He formed an alliance with the Scots and Picts and sent ships to plunder England, Scotland, Wales, and France. Mongfind, purporting to make peace between her brother and her sons, holds a feast, at which she serves Crimthann a poisoned drink. Abruptly, the tale then has Niall appearing before an assembly of Pictish bards in Scotland, where he is killed by an arrow shot by Eochaid from the other side of the valley. Niall releases Fiachrae, who becomes king of Connacht and Niall's right hand man. It is his (Niall's) family.". Perhaps more myth than man, Niall of the Nine Hostages is said to have been a King of Tara in northwestern Ireland in the late 4th century C.E. Copyright 2023 Irish Studio LLC All rights reserved. One of the first verifiable historical Irish leaders, Niall Nigiallach was king from about AD 400 to his death. Ruling from Tara, Niall's modus operandi for gaining dominance was taking Niall, who emerges carrying an anvil, is deemed greater than Brin, with a sledgehammer, Fiachrae with bellows and a pail of beer, Ailill with a chest of weapons, and Fergus with a bundle of wood. hostages from the family of neighbours and under-kings. They should really stop doing that, the Niall of the Nine Hostages haplogroup is actually R1b-L21 (M222) which is way downstream . Keating associates these raids with those mentioned by Gildas and Bede, and deduces that, since some Irish sources say Patrick was abducted from Brittany, that Niall's raids must have extended to continental Europe as well.[5]. and our Press J to jump to the feed. Niall, By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Over the generations, a genetic Niall Nogallach (pronounced[nil noilx]; Old Irish "having nine hostages"),[1] or Niall of the Nine Hostages, was a legendary, semi-historical Irish king who was the ancestor of the U Nill dynasties that dominated Ireland from the 6th to the 10th centuries. Editors note: This post has been edited to reflect changes to the 23andMe ancestry product. Mongfind refuses to accept the decision. His name comes from a tale of nine hostages that he held from the regions he ruled over. [4] Byrne, following James Carney, is a little more precise, dating his death to c. [10] nna's son Eochaid is named as Niall's killer in all sources, although the circumstances vary. Based on U Nill genealogies and the dates given for his supposed sons and grandsons, modern historians believe he is likely to have lived some 50 years later than the traditional dates, dying circa 450.[4]. Niall makes war in Europe as far as the Alps, and the Romans send an ambassador to parlay with him. September 10, 2020. Also known as Niall of the Nine Hostages.. Y-DNA Haplogroup R1b and Niall of the Nine Hostages: THE Cruachan an unknown number of generations from Conn Cadcathlach aka Conn of the Hundred 78-79 to conclude that the events of the later half of the 5th century have been extended backwards to accommodate as early a date as possible for the arrival of Saint Patrick, with the effect of pushing Niall back up to half a century. Battles, who may have lived in the middle of the 2nd century and was reputedly There is a similarity in both names that it is likely it is the same person. Niall succeeds to the High Kingship, and Brin becomes his second in command. In it, Eochaid Mugmedn, the High King of Ireland, had five sons: Four, Brin, Ailill, Fiachrae and Fergus, by his first wife Mongfind, sister of the king of Munster, Crimthann mac Fidaig; and a fifth, Niall, by his second wife Cairenn Chasdub, daughter of Sachell Balb, king of the Saxons. Scan this QR code to download the app now. She grants Niall not only water but the kingship for many generationstwenty-six of his descendants will be High Kings of Ireland. The saga "The Death of Niall of the Nine Hostages" says that he received five hostages from the five provinces of Ireland (Ulster, Connacht, Leinster, Munster and Meath), and one each from Scotland, the Saxons, the Britons and the Franks. Mongfind, purporting to make peace between her brother and her sons, holds a feast, at which she serves Crimthann a poisoned drink. fought his way to become King of Tara in the late 4th or early 5th century. The rise of the U Nill dynasties and their conquests in Ulster and Leinster are not reliably recorded and have been the subject of considerable study and attempts to reconstruct them. After this, Tara's importance appears to have declined.". Can I trust a Haplogroup from 23&Me? - WikiTree G2G In the Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. "Niall's ships brought many captives back to Ireland. II, The History of Ireland by Geoffrey Keating, "The Laud Genealogies and Tribal Histories", "A Y-Chromosome Signature of Hegemony in Gaelic Ireland. Niall is presumed, on the basis of the importance of his sons and grandsons, to have been a historical person, [2] :70 but the early Irish annals say little about him. 4) [S10166] "Possible parents of Naill by Brian Tompsett 23 November 1997". became High King. [7], This "loathly lady" motif appears in myth and folklore throughout the world. Legend has it that it was Niall of the Nine Hostages who, on a raid in Wales, captured a young slave and brought him to Ireland. Niall reigned for twenty-seven years before being killed by the arrow of a rival, Eochaida, the deposed king of Leinster. She gives birth as she is drawing water, but out of fear of Mongfind, she leaves the child on the ground, exposed to the birds. Brin defeats Fiachrae and hands him over as a prisoner to Niall, but Fiachrae's son Nath continues the war and eventually kills Brin. distinguish one line of DNA from another. [3] Laidchenn responds by satirising Leinster so that no corn, grass or leaves grow there for a year. [25] Indeed, more recent estimates indicate that the R1b-M222 subclade marked by the Moore et al. Lots of the Irish nobility fled to Spain and then on to Rome in the early 1600s. [2] A poem by the 11th-century poet Cined Ua Hartacin in the Book of Leinster credits Niall with seven raids on Britain, on the last of which he was killed by Eochaid "above the surf of the Ictian Sea";[2][13] a poem attributed to the same poet in Lebor na hUidre credits him with going to the Alps seven times. Variations of this story are told of the earlier Irish high king Lugaid Logde, in Arthurian legend one of the most famous versions appears in both Geoffrey Chaucer's The Wife of Bath's Tale and the related Gawain romance, The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell and in John Gower's Middle English poem Confessio Amantis. the modern surnames associated with the Ui Neill include (with or without the O Three of Niall was famed for his raids on Britain along with his brothers and sons. These sources date from long after Niall's time and they have little to no value as history. Crimthann refuses to drink it unless she does too; they both drink, and both die. Niall of the Nine Hostages was around 50+ generations ago. When Niall grows up he returns to Tara and rescues his mother from her labour. In it, Eochaid Mugmedn, the High King of Ireland, has five sons, four, Brin, Ailill, Fiachrae and Fergus, by his first wife Mongfind, sister of the king of Munster, Crimthann mac Fidaig, and a fifth, Niall, by his second wife Cairenn Chasdub, daughter of Sachell Balb, king of the Saxons. This "loathly lady" motif appears in myth and folklore throughout the world. Home - Niall of the Nine Hostages - hughmckenna.org absence of a DNA sample direct from the man himself, Trinity's team of Ireland, carry a specific Y-DNA pattern called the M222 sub-clade. [14], There are various versions of how Niall gained his epithet Nogallach. Privacy Policy. Fiachrae is granted a minor royal line - two of his descendants, Nath and Ailill Molt, will be High Kings. In addition to the 100 participants, famous Irish names also participated including former Taoiseach [Prime Minister] of Ireland Enda Kenny and former Minister of State Michael Ring. He then kills Laidchenn by throwing a stone which lodges in his forehead. In January 2006, geneticists at Trinity College, Dublin suggested that Niall may have been the most fecund male in Irish history. Abruptly, the tale then has Niall appearing before an assembly of Pictish bards in Scotland, where he is killed by an arrow shot by Eochaid from the other side of the valley. France, killed on the banks of River Loire. Brin rules the province of Connacht, but Fiachrae makes war against him. prevalent in the genes of men with surnames that have long been linked to When he had reached budding manhood, Torna brought him back to court to take his rightful place - much to his father's joy. Hughes says "Niall himself must have died not before the middle of the fifth century". A fourth son by another wife was the warrior, Niall Noigiallach (Niall of the Nine Hostages). the right to found a royal line elsewhere in Ireland. County Mayo residents were fascinated to learn that there is Viking DNA in their makeup, a fact . McEvoy states: "As in other polygynous societies, the siring of offspring was related to power and prestige." [4]:7678[8]:220 Niall is placed in the traditional list of High Kings of Ireland. His reign dated to the late 4th and early 5th centuries. It turns out that maternal and paternal lines can offer some clues about Irish ancestry. [3 ] Mongfind appears to have been a supernatural personage: the saga "The Death of Crimthann mac Fidaig" says the festival of Samhain was commonly called the "Festival of Mongfind", and prayers were offered to her on Samhain eve. Birth of Conall Gulban mac Nill, King of Tirconal, Birth of Cairbre mac Nill, High King of Ireland, 126th HIgh KIng of Ireland, Greatest High King of Ireland, aka Nial Mor NAOIGHIALLACH `of the Nine Hostages'; 1st King (but reckoned 126th MONARCH) of IRELAND; conquered nine countries (incl. [3] These sons are the eponymous ancestors of the various U Nill dynasties: Egan of the Cenl nEgain and Conall Gulban of the Cenl Conaill, making up the northern U Nill; Fiachu of the Cenl Fiachach dynasty, Legaire (the king who Saint Patrick is said to have converted) of the Cenl Legaire, Maine of the U Maine, Egan of the Cenl nEgain, Conall Gulban of the Cenl Conaill, Conall Cremthainne of the Clann Cholmin and the Sl nedo Sline, and Coirpre of the Cenl Coirpri, making up the southern U Nill.
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