You have not provided us with the correct value within the VPSTxId field. There is a problem with the details that have been supplied. The Card Range not supported by the system. Your transaction registration POST must contain an Amount field specifying the total value of the transaction that needs to be authorised. The Authorisation process timed-out. The ReleaseAmount value must also be less than or equal to the amount of the original Deferred transaction in which you are attempting to perform the Release. Can I tell police to wait and call a lawyer when served with a search warrant? It should contain no more than 40 characters consisting only of letters and numbers matching the value passed for the original transaction. This is a required field and needs to be sent with every transaction you register with Sage Pay. You will receive this error if the VendorTxCode you have used for a new transaction registration matches that of a previously successful transaction against your account. Everything worked as expected and a new resource has been created. The storetoken value is invalid, If a value is supplied, should contain either 0 or 1. The Transaction type does not support the requested operation. Thereafter, find BIOS Mode to check whether your Graphics Card supports UEFI, EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface), or BIOS. After each of the following steps, check to see if the issue is resolved: Ensure that your console has the latest system update installed. The only way to prevent this from happening, would be to remove or relax your current rulebase, however this would apply to all your transactions. If you receive this error, then the Vendor account has not been successfully set up on the Sage Pay servers. You will need to check that this field is sending the correct reference. Perform the steps mentioned below and see if it helps. VOID operation is not supported for PAYPAL transaction. You are attempting to POST data to a Sage Pay Service that does not exist or is not currently available. The currency field will dictate what currency is being processed through your Sage Pay account and must be included in the post. Requested Range Not Satisfiable : The request included a Range request-header field, and none of the range-specifier values in this field overlap the current extent of the selected resource, and also the request did not include an If-Range request-header. Unfortunately, we are unable to authorise your transactions as the network connection to the bank is currently unavailable. You will need to contact Sage Pay support once you have confirmed the URL that you are attempting to contact. You will need to enter the name of the credit or debit card holder in the Card Holder box provided on the payment page. The message POSTed to the Sage Pay system was of an invalid type. You will need to ensure that the address to which the card being used is registered is entered within the edit box on the payment page. Your system should be storing this information and be retrieving it from your database when performing the above actions. If you are attempting to perform these functions automatically (i.e you are performing any of the above outside of the My Sage Pay admin area) then you will need to submit the VPSTxId of the original transaction in a field called RelatedVPSTxId. A surreal understated experience about loss and finding new life inspired by real-life experiences. The syntax of the request was not understood by the server. Unfortunately there is no way o reverse a voided transaction and if you need to take the payment again, you will need to put through a new payment transaction. If this error message has only appeared on one transaction, then please retry the transaction again. Unfortunately, you will not be able to perform a REFUND against this transaction as it has been fully refunded already. The primary admin user cannot be deleted. You will need to check your code to ensure that you are providing the VPS Vendor Name supplied by Sage Pay during your application process. There is no issue with the payment process as this would have be caused by the customer clicking on the Cancel button on the payment page. It is likely that you are submitting several email addresses which is therefore generating this system message. Please check our system monitor page to ensure there are no current issues and that our servers are processing transactions as normal. Provided vendor name does not exist in the system. You will need to use the previous card if this was a replacement card issued by your card-issuing bank. Unable to find the transaction for the or supplied. Please email with this error. This will either be one or two digits long and if any additional characters or digits are entered you will be presented with this error message. The payment will now appear as a failed transaction. The ReleaseAmount field must be less than or equal to the amount of the original Deferred transaction that you are attempting to Release. You must check your code to ensure that you are posting a unique VendorTxCode for each new transaction. You will need to ensure that the Amount field value which you are submitting is between 0.01 to 100000.00 or equivalent for other currencies. Gateway Timeout : The upstream server failed to send a request in the time allowed by the server. The Authorisation has been declined by the bank. The user must have access to the specified . The TxType field should always contain the type of transaction request that you are wishing to perform including values such as PAYMENT, DEFERRED, AUTHENTICATED, REFUND etc. The CardNumber field provided does not contain a valid card number and may contain characters other than numbers such as letters. Surcharge not allowed on this payment system. 4021 : The Card Range not supported by the system. Your POST has a Currency value that does not support minor units, but your Amount field has a decimal point in it. Sexta, 26 de novembro de 2021 This system messgae is generated when the currency you have selected in your POST does not support minor currency units. The VPSTxId uniquely identifies the original transaction which you are attempting to REFUND, REPEAT or AUTHORISE through the Sage Pay system. This is an important field as it allows us to identify and process the transaction through your account. "After the incident", I started to be more careful not to trip over things. Please ensure that you only use a fully qualified URL. The SecurityKey value should contain 10 alphanumeric characters and you must always pass this value within the RelatedSecurityKey field when posting your transaction registration over to Sage Pay. Some debit cards require a PIN to be entered. The ApplyAVSCV2 flag is invalid. This error message will be displayed when you have failed to be authenticated through 3D-Secure and the card provided will not allow you to proceed until this has been passed. You will need to ensure that your code is sending the customer's cardholder address to where the card is registered in the BillingAddress field. Your transaction has been successfully Voided and will not be sent for settlement at the end of the day. All previous AUTHORISE requests in total must not exceed the 115% value and any further AUTHORISE requests will be denied if they exceed the maximum limit. You will only ever be required to provide us with the large numbers situated on the front of the customer's card and you will need to ensure that there are no spaces or hyphens being used as separator characters when providing us with this value. The latter rulebase is set up as default on all Sage Pay accounts. The Vendor or VendorName value is required. The amount you are trying to AUTHORISE would exceed that value, so the authorisation is being denied. Every transaction registration that is sent over to the Sage Pay systems must have its own unique VendorTxCode. The DeliveryPostCode field, if provided, can only contain a maximum of up to 10 characters. The server received an invalid response from the upstream server while trying to fulfil the request. You will also need to check your code to ensure that your test and live Form encryption passwords are case-sensitive and in the exact same format with no spaces before or after them. There are no card details registered for the token. Initialise the console without deleting save data. The RelatedVendorTxCode should always contain the original VendorTxCode of the original transaction against which you are attempting to perform your REFUND, REPEAT or AUTHORISE. If the card holder's name is longer than that, just send the first 50 characters in your POST. The Success URL value will need to be provided within your crypt string when posting your transaction registration. The only exceptions that can be provided as characters along with letters and numbers are hyphens(-), underscores (_) or full stops(.). If you do, then the payment page will display the relevant text to provide the shopper with the option to allow GiftAid to be applied. The DeliveryFirstnames value is Too long. The VendorTxCode has been used before. Transaction is not allowed without 3D secure authentication. No spaces, hyphens or other characters or separators. All issue numbers must be entered exactly as they appear on the card, without spaces (either 1 or 2 digits). You will need to check your card, and if it has expired, you will need to destroy the card and use a different card type for the transaction. Check your code to ensure you are checking the validity of all CV2 numbers entered on your site before forwarding them to Sagepay. Please contact if you need this reset. Please try a different card. The request to ABORT a deferred transaction was successful. The RelatedVendorTxCode does not match the original transaction. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. The Card Range requires 3D-Authentication, its not supported by the vendor. The AccountType field can only contain the following values: E for e-commerce, M for MOTO or C for Continuous Authority Any other values will generate this system message. If your post code is longer than 10 characters then please just enter the first 10 characters in order to continue. You are attempting to POST a transaction to Sage Pay using a Vendor account that has been closed. All VendorTxCodes must be unique. The card is a Visa Electron or pre-paid Visa Debit card. The solution is just steps away! Styling contours by colour and by line thickness in QGIS. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. You will need to check your code to confirm that you are sending numbers only and only the large numbers presented on the front of the card with no separator characters (such as spaces or hyphens). This Surcharge already exists (paymentsystem and currency combination). If you have not been able to obtain a successful authorisation after the third attempt, the Sage Pay system will cancel your transaction and present you with this error message. and cannot be the same. The ephemeral port range depends on the server operating system that the client operating system is connected to. The Authorisation was Declined by the bank. Surcharge value for percentage cannot be greater than 100. Does it have cross-border restrictions? You will need to check your code to ensure that you are providing us with a Billing Address field confirming the customer's cardholder address to where the card is registered. The amount value is invalid, this value must be no more than + or - 15% of the original value. If this is correct, then the card is not yet valid and must not be used and you will need to use your previous card if this was a replacement card issued by your bank. Cannot authorise this card. Specified already exists. Open the Run Dialog Box by pressing the Windows + R button of your device keyboard, type msinfo32 on the Dialog Box and press enter to open the System Information window of your device. This system message is generated if the amount field contains any other characters than numerics or is not correctly formatted to the correct number of decimal places for the specified currency. Incorrect Percentage value entered. The card number you have entered is not supported as a card type on the Opayo system. You must check your code to ensure that you only use a fully qualified URL. The card scheme requires you to pass the 3D-Authentication process in order to proceed with your payment. A valid value is required,this must be value between 0 and 100000.00. No successful transaction found within this duration. Select Device Manager in the results and when it loads expand the Display Adapters node. The Delivery Phone contains invalid characters. The network connection to the bank is currently unavailable. The PayPal billing agreement was not accepted or failed. The payment can now be authorised and sent for settlement. The following currency code(s) are either not valid or not supported:. The AuthCode field supplied in a Manual transaction registration can only contain 15 characters or less. You will need to check your code to confirm that you are posting one of the following three values only: E for e-commerce, M for MOTO or C for Continuous Authority. The supplied is not available on any merchant accounts associated with this vendor account. The MM and YY values should also be valid month and year numerics, for example the MM values should only ever be between 00 and 12 and the YY values should only ever be between 00 and 99. This is a standard HTTP Error. The ApplyAVSCV2 field can only ever contain the following four values : 0: Use the Default setting on your account 1: Force the AVS/CV2 checks and use the appropriate rules 2: Force No Checks for this transaction and ignore the rules 3: Force the AVS/CV2 checks but DO NOT wish to apply rules. Please check with our support team if you are uncertain which cards your account has been set up with. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Simulator cannot find your vendor name in its database. You will be able to locate the required Protocol and Integration guidelines for each solution under the Downloads section on the Sage Pay support web site. If any other characters or digits are entered then this error message will be displayed. Exiting. The card number that you have entered on the payment pages is not a valid card type. Thank you for your reply. 3D-Authentication failed. Currency fields should contain 3-letter ISO 4217 codes e.g. Please check and retry. For example if your currency is GBP, the Amount field value can be sent as 123.45, 4567.89, 0.36, 12.30 but not as 123.456, 4,567.89, .36 or 12.3. If you are providing a value which has more that 200 characters then you will receive this system message. Alongside this the error can be caused by the card number being entered incorrectly thus creating a completely new card number that is recognised or registered as a range. The CV2 value can be found of the back of the signature strip for most card types and will consist of three digits whereas an American Express card type will consist of four digits and this will be situated on the front of the card. GBP for UK Sterling, USD for U.S Dollars. The related transaction that you are attempting to send a RELEASE or ABORT POST to is not a DEFERRED transaction. Similar results when you try and use an active card on the test.sagepay. Client IP address is restricted by the vendor. You are not passing the currency field through with your transaction. You will need to check your code to ensure you are submitting the correct value. The deferred transaction has been successully released and will be sent for settlement. It would only be generated if you have integrated using the Direct method as this field indicates the type of card (Visa, Mastercard etc.) The TxType field determines how the transaction will be processed by the Sage Pay system. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. The server has refused to fulfill the request. Invalid request. The ReleaseAmount field must be a valid amount, formatted to the correct number of decimal places for the chosen currency, AND must be less than or equal to the amount of the original Deferred transaction that you are attempting to Release. The VendorName will be upto 16 characters or less and will only contain letters and numbers but no spaces or unusual characters. A credit or debit card number must be entered in the card number box provided on the payment screens. This system message would only be generated if you are using the Direct integration method and the issue number field which you are submitting to us is incorrect. Please select the card type you would like to use for the transaction. You will also need to send only the large card numbers that are being displayed on the front of the customers card within this field. Some cards have restrictions on cross-border usage. You are receiving this system message because your transaction does not include the TxType field when being posted to Sage Pay. The StartDate is in the future. The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. Moonrise Fall is a brain teaser-filled world mixed with classic adventuring, exploration, and collecting. The given vendorsurcharge cannot be found. 123.456 instead of 123.46, then you will receive this system message. The Card Range not supported by the system. The TxType requested is not supported on this account. You are therefore unable to perform any further refunds against the original transaction. Start Row and End Row range too large. Please check your code to ensure that you are providing a unique identifier that does not contain more than the maximum number of characters and that there are no unacceptable characters being provided. This will always be 16 characters or less, and only contain letters and numbers with no spaces or unusual characters. When using the Form solution you will need to provide us with a Success URL field containing a Fully Qualified Domain Name pointing to the externally visible page on your site to which customers are returned if a transaction completes.
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