Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. Prayer reminds you of how smoking affects other people. Prayers for Quitting Smoking - Knowing Jesus Amen. Pray for your husbands career. We complement each other. Father, I nullify the stronghold of every unclean spirit holding my husband bound to smoking, in the name of Jesus. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Praying can help you cope better with the anger, physical pain, and frustration you may feel when youre quitting. Praying over your husband is a beautiful way to honor God and bless your marriage. Lord Jesus, I pray that by your mercy, you will cause marijuana, cigarettes, weed, and any form of drugs into poison to my son. You can also use prayer to remind you of the good habits you want to form during your recovery instead of focusing on what youre struggling with or how much you miss smoking. 5. Also, most of them had great potentials for life before they started smoking. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. Exercise is a good way to start, so you should try starting with walking or running every day if its too hard doing intense workouts right away. Amen. Pray to build him up. Proverbs 22:29 CSB, Father, I praise You for my husband, Your unique creation. I trust that You will lead in his hand and heart in our relationship, his work, our home, community and church., Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask Godwho gives to all generously and ungrudginglyand it will be given to him. I Started Smoking for My Husband Years Ago: How Do I Quit This Addiction? That includes struggles that cause strain on your marriage. 2. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Yes! Protect him from temptation and fill him up with the good things he needs. Father, by your grace , help my husband and make a way of escape for him to stop smoking, in Jesus name. Im losing my husband to [name it anger, lack of trust, alcohol/drugs, his job, another woman, a hobby, etc]. May he seek to love You and trust You with everything he has and is. James 1:5 CSB, Lord, money yields the greatest potential to cause problems in a home. You stop thinking about everything else going on in your life when you pray, which can be especially helpful when youre trying to break an addiction. Please guard his heart and mind, Jesus. Today we will be dealing with a prayer for the husband to stop smoking. Despite the health institution warning that smokers are expected to die young, it is still a thing of amazement to me that many young men are still caught in the book of smoking. Similarly, if youd like to eat healthier or lose weight but dont know where to begin, you can ask God each day for the strength and support you need to make healthy choices. I pray Lord Jesus, that you will send him help. (1 Corinthians 2:16, 2 Corinthians 10:5), Father, open the eyes of my husband's heart to understand Your Word, so that he won't be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of his mind so that he may know Your good, acceptable and perfect will for his life and our marriage. Bless and establish the work of his hands and his heart. without a trace of . Smokers become addicted to nicotine quickly. I pray that by your mercies you will take away the pleasure that my husband gets from smoking weeds, marijuana, or cigarettes in the name of Jesus. Can you combine prayer and hypnosis to stop smoking? This means that the man could be very violent in the house and when a man is violent in the house, the house becomes very uncomfortable for every other. The scripture says that God has the heart of man and kings and He directs it like the flow of waters. Help me be compassionate and forgiving just like you. Check out these 10 prayers to pray over your husband using Gods Word. Is it affordable? Would you help my husbands parenting to reflect You? Holy Spirit of the Living God, I ask that You convict my husband of his commitment to me. However, if the man should show some laxity in his position as head of the family, it is in the hands of the woman to stand in the gap in prayers for the man of the house. Father, make your grace sufficient for my husband, that your power rests upon him and cause him to defile the spirit of smoking and stop it, in the name of Jesus. When the weight of the world seems to be on his shoulders, pray for him. Do you seek prayers for a relative who seems to be addicted to smoking? Yet we cant move forward, and we refuse to go backward. Help me become the loving wife Im called to be and open his heart to find the love he once had for me. Christian's Prayer To Quit Smoking Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus, my Saviour and I thank You that He died to pay the price for my sins and to set me free from the power of sin and death. Help me be a wife that can show him the way through my good example. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Learn how your comment data is processed. Father, restore and heal my husbands body and all his vital organs from every health risk of smoking, in the name of Jesus. Lord, I know that I am not condemned because of my smoking, nevertheless it is a habit that I truly want to break and have come to You to pray that You would give me Your grace and strength to help in this time of my need.Lord, Your Word says that I can do all things through Christ Who gives me the strength, and I pray that You would indeed give me the strength to completely stop smoking and also to remove the desire that I have to light up. Lord, I pray you will cleanse him from this addiction that's hurting our marriage and our family. Thank you for praying for me. Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. NRTs come in many forms, including gum, patches, nasal sprays and e-cigarettes. As a spiritual leader, I have counseled and prayed with so many parents whose sons are a heavy smoker of cigarettes, marijuana, cannabis, and all sought of hard drugs. Prayer helps you stay committed throughout your recovery, so its easier to stay smoke-free. Lord, my husband is a good man and you know his worth, but he doesnt. Will you renew his spirit with your own? Prayer To Quit Smoking | Stop Smoking Prayer That Works sure to SUBSCRIBE (click the bell ) to catch all the latest. Similar thoughts will likely come up during your prayers if you have close friends and family members you love who you dont want to harm by smoking. Father, every spirit of smoking transmitted into my husband to smoke without ceasing, I send the holy ghost fire upon them, in the name of Jesus. Please Lord I put all my faith and pray to have this divorced stopped and let the family my wife and boys show there love and support for me to be in the family and for . May Your healing permeate his being, inside and out., Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me, and I will be saved, for you are my praise. Lord I ask for your grace to stop smoking ease help me Lord in Jesus name, Lord please take away from me permanently, the urge to smoke, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Lord I ask that you help me stand strong by your grace in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Father please deliver me from every spirit behind smoking in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I decree total separation from every bad association I have joined in time past in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Lord please help me to remain in your fear all day long, that I may continuously do your will in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I frustrate every plan of the enemy to make me useless in life and destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. His career is the way he is able to accomplish that task. That is why this prayer guide is very important to your family if your husband smokes. The last thing you want is an interaction between your quit-smoking aid and other medications you are currently using (e.g., antidepressants). Spirits of addiction to tobacco, you have to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. When youre addicted to smoking, you might not think much about how your habit affects other people. Addiction to smoking you have to go, I am no longer in agreement with you. Please break the chains of addiction and set him free. You also might feel an intense craving for nicotine when you see other people lighting up around you or smell that iconic cigarette odor wafting in the air. Lord, the type of separation that happened between Abraham and Lot, I pray that type of separation happens between him and all his bad friends in the name of Jesus. Father, destroy every spirit of anger, anxiety, fear, negative reports and undue pressure that triggers my husband to smoke, in the name of Jesus. [2022 Updated]. Dear Heavenly Father, please lead my husband to a career that will support us financially and that glorifies You. Father Lord, you said in your word that children are the heritage of God, Lord I pray that you will rescue my son from the demon of smoking in the name of Jesus. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. It doesn't benefit me financially, physically, emotionally or spiritually so I pray that You hear my cry and deliver me from this unhealthy addiction. Hail Mary . Alcohol is a depressant and not only can it make you crave cigarettes but it may even lead you back to smoking after youve already quit! Jeremiah 17:14 CSB, Lord, You are gracious and merciful, yet You are all-powerful and understanding. Please give my husband wisdom as he seeks to honor You with finances. Amen. May the love we have for each other be an example to the world of how You love them and gave Your life for them. Dear Jesus, You showed us what living a life pleasing to God looks like through Your own earthly life. Father, I ask that you give me the words and the scripture my husband needs to recover from his addiction. Ephesians 5:31 NIV. When you quit smoking, you will be exposed to many stressors that may trigger your cravings for cigarettes (e.g., driving in traffic). Lord, please smooth the scars of past hurts and brokenness. I prophesy that your husband and smoking are separated in the name of Jesus. Prayer for quit smoking. The friends that corrupt him absolutely, I pray that you will separate them today in the name of Jesus. Click this link to join Now, . When your husband is trying to quit smoking and drinking, here are 10 ways you can support him: 1. I praise You for his personality and pray for purposeful conversations in our marriage., No foul language should come from your mouth, but only what is good for building up someone in need, so that it gives grace to those who hear.
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