ACM FAccT uses a mutually anonymous review process. Classification models are often used to make decisions that affect humans: whether to approve a loan application, extend a job offer, or provide insurance. proceedings, if they are accepted. Ask yourself, Do the other reviewers' comments make sense?" As a multi-disciplinary peer-reviewed We unlock the potential of millions of people worldwide. You should NOT assume that you were assigned a representative sample of submissions, nor should you adjust your scores to match the overall conference acceptance rates. The second ensures that we are rigorous in our assessment, transparent in our decision-making, and investing in future submissions to ACM FAT* or associated conferences. Best can be defined in a variety of ways, including quality, clarity, originality, interdisciplinarity and significance. ACM FAccT 2022 [Distinguished Paper Award] (acceptance rate: 25%) D. Fu, L. Fang, R. Maciejewski, V. Tovik, and J. It is okay to be unavailable for part of the review process (e.g., on vacation for a few days), but if you will be unavailable for more than that -- especially during important windows (e.g., discussion, decision-making) -- you must let the Track Chairs know. The author responses are intended to allow the authors to concisely identify perceived mistakes of fact or reasoning in the reviews that foundationally affect the assessment about their work. this, If you want to use other tools, there are guidelines suggested in recent conferences, for instance see the. for other questions/comments, If the Optionally, authors can upload supplementary materials (e.g., anonymous review process. Once the peer-reviews are in, the Track Chair decides on whether or not the paper will receive a cross-disciplinary review based on its initial peer review score. In the case of CS or quantitative SH/Law, the work provides unique data, unique conclusions about existing data, and/or a unique theoretical or experimental approach. will appear in the published proceedings of the conference, if they are Peer-reviewing and cross-disciplinary reviewing should be centered around the following objectives. Providing thorough peer reviews/cross-reviews for the authors to. Pre-registration only requires that you "save a draft" of your submission. FAccT '23: 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency June 27 - 30, 2023 Chicago , IL , USA FAccT '23 website Bibliometrics Citation count 2,481 Downloads (6 weeks) 2,104 Downloads (12 months) 18,888 Downloads (cumulative) 84,968 Citation count 2,481 Downloads (6 weeks) 2,104 Downloads (12 months) 18,888 their paper is archival or non-archival. 9%! A variety of programs are available to embed captions into your videos. Papers that are neither in ACM format nor follow the simplified In industrial computer vision, discretionary decisions surrounding the production of image training data remain widely undocumented. practices, and policies. When discussing a submission, try to remember that different people have different backgrounds and different points of view. Although it is only in its fifth year, FAccT has rapidly become the premiere Coordinating with other reviewers and track chairs by, completing peer reviews/cross-reviews in a timely manner, and. that (1) describe experiments with users and/or deployed systems (e.g., A shepherd will be assigned to such submissions for the purpose of overseeing the revision process and confirming that the requested revisions are all carried out. Algorithmic oppression is then situated through a Black feminist lens part of which entails highlighting the double bind of technology. Please provide a Confidence Score between 1 and 5 for each submission, which concerns the level of confidence you have in your own expertise regarding the topic of the submission. For Think about the times when you received an unfair, unjustified, short, or dismissive review. Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT) for socio-tech- nicalsystemshasbeenathrivingareaofresearchinrecentyears.An ACM conference bearing the same name has been the central venue for scholars in this area to come together, provide peer feedback to one another, and publish their work. FAccT '23: 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency June 27 - 30, 2023 Chicago , IL , USA Ongoing work on public assistance for people experiencing homelessness, AI-assisted hiring, and strategies to tackle misinformation on social media. It will help authors by providing both clarity about the reasons for our decision and useful feedback about the strengths and weaknesses of their scholarship, which they can use to strengthen their work. Please upload only one document, appending any appendices or supplementary material to the end of the submission. deleted. Please describe and consider the strengths of the submission. The ACM Production System (or TAPS) allows ACM authors to deliver the LaTeX or Word source of their articles and generate high-quality PDF and HTML5 output, as well as XML, for storage and distribution through the ACM Digital Library. instance, citations to the authors' own prior work should be made in the For general conference information, see computing in particular. This process will enable the Program Chairs to better anticipate the submission load and to make necessary adjustments to the program committee. We will be aided in this ACM FAccT is committed to ensuring that no body is unable to present their work at the in-person conference due to resource constraints, and as such there is a substantial travel scholarship fund available to support in-person attendance. read the supplementary materials, so authors are encouraged to use them personal and professional concern, but also a perennial focus of FAccT Contact the Program Co-chairs: The conference organizers welcome your contributions and insights. Papers may also be formatted simply in two-column Please provide a Confidence Score between 1 and 5 for each submission, which concerns the level of confidence you have in your own expertise regarding the topic of the submission. The research has significance and insights relevant to practitioners, policy makers, or those beyond academia. Password It builds on the success of the 2020 conference held in Barelona, and is the first conference under the new name! For questions relating to the organization of the conference as a whole, contact under review at a journal, but which have not yet been published in that Strong work makes a contribution that his important to the FAccT academic field. Each paper will be allocated to *one* proceedings session during the conference, either as part of the in-person program in Seoul. Authors must omit their names and affiliations from submissions, and avoid obvious identifying statements. How should the ACM conference and as such, we will review papers in alignment with the Weve marked the sections of this document with . Note that submitting research for approval by each authors institutional ethics review body (IRB) may be necessary in some cases, but by itself may not be sufficient. statistics, law, social sciences, the humanities, and education. ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAccT) A computer science conference with a cross-disciplinary focus that brings together researchers and practitioners interested in fairness, accountability, and transparency in socio-technical systems. These include: compliance with applicable laws, respect for privacy, secure storage of sensitive data, voluntary and informed consent when appropriate, avoiding deceptive practices when not essential, beneficence (maximizing the benefits to an individual or to society while minimizing harm to the individual), risk mitigation, and post-hoc disclosure of audits. FAccT papers naturally differ in style and focus from the work featured at other venues. Authors must omit their names and affiliations from submissions, and avoid obvious identifying statements. The ACM Conference for Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency ( FAccT) has decided to suspend its sponsorship relationship with Google, conference sponsorship co-chair and Boise State. In-person proceedings sessions will take place between 1100 and 1800 KST. Videos will be manually reviewed before being posted to Hopin; videos without adequate captions or that present other serious accessibility concerns will be returned for revision. The discussion phase is especially important for borderline submissions and submissions where the reviewers assessments differ; most submissions fall into one or other of these categories, so please take this phase seriously. disclosure of audits. ACM ethics guidelines. discipline-specific journals. DO NOT talk to anyone about specific submissions, reviews, or discussions of papers that you reviewed after decisions have been announced. avoid influencing their evaluations. If you have thoughts and suggetions about this years conference, please fill out this form or be in touch by emailing the ACM FAccT 2021 General Co-chairs William Isaac, Madeleine Clare Elish, and Richard Zemel at Each paper will be peer reviewed by 3 reviewers of the own subdiscipline of the paper, and those papers that match a threshold in terms of high quality will subsequently be reviewed by one reviewer from a different discipline (a "cross-disciplinary review"): Peer reviews have different objectives from cross-disciplinary reviews, as the latter will not check the methodological integrity of the paper but the extent to which it takes into account the assumptions and/or implications that regard the other discipline. Submissions that have placeholder titles and abstracts (e.g., We show through theory and experiment that gradient-based explanations of a model quickly reveal the model itself. This years conference The Area Chairs and Program Chairs will interpret Overall Scores via the following scale: The focus here is whether the papers level of quality allows it to make a significant contribution to key conversations in FAccT related fields. After the submission is made, the Track Chair will send the paper to three peer reviewers. We formally show that through our conceptual mapping, many existing Data too sensitive to be "open" for analysis and re-purposing typically remains "closed" as proprietary information. previous years.) register for, (virtually) attend, and present the work at the conference conference, ACM FAccT requires a broad as well as deep set of expertise The Area Chairs and Program Chairs will interpret Overall Scores via the following scale: The focus here is whether the papers level of quality allows it to make a significant contribution to key conversations in FAccT related fields. On submission, authors may be FAccT papers naturally differ in style and focus from the work featured at other venues. The results or conclusions are important for the FAccT academic field. We trace how the notion of fairness has been defined within the A key goal of the fair-ML community is to develop machine-learning based systems that, once introduced into a social context, can achieve social and legal outcomes such as fairness, justice, and due process. If the reviewers do come to a consensus, the Program Chairs will take it seriously. Note that all submissions will have the same page length requirements and will be judged by the same quality standards, regardless of whether the authors choose the archival or non-archival option. Area chairs will oversee the reviewing process. Q&A will be live in both cases. Strong work cites relevant prior work, and makes clear how it relates to that work. He was elected an ACM Fellow in 2019. Aida Rahmattalabi, Phebe Vayanos, Kathryn Dullerud, and Eric Rice. For example, if using slides, bright white slide backgrounds can make text harder to read; choose an off-white or cream background instead. Archival and Non-archival Submissions. He is a recipient of the Best Paper Award at IEEE FOCS in 2005, the IBM Research Pat Goldberg Memorial Award in 2006, the Indian National Science Academy Young Scientist Award in 2011, and the Best Paper award at ACM FAccT in 2019. He. respond to initial reviews with a rebuttal. Regardless of norms in the home discipline and the choice to submit as archival or non-archival, papers submitted to FAccT are expected to be of publication-ready quality. IL , Reviewers and Area Chairs will be asked to review responses and consider updating their reviews in light of the provided information prior to final decisions. You will be asked to provide a Overall Score between 1 and 7 for each submission. Our results speak to a tension between the desire to keep a proprietary model secret and the ability to offer model explanations. The third annual ACM FAT* Conference brings together researchers and practitioners interested in fairness, accountability, and transparency in socio-technical systems. The research community is young but growing fast. Furthermore, reviewers will Submissions that have "placeholder" titles and abstracts (e.g., "TBA") or none at all at the abstract submission deadline may be deleted. One should be 3-4 minutes long. ACM FAccT (formerly known as ACM FAT*) solicits work [1] Although you may have the opportunity to review this rebuttal and revise your recommendation, generally speaking, your overall assessment should reflect on whether you believe the paper merits acceptance except for minor revisions. Thus, we seek an area and discipline-specific quality assessment for each submission. There are three main exceptions to this rule: Please contact for any Upon acceptance, the titles, authorship, and abstracts of accepted papers will be released. Note that submitting If you need to cite existing work to justify one of your comments, please be as precise as possible and give a complete citation. Optionally, authors can upload supplementary materials (e.g., appendices) with their submission, but reviewers will not be required to read the supplementary materials, so authors are encouraged to use them judiciously. Always be constructive and help the authors understand your viewpoint, without being dismissive. Authors can use their preferred tools to record videos. Archival papers Reviewers will be invited to The in-person conference will take place in the COEX exhibition centre in Seoul, South Korea on June 21-24 2022 Korea Standard Time (KST). Questions? Thanks for contributing to FAccT 22! Reviewer consensus is valuable, but it is not mandatory. It is in your best interest to provide your preferences during the bidding phase. If using LaTeX, please use the template given in sample-manuscript.tex when downloading the latest version of the ACM LaTeX documents. The Track Chairs and Program Chairs will interpret these scores via the following scale. . In a very limited number of cases where an otherwise excellent paper requires a significant but actionable revision, Program Chairs can select such submissions for shepherding. Archival vs. Non-archival Submissions ACM FAccT 2023 offers authors the choice of archival and non-archival paper submissions: They should be respected and taken into account, but their comments should not be confused with the peer review. When appropriate, authors are encouraged to Author rebuttals: (Please note, this is a different process than that of network information), must follow basic precepts of ethical research and This booth will collect all resources (pre-recorded videos, poster, the paper itself) associated with the paper to be accessed asynchronously by all registered members of the conference, who can leave questions and comments. submission. Stability against changes in data distribution is an important mandate for responsible deployment of models. If you have a question about the reviewing system, your primary point of contact should be the PC Chairs. The latest data we have shows there are 11,240 reviews in the system. while minimizing harm to the individual), risk mitigation, and post-hoc General Data Protection Regulation. In this case, the authors should not cite the report, so as to preserve anonymity. The results are well-grounded and conclusions avoid exaggerating the merits of the work.. accepted. About us. The authors are careful and transparent about evaluating both the strengths and weaknesses of their work. In keeping with our roots in computing, we appreciate both systems The Overall Score for each submission should reflect your assessment of the submissions contributions. Recently, social media sites like Facebook and Twitter have been severely criticized by policy makers, and media watchdog groups for allowing fake news stories to spread unchecked on their platforms.
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