional relationships you mean to say sun conjunct sirius will favor a person in sex war and business and anything ruled by mars will be favored i have studied that after 30 people start to get great results from fixed stars which are on their sun and moon, still waiting for your response on my below comment. It is good for taking exams, tending to herbivorous animals and all types of industriousness. The Sun in hard aspect to Sirius is about soft power. Ancestor problems show up in the form of coincidences and synchronicities. Just wanted to clarify that Sir does not come from Sirius as stated in this article but from Sire ultimately derived from the latin for Senior. I have never studied these Stars in Astrology it is a fascinating addition and I hope to learn more. What it means if a planet is in diffrrent house but conjuct an angle? Like Grail, I have Uranus conjuct IC, in Scorpio, opposition to my Taurus sun. The planet conjunct an angle is strong even if its not in a angular house, as long as It is close to the angle. An astrologer from Sweden who took my classes in the 1980s made an excellent observation regarding his natal Eris (7th House)-Mercury (1st House) opposition. I hope you remember to come back with an update when your potential is realized. Just a thought take it or leave it. Lou, I dont think having Uranus conj Ascendnant is the main reason that you are attracting partners that are unstable, unless your Uranus is aspecting Venus. Its the ugly little duckling story. I also have Uranus and Neptune conjunct at 18.16(Uranus) and 18.26(Neptune) and conjunct my Nadir is at 16.49. The two of them always put their head first and fell too deep in love which makes me worried everytime. This is why I used the word internalized. I have Saturn conjunct my IC, Mars conjunct MC and Neptune is 8 degrees from my AC. I advise professional counsel. Fortunate Jupiter/ Mars 20 Cancer 27: Castor- Sudden fame or loss, distinction, keen mind, violence, mischief. Now i am in training to be a psychoanalyst and i hope this is a good way to express all this energy. It is a powerhouse and comes by it naturally. Im constantly hungry for ideas, novel ideas or ideas that upset established orders, or innovate ways of thinking that others often find uncomfortable. Very interesting. Venus and Mars are about the normal and the abnormal. Good Luck, Hi Grail! Sirius is about creating memories that live in the future. I have Sirius conjunct Descendant and identify as a Sirian. it is our quest is it not , Hello, Manda! This may be more so if the person rejects the 7th house energy and less of an issue if the person embraces it. [1], A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. If a malefic be with Scheat, death by fiery cutting weapons or from beasts. All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Sirius people live in the inbetweens. You can also subscribe without commenting. Your career will be unusual and unpredictable. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Hello Astromanda,I have Saturn conjunct DC in Aries,Neptune conjunct IC in Capri,oppositing Cancer MC.Indeed I often attract satunian people or feel isolated in sociaty.By the way,how to understand the Neptune conjunct IC aspect?Am I deeply sensitive and fantastic?Is it a challenging matter in career? Sorry Angela, I dont use parans, only conjunctions by longitude appear relevant to me. Everyone your age should have Sirius at 13 to 14 Cancer. = I think mine is expressed more as a need for glamour and imagination/creativity. I agree that Neptune is also about the virtual screen movies, photography, web designing, etc. As far as money goes, I play the lottery and win (mostly free plays, $10-20). Gauquelins research showed that area of 9th and 12th, which are close to the Midheaven and Ascendant respectively, are more powerful than the 10th and 1st. Probably Canopus? Or maybe is the opposition Uranus vs Lilith-Chiron . He showed the Mars was found significantly more in sectors around the angles in eminent athletes, and likewise Moon was found around the angles for writers, etc. American expansionism happens because America is a place that no one can really call home. Just curious. Lately someone I saw only 4 times said to me at our goodbye: Ill see you at nieuwsuur. Leorpio Knowflake . Poor Uranus and mars are a bit left out. Idk what it means but all Ive been feeling is torment, hello. It is said the head (Rahu) and Cori, usually Jupiter conjunct IC is fortunate as it shows some support fro, Hello Deb, the article was written by Keith Bound. M thanks for sharing very helpful and inspriting, Im interested in how you would weight planets that are closely aspecting angles, with aspects other than a conjunction. It can be a person who awakens your own kinesthetic ability, or who can help you take it to a new level. Fixed Star Charts & Reports. There would be a coldness towards the children with little or no emotional attachment. This is a personally busy time of year, when you feel energetic and enthusiastic. 41 people love it! Tejat Posterior Home was not stable. Its image is a hound or a little virgin. ty, I am curious a reply on this one as well , Hi Cheri ! Animated generally people who have planets near the angles have more intensity (internally or externally). Then got extremely anxious in my youth and now as a adolescent the feeling returns. That is quite true. And how can I look this up reliably, thanks! With Uranus and Neotune sits on MC, I have a hard time to find career which suits me best. I mean, the ruler of my 7th should be Mars, isnt it?